The STEEM Blockchain Is On Fire: Remember The Value Isn't In The Apps!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

This is a bit of a controversial topic since it has not been totally hashed out as of yet. However, I am of the belief, in a decentralized world, that the value is in the blockchain and not the apps on top of it. This is something that was debated the last few years yet I believe we are starting to see it spelled out for us.

In the world of the siloed Internet, we see the applications are worth the money and not the protocol. Facebook and Amazon are worth billions while TCP/IP is not monetized. At the same time, SMTP is the protocol for email yet Gmail and Yahoo have all the value. Part of this stems from the fact that in a siloed world, it is the ecosystem created that holds the value.

This is also true for blockchain. It is the ecosystem that has the value. However, that value is not created through the apps. For the most part, they are interfaces to the data on the blockchain. On steem, we presently have Steemit, Busy, and Chainbb all of which look at the same information. That is why you can log onto any of them and access your account.

That said, the apps are the vehicles which drive the growth. Over the last few weeks, I, along with others, posted the Alexa rankings for Shortly after I joined, back in August, people were posting how Steemit became a top 2,000 site in the U.S. This is a pretty remarkable move for a site that was a little more than a year old.

As Steemit hit a year and a half old, we see that it is knocking on the upper tier of websites, not only in the U.S., but the world.

It is about to enter the top 500 in the U.S and is top 2,000 in the world. Again, we need to remember this site is only a little over 18 months old.

That said, it is important to mention that there is another app making a lot of noise. Here is the Alexa ranking for D.Tube 16 days ago.

Today, we see an incredible difference.

While the rankings might not be all that impressive, the rate of growth is. This is a site that is relatively new. Since October, look at the graphical representation of the growth rate: it is almost straight up. In two week, D.Tube moved up roughly 13K spots in the US and 28K spot globally.

It is important to note that D.Tube received 1M in an effort to provide a pool to give incentives to YouTube users who switch over. I know this is an ongoing effort that is evidently starting to show some payback. My feeling is D.Tube can drive an even greater amount of people onto the Steem blockchain than Steemit does. With little learning curve, YouTube users will have no problem navigating D.Tube after a few minutes on the site.

Another wonderful aspect of this app is that it has a tremendous development team. Therefore, expect continued improvement as the months go by making that destination even more attractive for users from other places.

Now is the time to truly get excited about STEEM. Any success that occurs on this blockchain will be reflected in the price at some point. Being in the early stages means that the potential for a windfall profit is great. Everyone who is reading these words needs to take note that your life will be drastically changed by this blockchain. STEEM is going to make many people wealthy while providing a wonderful income for everyone else.

There is little to be certain about in life yet I believe completely in STEEM. There is no way this is not a total winner. We are about to see a few major features added in the next few months which will explode the potential here. At the moment, the world does not know about STEEM. Many fret about that but there is nothing to worry about. As long as content is consistently applied on here, these apps will grow. Since we are seeing the number of users also increase, my conclusion is the only thing left to move is the price.

Therefore, the only sure things in life are death, taxes, and STEEM.

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I have only been with steemit for one month, but I see the potential is endless. You had me at, "Everyone who is reading these words needs to take note that your life will be drastically changed by this blockchain"!! It's interesting...I have a lot of friends on Facebook still and I tell them about steemit, but their first reaction is that it must be some kind of scam. I assure them it is not! I guess there will always be the pioneers and then those who jump on once it's a 'bandwagon'! Thank you and cheers to the pioneers!!

Just doing a quick calculation after looking at your wallet, it appears you earned roughly $75.

Ask your friends how much they earned on Facebook in the last month. I am going to guess you made more than they did.

But yes, skepticism is something we all encounter. There will come a point where they will regret not paying more attention.

It is our biases that cost us...they think they know...and they will remain broke on FB...while you are being enriched each day on here.

Maybe a decent upvote will help to convince them.

yep I hear ya! I'm beginning to screenshot my wallet to them as we speak:) (half-kidding...I'm not going to waste my time on the naysayers). My bigger realisation is how full of garbage facebook really is. This month I've not visited there at all, but I checked in last night to get a message from someone and was completely disgusted with the quality on there. Steemit has so much more to offer and money is just one of those things. Cheers!

On facebonk, people post what they want you to see.
Here they post what they think you want to see.
The ones who do this well are rewarded.
Whole different vibe.

Geez that's it in a nutshell..this is such a giving, unselfish platform. I'm genuinely happy to be a part of it!

Your friends can choose to be at the front of the line with us or WAY behind with the masses.
You told them about steemit it's their own fault if they won't learn.

you said can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink:)

". Everyone who is reading these words needs to take note that your life will be drastically changed by this blockchain. STEEM is going to make many people wealthy while providing a wonderful income for everyone else."
Yes, you are right @taskmaster4450.👍 Steemit has definitely created job opportunities for unemployed graduates like me.
I'm glad to be part of this wonderful community.

I envy you...just steem on and never get a real job.....

That is a great way to go.

Yea, thanks for the encouragement @taskmaster4450. With the Nigerian economy in a state of political extortion in which you work like a horse and you are owed your monthly salary for 6months or more. The government/politicians live on the hard work of the masses U5dtwhF9LnFnosKvdS1UpM9KBKSwW2e_640x480.jpg
. Steemit provides a fair platform, where you work hard and earn fair and square. Steemit all the way💜

So far I have quite a few people say they are interested but no signups yet.

The will get involved eventually. At the rate Steem is moving up in the Alexa rankings soon everyone will know about it.

There will come a tipping point where the signup rate begins to grow exponentially. At this point those of us here now will be in a pretty nice position.

