Why I am buying Steem

in #steem5 years ago

In the last 6-8 months I have bought or converted from other coins somewhere in the vicinity of 10,000-15,000 Steem. I have also earned and powered up a fair bit of Steem too and, I wish I had been able to get my hands on more.

Currently, I am pretty happy with all the people who are willing to dump at these prices because it gives people like me more chance to buy in greater amounts. I am glad Steemit Inc are dumping because it reduces their stake over time while allowing people like me to power up. I am also glad that they are no t voting with the stake they have because it gives content producers like me a higher payout on what I produce.

I would go out on a limb and say that there are unlikely many content creators on Steem that have produced as much content as myself, and there are unlikely many who have managed to get "relatively" consistent commentary on their posts. I know a handful only.

For me, this is not only my chance to make a decent living one day through using my creativity and skills much like a self-employed entrepreneur, it is also about being part of the development of other's journey too. This seems to be something that is consistently forgotten in the, "why would I buy Steem?" argument as it is all about me, me, me. The same people expect others who have bought and powered up Steem to support them however, are they willing to power up and support others? Comments are great too of course, but for all those who want a return on their content, are they happy with only comments?

The only way to allocate Steem from the pool is through Powered up Steem (or being a witness) so every vote you have got that has any value whatsoever attached to it and any payout you have ever received is thanks to someone having Steem Power. For me, this is important because on Steem, Steem Power is my voice that can project out into the world and affect my world.

Everyone wants to be listened to when they speak and have their opinion regarded right? Steem Power allows me to point attention to where I want it to go. It is able to push comments up or down a list, encourage or discourage behavior I choose, support projects I like, invest into innovations I might enjoy and open up all kinds of opportunities, now and in the future.

All of the work I have done, on and off Steem that has allowed me to Power Up what I have has cost me time, energy and a great deal more most will never know about. And, I have put my vote into the Steem ecosystem, a vote that is powered by blood, sweat and tears, from my real world job salaries, time away from my family, and going without many luxuries. And, then people complain that they aren't earning enough, it isn't worth buying Steem and supporting others? A bit of a slap in the face - but to each their own - I have my own journey behind, currently and ahead.

I have no control over the sellers, I have no control over what people post, I have no control over those who complain - other than what my Steem Power allows me to allocate and, I am continuing to expand my staked influence. By doing so, I see a future where I don't have to onboard and rely on whales to support, I don't have to be part of a community that needs to vote beg, I don't need to sit idly by and wait for the grace of others and luck to fall upon me and the things I care about because, I will be able to support them myself.

This is about personal responsibility, something that most people don't seem to want any part of these days, yet believe it is other people's responsibility to look after them. If people think that they will be better off investing into other coins, good luck to them. As I see it though, most other coins are about profit, not community. They are about making sure "! am okay" even if me being okay has no benefit for anyone else. People will live on their tropical islands looking down at the others and thankful they were able to get out, even though they themselves added to the problem.

Don't worry, screw the Earth, pollute all you want because, the rich will move to Mars. Good luck with that.

I of course want to have some economic benefits from this but all economic resources do for me is give me possibilities. The thing I see with Steem Power is that it isn't sticking money in the bank or putting it under the mattress to secure my future, it is a tool of economy that is best used actively. Yep, I hope to benefit from the activity and support too, but I am not going to ever be taking 99% of the benefits with it. Using Steem Power to allocate rewards is to remove the middle man component and make it a deal between two people. I support you, you benefit, I benefit.


I believe value will increase in value over time. While this benefits me, it also means that every vote I have ever cast on someone else will increase in the same way. I have allocated 1000s of Steem across the platform to thousands of people. I am nowhere near the largest of distributors here.

That number up there, that 8.27?

That is how many years I could repost one a day for using the content I have created in the last 2.5 years. And, I can near guarantee that a great deal of those posts will provide value to at least some percentage of the community, even in 8 years from now. As said, I am a content producer and the hourly wage has been ridiculously low.

From an economic standpoint, I buy Steem because it has utility and gets access to other experiences like PALnet.io, @Steemhunt, @Wherein, @threespeak and a host of other platforms now and that will arrive in the future. I buy Steem because I am able to send it around the world in 3 seconds to people I interact with here. I buy Steem because I have seen it change lives, I have used it to help change lives for the better. I buy Steem because while others may not see the current value, I am willing to take the risk in their stead and be here for them and others to come, even when they believed here wouldn't exist.

This last one is what it comes down to and while so many people are questioning why they should participate at all, others are participating and creating a world where they will see why. Being a creator on Steem goes well beyond being able to write a good post and make a few comments. Being a creator on Steem is taking the responsibility to build a whole new world, a whole new economy, a whole new way of life that empowers many.

Complain all you want, do what you want, sell, buy, vote, selfvote, downvote, or toss off in the corner while watching others do what you believe is impossible - take responsibility for your own experience - your misery or your joy is your own. Your life is yours. Just don't expect others to care whether you live or die in whatever way that might mean, if you don't care if they do.

Speculate on this all you want.

[ a Steem original ]


I love your writing style, attitude, and mindset on how to live life. You are a true role model and inspiration for many, including me. I really mean it.

Stay on task. Cheers ;-)

Thank you, I appreciate it :)

Hey bud as always, positive, encouraging, convicting, and community inspiring.

You're right about people wanting a free ride, "oh I joined steem, but didnt have 10,000 followers in a month so I gave up."

Its been 2 yrs for me. More for you. Daily posts. Active in comments. Powering up. Exploring the chain, learning, applying and sharing that knowledge.

Im also convinced one day, soon, people willbe reviewing videos from me on Youtube, shared here, which give advice on how to use Steem well and they will say "wow wish I knew sooner".

