On Steem's First Birthday: My reflections on joining Steem and thoughts on Burstcoin

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


(See link here)

I don't typically write about crypto-investments much because I am a beginner "comparatively."  To be honest with this community, Steem brought me into this land of infinite possibilities! 

I first heard about Steem through a family member, and instantly, was in-love! Steem brought much of what I wanted beyond the regular flow of life. A place to connect with musicians, health professionals, and just people in general who love to think for a change. In addition, it brought me a little money "falling from the sky" to play with. I made this money through doing what I would already like to do for free....so why not have a little fun,  ehy?!

In addition, this place has kept me more up-to-date on medical topics to discuss as a soon-to-be doctor.  I still am an in-debt medical student so I don't have the "the big bucks" to throw down on many investments in the crpyto-land, but I am using this money "that fell from the sky" to see what opportunities are out there. Once I make a decent wage, I may be able to give back, and potentially make more with investments in places such as Steem! 

The key to investing in the long-term is first believing in what that service has to offer. On Steem's first birthday, I believe it is a place of potential energy....ready to ignite like a wild-fire. I have not lost that hope mostly because I know my followers and many others have only bigger plans. 

Few Thoughts on Some of my Followers 

(See link here)

@soundlegion is constantly fueling the fire to make this a vibrant music community by bringing in outsiders. She is a great musician and it is a privileged to have her here. 

@verbal-d is always inspiring current users to keep up with music with his powerful comments. 

@williambanks is always thinking of moving Steem forward in a powerful financial way. He also gave me much support when I made zero cents in the past on posts I worked hard on. 

@craig-grant is the guy that just gives me mad energy, a few laughs, and has opened my mind to the land of possibilities beyond Steem... while still keeping his trust and support within this community.

@justtryme90 was one of the first people who really took the time to encourage my medical/science posts and gave me much inspiration to keep doing them. It has been a lot of fun to educate Steem about health. He even did a post just to get my name out there, which I greatly appreciate. @lemouth and @solarguy have also shown much support in this area.

@araki is a fellow doctor on here, who has been influential in my writing, and has also made good effort to make this a vibrant place for people to be properly educated about medicine. I am also just geeky-into medicine, and he shares that love for science/physiology of weird diseases.

@pfunk and @lucyzpher are two people who have constantly supported my music and are vital behind openmic, which I am forever grateful for!  

@ned @blocktrades and @onceuponatime and @curie have given me great contributions when writing posts, which is totally awesome.

@papa-pepper is a very active Steemer full of energy/ original ideas. He also seems like an awesome family-man. Thanks for being supportive of my work. 

There are so many more, and I hate to write a post like this where people get left out. I have many more fellow followers who have enriched my life and have made the life of Steemit greater. On the first birthday, thank you all so much!!!!

Because this community rocks, I will continue writing medical/health blogs and continue pumping out the music I love! YEAH!

Thoughts on Burstcoin

(See link here)

With an uncertainty about bitcoin, I have thought to invest in other coins while trying to hedge as well to take some of that risk away. Steem is a great place, where I have the most of my crypto...but here is another. 

After watching some videos by @craig-grant around a month ago, I decided to also invest a little in Burstcoin. It is a small market coin right now, but I think it has a very bright future. The idea of having assets that you can invest Burstcoin in makes it exciting. Getting weekly payouts in Burstcoin while also being able to sell those assets like stock, give you investments within investments within investments.

For instance if I buy Burstcoin, and the price of Burstcoin goes up, I make money. If Burstcoin stays steady in price, my assets like uniburst (a Burstcoin asset that is funded to mine crypto) get weekly dividends. On top of that, when the weekly payouts get higher, often the share of that asset gets higher, which you can sell at any time. 3 layers of money-possibilities there.

BOTTOM LINE: Money is hitting you from multiple directions...with a high likelihood to be on top week after week.

Even if Burstcoin goes down in value, you have layers of investment that still might lead you on top each week. Currently, those assets are going to pay off within 1.5 years to only 6 months! That is crazy! Then you are just getting paid weekly dividends with no money down..."free money falling from the sky." I think of it as multiple layers of investment when times are good and multiple layers of hedging when times are not so good. 

Investing is fun! 

I recently brought in a new member, @selected, to Steem, who is big into Burstcoin. If you want to know more about Burstcoin, follow him. He knows a lot more than me on this topic!


(See link here)

Keep with that Steem Power! It pays you interest and power to make more on this site. Another way to hedge/invest, in my opinion. Man, crypto is fun, and I am so glad to be a part of this community. Rock on guys! Thanks for being great!

Feel free to follow me for more posts on health/science/music posts!  


Edit: small grammatical changes/add-ons. 

All pictures from pixabay.com and are public domain.  


We're glad to have you here! Keep rockin that guitar and sharing your med knowledge! I'll have to check out Burstcoin, thanks for that tip!

Thank you! You have been very supportive of my posts as well! Thanks for tuning in and being a part of my blog!

Thanks man! It is a lot of fun to be here. If only I didn't have to work at 5am tomorrow haha.

glad you came to give steemit a try! :)

Thank you! The more time passes, the more I am on haha

He Sees The Light!

Thanks for the shout out. Glad it's working for you too.

Follow me at BurstNation @SolarBurst

I had no idea man! Cool. I actually need to finish setting up my account on burstnation. Just focusing on the wallet at this point. It will be good to have another to discuss the coin. It doesn't have much outside press that I can see. That may be a good thing in some ways! Thanks for the support!

ive been downloading that wallet for like a month. it's BS. lol BTS wallet minutes. Startcoin, a day but sonofa gun Burst is weeks!!!! Still not done. I have no idea when it will be done. Some times I log on and it say 88% other times its says 35%. baffles me.

Not sure why that is and i cant get an honest answer. Some can do it in a day, not I. >< sucks.

Yeah I just use the online wallet...just added my account to burstnation MillionDollarBash. Got around 100 bucks in the Assets. We will see how it goes!

I will have to check that one out

You have been a good friend @tfeldman, it is interesting to discuss medical topics with you. You are making steemit better place with your kindness, educate steemit blogs and nice open mic episodes.
I think we all stay for the community, really it is unique experience on steemit, glad we are in same boat.
Thanks, appropriate the nice words.
I wish you the best in your new job.


Thanks for the support! I am excited and know you will be an excellent resource as I start my career!

Thank you, much appreciated!

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