After that we will see Steem prices head to the moon. I have no doubts.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

As with the recent price spike in steem, it has since slowed down, but only temporarily... the price of steem is going to continue to shoot to the moon with everything you have mentioned, and the newer implementations which have yet to take hold.
Man, how fortunate we are to be the ones sitting on this side of the computer typing comments and upvoting people for money... i feel bad for those who still sit around on facebook and read through reddit, they could be right here making money from social media... Steemit is the game changer of the monetized SM world! Great stuff, as always man @taskmaster4450

Great point @conradsuperb.

Of course, from reading the comments, there are many who tell their friends of FB about this place only to be shunned and told it is a scam. I upvoted one on this post in fact.

Those people will be the one on here 6 months from now complaining that they cant make any money since all those with larger SP get all the rewards.

Well, if you joined when I told you, your SP would be bigger.

True that... SP is only going to get harder and harder to come by with the price of steem out surpassing that of SBD, powering up as much as I can for the time being

respect @taskmaster4450

It really is amazing to look at a graph showing the growth of Steemit in such a short period of time. As traffic to the site grows of course visibility will grow. In fact, if you look at news results in a Google search for Steemit you'll see that mentions have increased dramatically since mid-December. Huffpost, Wired, Mashable and of course many of the cryptocurrency news sites have all mentioned Steemit in the past few weeks. That will only increase, and as Steemit becomes more mainstream the number of users will skyrocket. It's exciting times for Steemit, there's no doubt about that.

I think D.Tube has greater potential as well, but probably needs to become more feature rich before it sees mass adoption. To be honest I find discovery and search on the site to be lacking, but I'm sure the devs are aware of this and with 1M STEEM at their disposal will have the resources to improve the site dramatically. Exciting times indeed.

I am sure the devs are aware of it over at is a sensational team....I have full confidence in them to figure it all out.

I agree that is seems that Steemit is getting a bit more attention of late..many are calling it the leading social media on the blockchain.

I really do think it will catch on.

"I really do think it will catch on."

That's gotta be the greatest understatement I've seen in such a long time. You are one of the most optimistic optimists over Steemit I know.

Your posts are always very inspiring and bring a lot of positive thoughts into my mind about Steemit. It's amazing to see what D.Tube has accomplished in such a short amount of time. And the rapid growth in popularity is also really good to see. Soon everyone will know what STEEM is and everyone will be here! It's only a matter of time :)

As always @trendo, I agree with you.

I believe that we are going to see a massive influx of people here at some point. It will be like a gold rush with everyone wanting their share. I really am going to enjoy watching the moonshot taking place in terms of users and activity....of course, the hope is the pricing action of STEEM itself will follow.

I do not see how it cannot.

Perhaps then we can start to explain to people the true power of decentralization and why the centralized systems do not stand a chance.

Haha indeed like a gold rush! It's definitely going to be fun watching this place go BOOM 😀

Hi, I'm new to Steemit, but I can see the incredible potential. But with 500k users, it's a tiny platform in terms of userbase.

The Alexa ranking is measuring the amount of [Google ranked] content being generated, which isn't really a true reflection of the platform as the users are so incentivised to produce it.

I think what would have a lot of potential to explode Steemit is if they (not just some random dev - in the eyes of the audience) released fully-featured mobile phone apps. That's where most people spend their time, especially on social media.

Without strong mobile apps I can still see Steemit becoming big, possibly the biggest platform, but there'll be a tipping point, where enough content creators learn about the potential rewards offered. Some of the bigger content producers will eventually ask themselves, "why post to YouTube, Insta or Facebook and scrap for pennies when the same content can generate hundreds, or thousands of dollars from a much smaller audience?"

For example, you see what difference an endorsement, or an "I'm using Steemit, why aren't you?" plug from Gary Vaynerchuk will do.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents...thanks for the great content!

esteem is the mobile app.

Thanks for replying. I've seen it, but not used it. Doesn't look like an official app, which would put a lot of people off. I know this is crypto-world, but if the Insta app was created by Darius Estevez or Carl Rogers casual users (the most important for a new platform to take off) wouldn't be as confident in it.

What's it like to use? Doesn't get great write-ups...

Soon when people start talking about the Steemit, when people start to invite their family members to become part of the Steemit - then we will see real growth. Now this platform is relatively young, but now we see the potential it has. This can be called a revolution in social networks and this revolution occurs right before our eyes. Until it touched everyone - but with progress here on the steemit - more people will find out about us. At this point, and there will be a real explosion.
Thanks, terrific article

At this point @frank1in, I think we are seeing a lot of growth due to word of mouth. People are starting to make some money and they are telling others about it. That is the best kind of growth because the newer members are committed to making it (hence putting in the effort) and know it can be done.

But when the word truly gets out, then you will see a massive explosion.

What are your thoughts on @ steemit account powering down? Look at the history of recent transfers in the wallet. 1 transfer steemit made, It went to Steemit2. Then look at the transfers of steemit2, it went to multiple wallets. Now, look at all the transfers from those wallets, many of them are being sent to Bittrex and Poloniex :O - I'll be watching this closely. Let me know what you think of my findings. This account represents about 1/4 of the total steem supply, no? Good, bad? P.S. Thank you for all your posts, very inspiring and refreshing to read. @taskmaster4450

overall i think it's good. it means more coins available to be distributed to more people. Short term is good because it drives the price down a little bit, creating buy opportunity before it cycles further up to just over 10 usd.

so really it's good.

steemit will still have a sizeable position....and they will likely sell a big chunk again when the price is over $10 per STEEM. And then again when it passes $20 per STEEM

Hello @taskmaster4450 .... I really agreed with no doubt when you said;

" the world of the siloed Internet, we see the applications are worth the money and not the protocol."

This is totally true reason being that when it comes to Internet technologies, most of the value is distributed at the application layer rather than the protocol level..

Thanks for the wonderful post.... All read and digested

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