Steemit And SMTs In Forbes: A Very Good View On What Needs To Happen

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Development is the key. Behind that development, community is what is most crucial. Those using the applications that are created is what is going to separate STEEM from the rest of the social media realm.

Forbes magazine is one of the leading business journals in the world. This publication has millions of visitors to its site every month. It is the defacto publication for the world's wealthy even putting together a list of the richest people. Being mentioned in this publication is a huge deal.

A writer for the magazine took a balanced view of what is going on. Blockchain is a technology to be reckoned with. That said, the idea of simply going head on with billion dollar entities, at least to start, is not likely to work. The track record for this method is poor. Most start-ups, and that is what Steemit is, tend to fail when taking on the incumbent. This is even true for other billion dollar companies trying to unseat another. The article mentions the plight of Google Hangouts as an example.

I stated in a number of posts that I feel promoting the idea of joining STEEM for the money is misguided. It is setting people up for failure. All those who are marketing Steemit are wasting their time and money. People join with the expectation of making hundreds of dollars at a clip only to find that is not the case. This causes them to leave.

The truth is most are not going to make much money to start. It is social media and does require a following. Therefore, unless one has a big following on Facebook or YouTube that can be converted over (even that is tough), it will take time to build up a large enough following to get decent compensation on posts. That is not to say it does not happen; it does each day. The point is we need to manage expectations.

I am one of the most bullish people on STEEM simply because I see all the development that is taking place. STEEM will be successful because it is going in so many directions at one time. That is the advantage of decentralization. A centralized organization is penalized when it lacks a concise path to follow. The reason for this is the lack of resources. With decentralization, people simply follow whatever path they desire. The community decides where it will go. With close to 1M accounts on here, there are plenty of applications for people to use.

STEEM's success will be akin to the "death from a thousand papercuts". There most likely is not going to be any one idea that thrusts it into the mainstream. The growth will be evolutionary as more people find applications they like. Organic growth via word of mouth or search engine is the best way to evolve. Having people find STEEM instead of STEEM finding people will propel it forward. This is aided by a committed and passionate community when they arrive here.

If there is one "game-changer", as Forbes pointed out, it is Smart Media Tokens (SMTs). This truly has the potential to revolutionize the Internet. What I find most interesting about the article is that it said this:

If there are any new paradigms to be discovered within the realm of “reward people for producing good content” it’s likely that SMTs will find support these new models. SMTs are still early, but I’m looking forward to seeing how the SMT experiment plays out.

Experimentation is one of the most advantageous aspects to all of this. The interesting thing about technology, even ones that are mainstays in our lives, is they often take on a use that is far different than it was envisioned. Inventors often set out to create a technology to solve a particular problem only to find their product or service solves a completely different set of challenges. We might find the same thing with the SMTs.

Regardless of what it does fulfill, SMTs are an experiment. The premise is pretty well set; what people do with them will in interesting. I am sure there will be things done on this blockchain using that technology that most of us cannot dream up at this moment. Of course, when we see it, we will be like "oh that makes sense".

The bottom line is Steemit and the STEEM blockchain are starting to get some publicity. This is something that comes when people are consistent with their actions. The message will get out there eventually. People want to promote, push, and market due to a lack of patience. The reality of the situation is there is a lot that needs to take place before STEEM is anywhere near capable of handling the volume of people that are going to end up here. Development takes time. It is unfortunate but that is how it is.

We all need to maintain our focus upon our areas of interest and keep creating. That is ultimately what will draw people here. Whether you are into gaming, cryptocurrency, porn, homesteading, religion, sports, or whatever else, keep adding to the ecosystem. At the same time, mention it to those who have similar interest. The publicity we are going to receive moving forward provides the general reference. This means that it will truly enhance what we mention to others. Publicity might introduce people to the idea, it is our efforts which will get them to join.

Overall, we are seeing a progression of the entire industry. It is going to take time for people to fully embrace blockchain and cryptocurrency. However, while that is happening, STEEM just keeps getting bigger each day. More transactions take place; more articles are posted; more money flows into people's accounts'; more applications are developed.

And that, my friends, is the compounding effect of STEEM. Tens of thousands of people each day are taking action which adds to the entire ecosystem. Show me another blockchain where things are happening in such a mannter.

At the moment, I do not believe there is one that can compare to the degree of what is taking place.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.

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"All those who are marketing Steemit are wasting their time and money."

I just wish that Youtube shooter was made aware of Steemit and before she decided to shoot up Youtube headquarters, and ultimately herself.

I would imagine there are a lot of Yotubers are suffering from demonetization.

It's great to have a place like steem for bots to hang out and upvote each other.


Sure a great place for bots and such a nice platform for everyone.Been on the platform now a little over a month and regularly blog, comment and upvote other great articles.

Have also made some money which is great :-)

Before we look at how to make money using Steemit let’s look at what Steemit actually is.

Steemit is a relatively new social media platform where you can get paid to blog online, upvote blog posts and also comment @cryptographic

I'm glad you are enjoying it. Once you have the scars of a few flag wars, see who the power brokers are and what they are providing(or not) to the site, and run across the whales who exist to cause discord you may change your mind.

Very nice exposure Steemit got in that article. Very nice indeed!

