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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem5 years ago

I'm with @simplymike on this one. The most abused area, or on topic I should say, is in the area of Photography. I've seen some very beautiful posts where I seen downvotes by the SAME name or group of names (I've been noticing 3 of the SAME names) that have been just RANDOMLY picking out posts and downvoting them with NO REASON left by the downvoter in the comments on WHY the post deserves to be downvoted. If we are going to use downvoting legitimately, then I think EACH downvote should be REQUIRED to list a REASON for downvote in the comments to HELP the person whose post got downvoted to improve their content in the future here on Steemit.

Posted using Partiko Android


Agree 100%, all downvotes need to have a qualifying reason for the downvote. even if it is the snarky downvoted for excessive reward. That way normal users can see and decide what to do about the downvoter.

If a bot can leave a stupid I upvoted your post comment then it can leave a I downvoted your post comment, just as easily.

I once suggested that all down votes should require a comment as to why they felt it needed to be flagged so abusers who made that post the community could downvote them if they have seen that as abuse.

Also, it would spark up a conversation as well in which people could communicate.

It could if it wasn't for the retaliation culture on this platform. Just try giving some token 1% dust sized down vote to a few posts and see how many 100% full sized retaliation down votes you get in return. No comments means no handles for retaliation.

No comments means the ability to create a lot of bots or to increase the size of a bot army, just for the simple purpose of downvoting. Will it happen, no one really knows, does it happen on youtube, facebook, twitter, and other sites? yes.

Will the annoying little rep25 continue to downvote, yes, if they had to leave a comment would they continue to downvote yes. The serial downvoters will take full advatage of any advatage they are given.

They will no doubt get their increase in downvote activity, will it have any different effect than it does now, not likely. Are the large stake holders going to do any downvoting? not likely. So net change, advantage serial troll flaggers.

Are the large stake holders going to do any downvoting? not likely.

Maybe on trending, or against each other, but that's probably as far as that goes.

This is the reason I don't downvote as sooner or later I will have my account destroyed in retaliation if I did. I'd like to see that change, anonymous downvoting maybe?

Well, nothing would more encourage malicious downvoters than anonymity. At least visible sourcing allows the social stigma to discourage folks that would otherwise downvote. It's kind of a toss up.

Profit maximizing is so big that some people get mad if you give them (snipe them, rather) with a 1% vote.

....I should also add, If there could be a way, I think the community should have a right to "downvote" the downvote if the community believes that the downvote was unfair and unjustified... maybe there could be some sort of an appeals process to a curating team.

Posted using Partiko Android

Everyone can downvote freely, and no one should agree or disagree to that person's reasons. Now if you are receiving the downvote, and you know you've done nothing bad, than that sucks. But nothing can prevent abuse, without actually removing your freedom to downvote.

IIRC, it was @dan's idea to implement somthing like that, and it not being adopted was why he left. I am sure there were other contributing factors.

No reason left is probably because of the retaliation culture or because the owner of the post isn't the target, but the owner of some bid not used was.

I've run a test once doing 1% dust sized downvotes on posts upvotes by a bid not. Got me quite some 100% retaliation down votes.

I'm all for down votes as way to curate and attenuate bid bots, but the retaliation culture on here is truly ruining the idea.

downvoted because "felt like it"

If my DV was worth 0.0001$ would you care to read why?

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