The Banksters Are Cooked: They Are Aiming At The Wrong Thing!!!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

It is said to hit your target, you need to know what you are shooting at.

Many people feel the banksters are in full control. While it is easy to admit they are a formidable foe, the truth of the matter is the banksters do not know what to aim at. They believe they do yet they are going for a target that is not the major problem. Essentially, they are trying to root out the symptom while missing the disease festers.

We know the banksters cannot stand Bitcoin. They attack it at every turn. The recent FUD that was spread all over the mainstream media shows this. All cryptocurrencies are under this umbrella yet Bitcoin bears the brunt of their attacks. It is still the one cryptocurrency the masses can identify.

I fully admit that cryptocurrency is a major problem for the banksters. However, it is nothing more than a symptom of what is taking place.

If we look under the hood we find blockchain. This is something the banksters compliment in their statements such as "Bitcoin is a fraud but blockchain holds possibilities". Let me state that the banksters do not like blockchain. What they like are shared databases that they control. That is not blockchain. It is more misdirection by banksters to fool the public.

Nonetheless, blockchain is not the problem either. This is the vehicle by which the banksters will get slapped around.

The main problem the banksters have is decentralization. This is what upsets their entire house of cards.

To comprehend why this is, it is important to understand the web that these people wove. There is a mesh of organizations that are all controlled by them.

The media is owned by them. This is why the FUD is so effective. The banksters have the capability to spread their message repeatedly across many platforms. Since the masses rarely do anything more than catch a headline or two, this is very effective. If there is someone with a counter voice, the censorship machine goes into high gear to shut that viewpoint off. We are seeing that with the likes of the "traditional" social media sites.

They also control the governments of the world. Controlling the currency means that they control the government. Old man Rothschild made this perfectly clear well over 100 years ago. It matters little what they governmental system is, all require money. The banksters established an elaborate network which gives them full control over that. Without the banksters, leaders around the world have no treasury. Outside of the rare tyrant in some small country, all major economies has this as a foundation.

We also see them owning large chunks of the major public corporations. This enables them to profit off most everything the masses consume. This simply keeps increasing their stronghold over the public while they get richer. Of course, the countries under their control get poorer since they are saddled with debt.

The secret to this scheme is that it is a centralized, highly controlled system. The banksters are at the middle of it all. Essentially, their control is without challenge.

That was until now. We are starting to see the foundation being laid that is a tremendous threat to the elites way of life. Their control is starting to crack and they do not like it. Sadly, they believe it is Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which are the problem. Again, this is just a symptom.

The basic problem facing the banksters is that their centralized model is being blown up. This is causing more action by them which actually accelerates this process. Isn't it ironic that those entities under bankster control are the ones causing the headlines with censorship and banning of crypto advertising? In my mind, this is only helping to promote the idea of decentralization.

I repeatedly have stated that I feel it is a mistake to market STEEM in a fashion that touts the money aspect of things. It seems that the message is "get rich quick" posting on this blockchain. Perhaps that is why we have so many leave in frustration.

Instead, I feel we should simply tout the advantages we have over what is offered under the banksters. A lack of censorship, no advertising, absence of data mining, and no hacking are all facets of this blockchain. There is a large contingency of the masses that are starting to wake up to these ideas.

STEEM is about freedom. That is something the banksters cannot compete with. Decentralization trumps a centralized system every day of the week. While it tends to give up something in performance, although graphene helped in that area, the other benefits are simply overwhelming. It is for this reason that the banksters are essentially cooked.

Their playbook when threatened is as follows:

  1. demonize the threat
  2. get the government hacks to regulate it.
  3. buy it all up.

In this case none of this will work.

Some people get caught up on number 3 believing the banksters could buy up all the cryptocurrency with their fiat. While it is possible for them to buy up a particular token, the fact remains they would not own the blockchain. Remember, tokens are attributed to blockchains, which can be forked.

For example, if they went out and bought up the majority of the STEEM, what do you think would happen? The second word got out that this blockchain was under bankster control, someone on here would fork it. And where do you think the 60K daily users would go? My guess is they would start posting on the fork as soon as the new tokens were issued.

This is one of the unique features of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Although there are a limited number of tokens available since it is plugged into the blockchain, forking can happen an unlimited number of times. Essentially, there is no limit to the number of tokens which can be created.

Of course, the challenge in this is that people will actually have to decide to use the new fork. As Bitcoin Gold shows, simply forking does not equate to a large number of people joining the new blockchain. Many forks of this nature will end up amounting to nothing, leaving the tokens basically worthless.

Which is what the bankster investment in STEEM would be if they bought up the majority of the tokens and the masses opted to post another another fork. That token would carry the value, not what the banksters were holding.

This is the essence of freedom. No matter what they try, the masses can do what they want.

Decentralization also has another big advantage; innovation. Under a centralized system, all innovation has to be planned or, at a minimum, approved. Not with blockchain. Anyone can create something and tie it to this blockchain. If the people use it, then it is a success. The community decides what it uses and what it does not.

The fact that decentralization is nothing new tends to give people pause. Why will things be any different? Microsoft made billions by charging people for an operating system on almost every computer sold in spite of their being free operating systems out there. People went with the totally centralized Windows as compared to community projects such as Ubuntu. For the last 25 years, this was the case. What makes me think anything will be different now?

My answer to that is summed by the word "incentive".

