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RE: Potential problems with App beneficiaries

in #steem6 years ago

When the delegation is pulled then you will probably see people move back to Youtube. As long as the video isn't being censored, you can post a video even if it's no monetized. Then you post the link for that on Steemit and you can still get some amount of monetization of your content.

I've also heard about content producers not liking the fact that you can only get paid for seven days with Dtube. If you have a big enough following on Youtube that you're allowed to monetize, you can make money indefinitely on the video. It's tough because I want to root for Dtube, but I don't know that it solves the problems of Youtube other than the censorship issue. That might be enough of a solution for some, but for the ones that are trying to make a living off videos, I don't see them converting.


I've also heard about content producers not liking the fact that you can only get paid for seven days with Dtube.

This will likely change through SMTs as they can operate off the chain to some degree.

Ahhh, that will be an interesting change. If the SMT has enough of a following on its own, then authors might not care if they get Steem. As long as they're getting paid somehow, it might be enough to keep them.

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