State of the Union

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


The first State of the Union Address was given by America's first president, George Washington, in 1790 before congress in Federal Hall, New York City. [1] He set a precedent that is still followed to this day. One that truly is a godsend. Because by utilizing the State of the Union Addresses from America’s past Presidents, anyone is easily able to trace our country’s past and see exactly when it began going downhill.

Article 2 (The Executive Branch), Section 3 (Convening Congress) of the American Constitution states:

He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. [2]

By following such useful documents, we as a nation can get a clue as to when our freedoms started to dwindle away. We can also see a year-by-year play of the happenings since our country’s founding. In doing so, we can see that prior to 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by one of our country’s biggest traitors, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, all of our Presidents warned us of the evils the foreign Central Banking System uses to control a country and its people. They knew from personal experience the effects such systems would have not only on the people of the country, but on their representatives as well.

Seeing as how the United States already had two other Central Banks in its borders prior to the Federal Reserve,
the Presidents were (for the most part) all strongly opposed to said systems and sought to strengthen our country’s gold and silver standing as to have the proper means to back as well as quell the government’s expenditures. That way there would be no need for any sort of institution to enslave the country’s people and drive them into oblivion through gross overspending, speculative trading, never-ending wars, and ever-inflating fiat currencies. Not to mention the prostituting of the country’s representative body.

Andrew Jackson’s fight with the 2nd Bank of the United States in the 1830’s is the poster child for what we see today. The bank owned a majority of the main presses in the country. The president of the bank paid to have scathing articles wrote about Jackson and other various propaganda spread to discredit him and ensure they got a candidate in office that would renew their charter. That, of course, did not happen, and Jackson fought the bankers to their end.

Although, Andrew Jackson was unable to fully rid the bankers and their ilk from our country. The need for public improvements and the cost of endless wars throughout our expanding territory would spark the bank’s inevitable resurrection. Effectively giving us our third central bank, the Federal Reserve in 1913.


Now skip forward to today. Over 100 years with the Federal Reserve in this country and what do we have to show for it? Besides the fact that a majority of the country is in poverty while the elitist minority continues to enslave them for meager wages in their factories and pushes them to fight in their wars (as in invading other countries to establish more central banks throughout the world while using the 'terrorism' false flag as the provoking narrative in every instance)—all while swindling them until they are laying in their death beds, we have very little to show. Far more suffering than prospering is apparent amongst a majority of the country’s 327 million citizens today. Them having to support millions of illegal citizens and refugee soldiers, whose intentions are so blatant even the blind can see, does not help matters at all.

If you are still asleep, or are too dumb to notice, the whole reason Obamacare was passed was for those aforementioned societal leeches. All of whom destroy every civilized country they inhabit by draining the social welfare nets through incessant breeding. Only to go on radicalizing their youth while they do the same. Teaching them to hate whatever country they are inhabiting. Ensuring they follow their Communist/Zionist/Marxist masters' plan for global domination. All while fighting tooth and nail for their radicalized political agenda, more commonly known as ‘Sharia Law’, to be enacted. Of which is in itself the antithesis of the American Constitution.

It truly is a sick game being played and there does not appear to be a single representative out there with a good bone in their body. At least not the ones making a career out of representing the best interests of this country’s people. You know, those who have been bought and paid for by the very bankers that seek to bring about the end of our civilized world. Because even if you do not want to believe it, the American Constitution has been dead and buried since the Federal Reserve’s enaction. The foreign bankers are the law, their corporations have the same standing as people, and their currency has the same value as speech.


With that being said, one thing it absolutely clear: We need to get this country back to its roots. As in, For the People, By the People. A process that must start with the proper education for all of America’s citizens. Something the Public Education System clearly does not endow. Else we would not have let history repeat itself for this long in this country.

It is quite evident to me that these diabolical elitists at the top are going to keep enslaving Americans and dumbing them down to a point where there will be no America left for future generations. They will keep utilizing their heinous brainwashing schemes while teaching false histories in our classrooms. Pushing as hard as they can to divide the populous and drive their plots of deception to humanity’s end.

We are already balls deep in America’s decline, we are simply waiting for it to hit rock bottom. A point which, if we do hit, will not be good for any human. This being because America was founded to help humanity advance. All while ensuring our freedom from such tyrannical rulers.