I am glad you stopped by. I was going to post the links on your blog knowing you would like the publicity that we are seeing. While Steemit is not the end all, in fact, it might be a small piece to this blockchain at some point, it is wonderful to see it in such a publication.

Having an article in Forbes is quite an accomplishment.

Perhaps I'll do a similar write-up and give it even more exposure . . . after I resteem your post, of course.

Hi @cryptographic ...
It has been a long time you haven't posted....what is the matter man...your fans are missing you ...dont stop steeming man...we love your posts

I've been really busy. It's been all I've got just to distribute the 20% voting power I have each day and post 5 comments. Nothing really to write about either - it's a time for patience . . . sometimes it's like watching grass grow. ;-)

Man, you have been here for a lot of time now, you better know what to do and what not, but we do miss your posts at least you should keep steeming...
Never stop, you can make some funny posts, let me see the fun part 😋

I'll keep that in mind and try to get something funny out there one of these days!

Thanks for the support and quality contributions.

You are welcomaa and yes pleasure wud be mine..hehh😁

I was wondering the same thing.
It's been like more than 10 days probably.
I got my first good upvote from you, I still remember how happy I was that day getting a 3$ upvote

Here's another one for a deserving loyal contributor!

Thanks man,
Much love and respect 😊
And yes, keep steeming

Thanks for stopping by @cryptographic. I'm glad you are back. We are really missing you here on steemit.

Yeah, I'm so busy these days that it's an effort to just check in to distribute my daily reward allotment, but I've got to do at least that 'cause if you don't use it, you lose it.

And thanks for you support.

Appreciated my friend. You have been the best voter for me so far. You know how hard it is for minnows to level up and earn rewards. People like you are our inspiration and motivation. Thank you so much @cryptographic for being there for all of us. You people are the real heroes of steemit and isn't it better to distribute the daily rewards than to lose it. We really appreciate your efforts to improve the quality of this community. Thanks. Cheers. Have a good day

I certainly will leave a nice comment on that post when you put it up.....

Now we need to see Bitshares get similar publicity....

Or is that being too greedy? LOL

Will let you know if I get it up. It might be a bit stale already and it might not happen. I've been really short on time lately. ;-(

And just resteeming your write-up was probably enough anyway!

The price of STEEM ran in the last 24 hours.....


I know the entire crypto market took off yet STEEM outpaced it.....

Could it be from the new publicity?

This thing is huge.

I put up an article this afternoon hypothesizing that Manna might be moved onto the STEEM blockchain via SMT based upon what one of the co-founders said in a video earlier this week.

It is speculation on my part but it makes a great deal of sense.

And we're still running!

Yes, SMTs are a MUST and at this point they are a MUST HAVE SOON as well. The longer it goes past the original projected roadmap date, the closer others get and the closer we get to the danger of someone implementing something similar first; as is known in business and sports, speed kills, so it is of utmost importance that SMTs get to market first, as well as are effective, scalable, and stable (my humble opinion).

I like the analogy of the success of STEEM being like death by 1000 paper cuts. It makes sense that it will be many niche applications that grow organically as apprised to one app taking off. Thanks for the post!

I wonder if cryptos are going to start going up now?

There's a saying I heard when I first landed here in January;

Came for the money, stayed for the community.

The community is the most important part of the Steemit/Steem ecosystem. I always tell my friends to try and connect with as many users as possible now that we are still a very small size. Cause soon the big boys with professional experience and equipment in blogging will flow in, and if you have not found yourself a huge enough loyal followers, it will be quite difficult to compete in the days to come.

I’m currently using steem, more than facebook. Its really great idea. Steem have power to unseat the social media king facebook. Still lot lags when compared to facebook.
Blockchain is future, Like bitcoin (and alt coins) may make banks obsolete. Steem have the power to make social media companies obsolete. Its not easy but not impossible either.

This is exactly where I see the Hivemind really helping out too. At the moment it's hard to find 'your people'. I've recently noticed there is a small but very enthusiastic fitness community on Steem, but only found them through friends of friends of friends on the platform. Once the Hive is implemented and it's easy to find people creating content on the areas you're enthusiastic about, I think the platform should explode.

I'm sure there are people that only post about certain topics because their followers expect a particular type of content, and with Hivemind I'm expecting that to change somewhat.

Eventually Steem should be right up there in the Alexa ranks, which means our content gets seen by lots of new people, which will encourage content creators to jump aboard so that their content ranks highly on Google as well.... there are a lot of things to be excited about.

Exceptional post my Friend! I truly feel that the SMT's are a HUGE game changer! More and more People are realizing the true power and potential of both STEEM and STEEMIT! STEEM is backed by the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! I'm doing my part, I am telling everyone I know on this planet about STEEM and STEEMIT! I absolutely love the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! It is going to be such a VERY blessed year for STEEMIT! I'm VERY proudly resteeming, commenting, upvoting and following! STEEMIT is the Caring Social Network! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

This platform is little by little reaching mainstream attention from the big players, the future of Steem depends on how good the SMT is adopted and how good it works towards achievement the tokenization of the web.

If this succeeds, then we are probably looking at one of the top blockchains of the future. I really hope for that to happen someday.

The first mover advantage steemit has is that it is a complete system for bloggers and normal people who want to make money straight off their ideas without hassle.

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