Problem is people dont want to move till steem is $10.00 because they need to see people who stacked early get wealthy. Only then will they move, and only because of fomo.

But that is so backwards... Now is the time. Last 12 months was the time. Just stop waiting and get going!

Actifit posts get about 0.11 cents a day. Twice a week 1.11 usd. Thats free steem for all newbies! And there are many other examples...

Whats $3.00 steem earned this week from actifitting gonna be worth in the next steem bull run? $30? $60? For stepping and blogging!

You won't be a whale over night, you wont get followers overnight. But with work and commitment and the value you add will be recognized.

Im also convinced one day, soon, people willbe reviewing videos from me on Youtube, shared here, which give advice on how to use Steem well and they will say "wow wish I knew sooner".

This is going to be an interesting one because there are going to be the people who know, and the people who fake knowing. I wonder if someone will create a "BC certification" like MS does. :D

Actifit posts get about 0.11 cents a day. Twice a week 1.11 usd. Thats free steem for all newbies! And there are many other examples...

But.. that isn't millions, I can't retire on that...

You won't be a whale over night, you wont get followers overnight. But with work and commitment and the value you add will be recognized.


Thats the problem if it doesn’t make me rich overnight People don’t care... right?
I stack now while it’s cheap, as do you.

It's still buying time for me too, although only very tiny amounts for the foreseeable future, got a few low earning months coming up.

And with 70% of my crypto holdings in Steem, I don't really want to rebalance further to Steem ATM.

Good prices though!

I am hoping the little amounts are going to add up over time because I am never going to be able to put in a stack at a time. It is part of the reason I never got into traditional stocks.

You are really testing me. $500 cleared on Coinbase and I told myself I was going to leave it there as a stable hedge in case of a crash. I also told myself I would put it into Steem because I already have enough hedges... I'm pretty glad I put $1000 into Bitcoin at this point even though I'm "only" up 40% atm.

When it really comes down to it, it probably doesn't matter what little decisions we decide to make in the long run. We are both very locked in to the cryptosphere, regardless.


I am waiting on 300 to clear on Coinbase atm. I wish I had held some BTC but at the same time, I never feel comfortable with it. Stupid perhaps.

When it really comes down to it, it probably doesn't matter what little decisions we decide to make in the long run. We are both very locked in to the cryptosphere, regardless.

It is unlikely to make much of a difference for me other than me screwing it up through poor trading ability. Sometimes I get lucky though ;)

The thing about all this complaining is that it all stems from Steem staying relatively stable for the last month. Since when is stability bad? People should only complain if we dip below 40 cents and keep dipping. Seriously though... it's only been a month of this and everyone is flipping their shit.

People are so damn impatient and/or greedy/entitled it's legendary.

Seriously though... it's only been a month of this and everyone is flipping their shit.

Buy when there is FUD in the streets.

People are so damn impatient and/or greedy/entitled it's legendary.

Ever sat don with an entrepreneur getting their dream of the ground and hearing them say, "it's not fair!!" If you have, they aren't likely going to make it.

Yes and steem was like 0.20 really recently. What 5 months? I think so. I was buying all the way down. Now just waiting and reinvesting prepping mentally for the future.

Posted using Partiko Android

I have plenty of faith in this place and the ones who don't and disappear or do very little to help themselves will be suicidal when this place booms. Being an early adopter it is quite scary at the opportunities people have just wasted. Some people are just too dumb and can't be helped.

Yep, some people are never going to learn and rather hope that someone will feed them.

Some people are just too dumb and can't be helped.

oh, so true!

Honestly Taraz, your undying faith in this platform is kinda scary...It is also contagious though

It worries me too but then, I don't mind being considered crazy, scary or whatever at this point. What is scary are all the people who have faith their governments are going to look after them forever.

So you wrote about 3,020 posts in.2.5 years?
Is there a way to find out how many posts one wrote?
Also a way to get a list of all the content written?

As I started here I did not find it great at all. Its hard to get in. I left and found an other blog site that pays. I hope to find a way (better connection) to be there more frequently again.

I partly found my way here but still do not know how it all works.
Might be your posts will still be interesting after many years but I think most is. The world is changing so even a photo, meme or link will be interesting for and painting a picture of the time, place and culture we are living in.

BTW I came here to leave a message, some history, for my kids. Hopefully, it will not be deleted.

I hope all the efforts you took and take will pay you back.

Posted using Partiko Android


Here is another:


This one is all of your history on the blockchain:


BTW I came here to leave a message, some history, for my kids. Hopefully, it will not be deleted.

It won't be deleted and will be searchable as long as there are witnesses running nodes. Even then, it could still continue past that.

Thanks for your response and the links. I really appreciate it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm playing devil's advocate - what happens when (if) we run out of people who are willing to buy Steem?

as long as there is utility in some way with it, it has some kind of value. Changes could be made to push value demand up like burning coins or adjustments to the way the platform operates. If no one really wants to buy, then it is just like reddit :D

So as long as there is some development, we will have utility and the demand for the coin...

I'm also very positive on Steems Future as long no other competitor fills the gap better for free content, free speech, earn for your content and on top a lot of Dapps build on the chain.
EOS is probably the only chain right now that could achieve this but they are going another route down with KYC and restricted contents and no free Token market. Thats why I don't see a real competitor out there and Steem is king in what it trying to do, cheers all Steemians!

there are likely to be plenty of competitors but, there are 4 billion people on the internet and more joining every day. This is all going to spread like wildfire.

Taraz I think it is a smart move, steem should come back granted SMT ever launch. All in all though when prices where back at about $0.25 that was a awesome buying time but even at these prices it is a crazy deal. Good pick ups! keep stackin

Yep, when it was at 25 cents I was unable to get any cash together but traded out of some other coins. Got a little at 30 though with some fiat.

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