People have incentive now to decentralize. The fact that blockchains are tokenized means that one can get paid by using them. While I am not for espousing the get rich quick stuff, I do not see a problem telling someone that, in addition to all the other things I mentioned that STEEM offers, one can make a couple thousand a year on here is he or she works at it. Anything after that, should be considered gravy.

Therefore, people have incentive to move away from the centralized, control system. The "get paid to ______________" is a method which we can offer up this idea. Behind it, is decentralization. Each post that appears on this blockchain is one that is outside the scope of the centralized entity called Facebook.

As people move away from the centralized system that are all part of the bankster web, the power base becomes spread out. Suddenly, the banksters are the ones who are suddenly under attack. It is not a war like we are accustomed to. Rather, it is simply people voting with their feet as they say. Instead, of utilizing centralized services, people opt for decentralized.

And presently, it is in the area of money that many people are starting to make this shift. While the centralized structure is still in place and exerting a great deal of control, we are starting to see things starting to change. Again, money is just one area, the one that garners the most attention. What is truly flying under the radar is the fact that people are joining decentralized networks like they never did before. Ubuntu would have put Microsoft out of business before Y2K if it had the growth rate we are seeing on these blockchains.

The next phase of this evolutionary process is we will start to see decentralized corporations show up on these different blockchains. These entities will not be funded through the bankster system. They will not exist on a centralized exchange like NASDAQ. Instead, they will operate, from a financial perspective, on a decentralized exchange while the entire corporation is blockchain based. All decisions will be done by consensus from the holders. Unlike stock, this is not a direct representation of the corporation but, rather, the blockchain itself.

What is a challenge for the banksters is these DAOs will compete with their established entities. Here again, there is a good chance that the advantages offered by blockchain enter the picture. It might be hard for some of the traditional companies to fend off this new threat since embracing change tends not to be commonplace among a lot of the larger corporations.

Therefore, give a little smile each time you see a bankster (or one of the henchman sent out to spread FUD) ripping on Bitcoin knowing that attacking that will not solve their problem. Everyday, thousands of people are joining decentralized networks.

And this is the banksters major problem.

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I enjoyed so much reading your post. I read it slowly and complete. Some pragraphs twice, some even more than twice. You have expressed my feelings and trust in future so perfectly.
It has been maybe 3 or 4 years since I keep repeating again and again:

The future of this planet is decentralized. And open source.

And naturally connected 24/7. Every single piece of this world.
Thanks . And keep spreading the truth to the masses.

The "the banksters are our foe", "the bankster are evil", "the bankers hate Bitcoin and crypto" narrative lacks a bit of nuance.

Here's some nuance:

I am so anxious to see the emergence of descentralized corporations!
That will be a sight to behold!
And yet again... steemit is kinda one of them!

Fake scenario but if crypto drops to a rock and banksters buy it in bulk, the world users can always create another crypto coin that won't be mostly controlled by banks. Game over banks!

Except for 3 countries, every nation in the world has a central bank. There used to be more, but somehow these countries get a color revolution and soon after a central bank appears. And the central banks have the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) referred to as the central bank of central banks. That is centralized control.
Maybe the decentralized systems will do some damage to that power, but I am confident that none of us will live long enough to see it happen in our lifetime. As for them losing that power, I think they will scorch the entire planet before they would let that happen. In a wide war scenario, one will not have the means and interest to develop code.

Like written before, they are fearing to loose their reason for existence. And they will not go down without a battle, like the video stores in the early 2000 did.
The reason they are fighting is because they are scared. While fighting the blockchain, they are working hard in the backroom to find a new business model, which will still give them power and control.
Don't forget that the biggest investors in for instance Facebook and investment funds and banks. They are shareholders in most every company who feels threatened by the blockchain.

It is a great indication how good cryptocurrency and the underlying blockchain technology is. If it weren't so great they would be still ignoring it.

But in the end, the banks will still be here. They probably will be the keeper of lost of wallets o something else.
It is an utopia that they will disappear, their power is just to bit for it. For sure they will loose power but still will keep existing!

Nice article.

After such a monumental drop, I've finally bought some Steem to increase my vote power. :-)

I am just some guy on the Internet but I think that is a good move....STEM under $2.00 should provide a nice return for you even without the increase in VP....couple that in and you will do very well in my view.

I hope so. What do you think of the naysayers that claim that "SteemIt is doomed and we have just a little over a year more to leech this platform before it all crumbles...?"

I don't think that they will really go away but they will try to do everything they can do delay mass adoption of cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology but they know they can't stop progress.

The blockchain is the new internet. It is decentralized and will be mass adopted and used in many ways from the government to saving data and cultures of indigenous people.

This part is exciting for me.

The next phase of this evolutionary process is we will start to see decentralized corporations show up on these different blockchains. These entities will not be funded through the bankster system. They will not exist on a centralized exchange like NASDAQ. Instead, they will operate, from a financial perspective, on a decentralized exchange while the entire corporation is blockchain based. All decisions will be done by consensus from the holders. Unlike stock, this is not a direct representation of the corporation but, rather, the blockchain itself

It is pretty funny that banks appreciate blockchain since they are actively building their own solutions on top of it, but they hate the reason that blockchain was brought to the masses. They will never be happy unless they are always getting more of the money than anyone else. It is very sad.

Man you are so right about this! They are all in cahoots!

PS. Have you noticed that lately we get Steem, SBD and SP on 50/50 payouts? I noticed this yesterday.

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