When I see comments but no upvotes + self voting. *FACEPALM*

in #steem6 years ago

Kinda is like okay... you just want the exposure.

I am unsure why someone would take the time to comment and read the article and tell me what an awesome job I am doing. Yet they don't take the tenth of a second it takes to click the upvote button.

I pretty much ignore comments from people who upvote them self but don't upvote the main post.

Even when I am reading other people's content I find it silly to see all the SPAMMMMM posts that upvote themselves and then don't upvote the main post.

Sure, you may think your vote doesn't matter... but it does.

Not only does you vote matter, but if you don't vote... you really aren't helping or supporting the poster.

(If those are your comments... don't be offended. Just be real.)

Comments... comments, comments, comments.

Dear gawd... if I have to read one more comment telling me:

"How post awesome you am write great. Upvote and follow me please!!!"

I think I might just downvote them.

Honestly, I love seeing all the comments...

... but when I see all these nice comments and then see no upvotes. It makes me sad. Then it makes me angry when I see they upvoted themselves but they didn't upvote me or the poster if I am reading someone else's post.

Maybe people think that by being shallow there will be more water for everyone.

No, there will be no water... just mud. That mud is really poop. Welcome to the toilet of insincerity.


You have a point, as you upvote comments so should people try and upvote your article. But maybe some if not most have a very low SP like me and there vote might not make a difference. Just saying

Votes ALWAYS make a difference. Revenue isn't the only thing that votes do.

If you get a certain amount of votes within a certain amount of time you can be listed on the "HOT" page. And there are other ways to reach different parts of Steemit if you have certain votes with a certain power amount and what not.

Now, I don't care if someone votes me 1%, 99% or 100%. I care they voted.

Comments, I love and honestly I like them more than votes. I just like the results/revenue from the votes I get.... but the comments keep me connected to the community. :D YOU GUYS!

If you think SP doesn't matter.... or if they don't either... then why do they upvote themselves?

Hahahaha, my friend @timbo this people will not kill someone. Funny thing Is, they upvote their comments to the top so they can get visibility and be upvoted but they won't even share the little stake they have with others. So sad at people's greed and selfishness.

It is the truth. People use what they have for themselves and seem to forget about everyone else around them.

Every one busy for get upvote but they forget the most important part, these post also deserve their upvote. whatever they have SP or not but must they need to upvote the main post before commenting.

haha! true fact dear @timbo. peoples are selfish! but i'm good girl dear :p

I don’t think all the com mentors are real people brother

Probably not. Seems like bots are everywhere.

greedy people everywhere

Tis the truth brotha. I mean at least the comments give me something to read. :P

Good point @timbo. I totally agree with you. maximum people do that, upvote them comments but not the main post. sometimes meh also do that! lol!

Yea, drives me nuts. I wish people would just stop being to selfish. :P

Some people just dont have the right knowledge, lol, dont be upset

Meh, not really upset. Was just laughing at the face that 10 of my posts in the past week have 30+ Comments and less than 15 votes. A lot of my posts even have less than 50% vote/comment ratio.

Pshh, I have yet to withdraw a single dime from this website and am unsure if I ever will. :D

Thanks for the self check. A lot of people don't have the right knowledge, so maybe this will help them.

You really haven’t taken anything?that’s amazing. You see all these talks touched me and I believe I’ve only been doing it for faster exposure. I think I worth nothing and I deduced the upvote on comments gives more exposure and I resolved to making use of it that way. I feel so bad right now reading this post

Don't get down, get real. Comment where you want. Yet don't do it for exposure. Do it to have a connection.

Don't vote your own post because you want it seen at the top... because you are probably doing more harm than good. When people see a post at the top and it only has an upvote from the author. The only thing you are doing is robbing someone else of the top spot and killing the reader from continuing to read more comments.

A lot of my posts even have less than 50% vote/comment ratio

I get you

Pshh, I have yet to withdraw a single dime from this website and am unsure if I ever will. :D

Wow i think youre just awesome

You are welcome, yes it sure should
Take care

Thank you very much, it is good to have people believe in me and support me. :D

What a really toilet of insincerity!

Upvote is neccessary not matter how much cent it amount, it is a show of appreciation to the poster

This self-upvoting comments (and nobody else) shit is fucking ridiculous.

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