The thing is, we are currently only advancing at a miniscule fraction as to what we should be due to monetary restraints and excessive legislation caused by these greedy few. We have talent and individuality being stripped away from humans due to them having to slave for heartless corporations their entire life with no substantial way to ever retire. All while struggling every week to make ends meet at home and jumping through hoops just to stay within the bounds of law. This is no way for any human to live. I mean, if everything was not about money, what would this country be like?

It is evident that those utilizing this evil system are using such diabolical tactics to their benefit. By forcing Americans to worry more about their next meal than anything else, they have effectively stripped them of their dignity. With a majority being distracted by money, they have little else to worry about—especially not their political representatives. All of whom have done naught their entire lives but sell their constituents down the river to the highest bidder. Not to mention their ability now to silence their opposition by buying out the social media networks and "shadow-banning" them into oblivion. Making it so none of the normies can see any sort of opposing viewpoint aside from the moronic ideocracy preached night and day on their idiot boxes or social feeds.


Any American should know that their representatives’ acts against them are treasonous and should be treated as such. However, without a thorough understanding of their rights or of the basic principles of their country, how is anyone to ever properly exercise them? Even Thomas Jefferson said:

“When the representative body has lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the state, and calls for an exercise of the power of dissolution.” [3]

Now I am pretty sure our representatives’ approval ratings are at a historic low. Does this not sound off an alarm to every patriotic citizen? If not, it really should.

With that being said, with today’s technology, do we really even need elected representatives anymore? Think about how much harder it would be for these corrupt beings to influence 327 million individual humans compared to several hundred corrupt representatives. Just think about how easy it is for them to rig an election. It should come as no surprise that such practices have been going on for decades.

Knowing that, how can we keep voting if it really does not matter? When a minority can easily swindle our votes and have the dead cast in their favor, is that really proper suffrage? Is that what the Found Fathers intended?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Have we not reached this point? How has any government really benefited the people in the long run? To answer, they never really have. It is a proven fact that any time a human is faced with a position of power, they will inevitably become corrupted by one of many various factors (i.e. money, fame, immorality).

That is why, even if we do not rid ourselves of these representative leeches, we must enact stringent term limits to ensure they do not become corrupted by outside influences while in office. Ensuring a continuous flow of fresh blood through the system. Just as the Founding Fathers intended.

The sad thing is, our past Presidents—especially the Founding Fathers—warned us about all of the plights we are currently facing in the country today. It is just a shame that their morals and philosophies are not being taught more vigorously in the schools. Instead, our representatives would rather push gender fluidity and Islamization on our youth to further their masters’ agenda. Because god forbid they actually work for the American people for a change.

I personally would love to make learning about America’s past Presidents a ‘mainstream’ thing—as it should be. For it is quite evident (to me, at least) that a lot of Americans are ignorant to what it actually means to be an American. They have very little idea as to what living in a free country really means. It is no wonder why. Them having been force-fed lies and propaganda their entire lives and all.

Therefore, it is up to great humans such as you and me to diffuse the proper education to the masses and get them thinking for themselves. We must put an end to the ignorance before it is too late. Because if not now, then when?

You can view all of my work on the following sites:

‘Presidential Quotes’:

I highly encourage others to spread the aforementioned photos. All I ask is that you do not remove the watermark @PresidentialQs from them. Also, if you do take them, direct those you share them with to one of the many pages so they can further their quest for knowledge.

Also check out ‘Presidential Pareidolia’ @:
Instagram: &

Finally, if you have an interest in Science Fiction, check out my novel series, 'The Last Mutineers' @:

I thank you greatly for your time and hope you have the best of days!


Patrick Bedont Jr.

[1] George Washington's First State of the Union Address:
[2] Article 2: Section 3 of the US Constitution:
[3] Thomas Jefferson Quote from ‘A Summary View of the Rights of British America’ [Page 19]:

Collection of all of the State of the Union Addresses to sate your thirst for knowledge:

Note: The State of the Union, Presidential Quotes, Prezidolia, and The Last Mutineers pictures were done by me. The others have been collected along my journey across the interwebs. If you know the actual sources, do not hesitate to add them in the comments so I can give proper credit where it is due!


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Hi @tepbiankord, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @presidentialqs doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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I was referring to the watermark on the pictures, which is @PresidentialQs. Sorry for the confusion.

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