No Vice Tokens For Steemians...Unless You Buy Them!!!!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

This is an email that @oldtimer received regarding the Vice ICO.

Here is the important part for Steemians.

Throughout the crowdsale, people have asked why we continue to support Steem when we no longer planned to become a Steem Smart Media Token. We were planning to airdrop VIT to Steem holders. Today we announce that we will no longer be supporting any airdrop to Steem holders. After careful consideration, the Vice Industry Token management team and advisors decided unanimously through consensus that VIT will instead reward only direct participants of the VIT crowdsale.

The post by @oldtimer....

This is disappointing news but not totally out of character. The Vice team initially was going to use the SMT protocol before deciding to fork the blockchain. Then they decided they were going to Airdrop Steemians tokens, now to pull that off the table.

We are seeing life in an open world where the code is out there for anyone to use.

Hopefully we see the SMT protocol come out soon.

To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

Click For Manna Coins

In full disclosure this is a referral link


Pictures by Google Images


I was excited when I first heard about this airdrop. It's a bit disappointing for sure... I'm kind of wondering if they created the fake news as advertisement.

The Vice team seem like a complete joke and their project has changed course multiple times. I'd be very surprised to see it succeed as they really don't seem to know what they're doing. My thoughts are that they are probably just looking to cash in on all the crypto hype, glad I'm not invested.

That could be @captaincanary.

We do see a lot of moving the goal posts as they say.

When they decided to fork, I said to myself "I hope they have the people in place who know what they are doing". From my experience watching Manna, there are a number of challenges that come with trying to pull this stuff off. The code is easy to copy...what happens when challenges are encountered after forking the blockchain...are the people in place to handle it?

That is something we will have to watch going forward.

Or..... we won't because we no longer have a vested interest in it...

I just signed up for Manna through your referral link, whats the usual amount of basic income received per week?

I am not sure @captaincanary since I am also in the referral pool, thank you by the way, which gives me extra tokens. You also get a 50% increase in payout by using my referral code.

I would suggest you pass around your referral code and get friends and family to sign up. You will get a bonus of each person you directly refer for a period of one year.

I have three approved, and currently about 143 Manna on my account. I did some calculations earlier with an error but ended up to about 22 per face on the first distribution. Distribution before latest one was approximately worth 13 000$ according to their twitter. With current price I have so far earned 3$ worth of Manna.

Man... I hate that when people don't follow the plan and just improvise. You know... If they are just deliberating about reward steem users, so say it, not say that in guarantee that you will receive and them pull back. Well, the project is not mine, but I don't see any word as trustful anymore.

Recently just heard about vice from the partnership with playboy. That’s disappointing we wont get the airdrop, i always like free crypto.

This is sad and a very bad news. What kinda Hide and seek game are they playing?

How can they just wake up one morning and say they wouldn't be airdroping their tokens to steem holders anymore. What exactly is their real reason? That's so lame.

Lame on so many levels, but not surprising in the least - their name is "vice" not "virtue" ;)

Ever since I first heard about the Vice airdrop I've been really excited to receive my tokens. Last time I calculated they would be worth at least several hundred dollars.

Now that they've already explicitly stated that they're going to airdrop them they are now going to reverse that decision and essentially take money away but they've already told me that they were going to give me?

I'm not even sure how anybody would ever want to trust him again after that. Talk about frustrating.

I agree with you @jeezzle doesn't make much since that they changed their mine. Good luck to them now, trying to find someone trusting them. 😎

It's not the code. Problem is their whitepaper and rules. You can't change the rules every week or month during the game. Thanks for mention and link to my post.

it's there business, they have the right to decide but failing to do a public communication regarding the withdrawal of a previously public promise doesn't do them any good

All am interested in hearing is steemit and other crypto doing fine in the market, because there re the only hope for us to fight and end poverty worldwide. Am so much proud of steemit for their great initiative in changing people's lives for the better and even best. Bravo

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