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RE: Saturday Rant!!! (Don't worry, if you miss this one, there will be more)

in #steem6 years ago

I do follow him, but had been too busy ranting to read his article. I just read it and I think that it's inspired. I wouldn't bet against him, and I think that's the direction that we should be going.

I think there's a general air of superiority from some of those who have been around longer, or who know the inner-workings of Steem better than the average person. They also seem to be louder voices or larger personalities.

Like you, I like information. I like having a basis for my evaluation. Then I can make an informed decision, not just a wild shot in the dark. (It's illegal to hunt in the dark, isn't it?)

At this point, I don't think Steemit (or Busy or anything on the Steem blockchain) will actually be what makes it big. I think that Steem will be the long-term equivalent of AOL. It was sort of what started the whole thing, but now we've moved on to better since AOL wouldn't adapt, wouldn't listen to the customers' needs.

I'm not bailing or jumping ship, I'm just saying that I believe there's still a short window in which Steem can turn things around... but they're going to have to make changes. If those improvements aren't made, I can see some other platform/service reaching critical mass before Steem, and then Steem will fizzle. It could still carry on, but it would be another equivalent of what happened to Myspace. (Apparently that's still around. I've never heard of anyone who uses it though.)


It's definitely tough being first to market, and possibly second or third to market depending on how quickly you rushed in. I don't know how many blockchains are derived from similar, restrictive technology like Bitcoin, but it sounds like there could be more like Bitcoin currently then there are like Steem.

So, beyond what Steemit and the rest of the STEEM ecosystem is able to become, the underlying blockchain technology is faster and can handle more and keep going.

And, because you can build something on it, like Steemit, that creates an instant attention economy, even a basically two-year old beta version of Steemit, along with some fledgling d-apps, some of which aren't all that great yet compared to their established Social media counterparts, the utility is there and there's up to 65,000 of us active on the site daily. (okay, that may include a bot army.)

The way technology in this field is constantly changing and improving, I have no doubt that there will be something that could eclipse STEEM in the not too distant future. The biggest potential rival that I know of is EOS, at least in the short term, because of what it allows all blockchains to do. That said, though, the older blockchain technology isn't going to keep up with STEEM even with something on top of it, and if there's anyway to further improve on STEEMs performance, that will push things down the road even farther.

So, I think the window is probably a year or more, at the shortest, and all kinds of things can happen in that period of time, including hivemind/communities, HF20 and SMTs, all of which are supposed to be, in varying degrees, game changers.

Or, patches on patches on patches. Take your pick. :)

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