I miss you Steem...

in #steem6 years ago

We've had a lot of great times together, you and I...


They haven't always been the best of times, but boy oh boy did you keep me warm this past winter! You've done a lot for my family and I, and have given me hope that my future won't be the dull existence I had always expected.

I understand you're going through hard times right now, but I need you to recover. WE need you to recover.

I know you'll see brighter days again soon, and I'll be right here with you when it happens. I didn't get these tattoos on my hands for nothing, and I have all the faith in the world that you will continue to be the superstar you've become.

I love what we have together, and the things we can accomplish when we combine our talents. I know I haven't been able to spend as much time with you as either of us would like, but I've had to take on a "regular" job to make sure my family is taken care of. It pains me that I'm powering down, and I'm working on putting an end to it. I've almost got my shit together, and I'll reverse the course we've been on for the past couple months.

I've been kicking myself for being forced away from you, but I know I've got no one to blame but myself. I had it all planned out, and quit my job before we were ready. I took a leap of faith, and your value took a dive.

Don't fret, though. I have a new plan, and I think you'll love what I've got in store for us. Things are going to turn around, and I'll be back in your sweet digital embrace in no time.

Until then, I promise I'm doing everything I can to make sure the next time I commit myself to you, it will be for good. I miss you Steem, and I'll be back home soon.



Alot of powerful players holding back the floodgates, but as the giants give way the gates will open and the global shift will deliver us more liquidity, more access to the vast ocean of possibility and where there is water there will always be steem. Bitcoin, ethereum, cardano, xrp, tron, and the multitude of other cryptocurrency projects with momentum are part of an ecosystem framed to take over the world of commerce and emmerse us in the ocean that is web3. Hodl tight, when this storm is over and the charts peak and level and we have what were waiting for I hope you’re still here when it finally goes parabolic

Even in "dark" times like this, there is a silver lining. Now that I'm finally pulling my finances together, I can stop my powerdowns, and might actually start investing for the first time.

I've been here for 15 months. Had I dumped money into steem when I started, I could have raked it in, and stayed out of the job market when I quit my day job in January... Hindsight is 20/20

To me @thatsweeneyguy december and january were just a taste, a taste of what could be when this market goes into the big leagues of commerce. A small taste too. People who gave up on this correction/ico funding phase they are going to miss out on the multitrillion dollar version of the cryptomarket

I completely agree. I don't regret for one second getting STEEM tattooed on my hands :)

All relationships go through ups and downs, and sometimes a little time spent apart strengthens the bond. With your commitment to the relationship and your ability to craft new ways of making it work, it feels like everything is gonna work out just fine.

Thanks a lot! Time apart is hard, but it's for the best. When I get back to full-time, things are going to be different :D

Wow... thats pretty cool you gogot a steem tattoo!!!

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