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RE: The individual pain of building a community

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I am glad you read on. Many will not even bother.

I challenge the whole entitled class to first build something, then continue to manage it, and finally report whether that potential life of wealthy ones is one they still would like to also benefit now they know how much it stakes to achieve even 1% of that.

They will make an attempt for a day, week or month with the information they know and a quote or two and then say, They did their best but the game is rigged. Perhaps that is their best and if that is the case, they can't really complain that the game is rigged. I can't kick a ball like a professional footballer so, I am not entitled to be a professional footballer.


Kicking that ball isn’t the hardest thing to learn.

But the thousands and thousands hours required to become always better, the numerous times being kicked off the park by mates, opponents better and to always get up again, over and over, and keep being driven. Through wind or rain. To resist each adolescent temptation and instead go to training every day. To feel like a failure day after day because more often than not that kick just wasn’t exquisite enough. To come from injuries, despite already having everything in life and then some...

Even not taking into account what many of them give back to the community... I have no problem with Zlatan, Becks, CR7, and their ilk milking their brand as much as they can in that short career they have. The drive required to become even merely a professional player is tremendous and I can but admire their effort, resilience, and perseverance.

This is why they deserve to be there (although the pay is ludicrous).

Here, creating good content (kicking the ball) is the 'easy' part. Perhaps the curation initiatives should start rewarding good people, those willing to get up and early and stay late to train.

If I could afford 20k SP (better even 50k) to run something similar to Kenny’s Tribe... you would definitely be one of the members benefiting regular boosts because of your continued efforts.

I even promise I wouldn’t use more than 15% of voting power on myself (8% if 50k). LOL

But then again, if my aunt had testicles, she would be my uncle.

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