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RE: Alts left right out and KYC

in #steem5 years ago

Anonymity is the absolute most important thing of this movement.

I don't think that in the long run anonymity will hold as the most important thing, transparency will. As far as it goes for who will pay for it, there is likely going to be a whole range of services that will spring up to leverage it that anyone with a bank account or verified twitter or something will be able to utilize. Is it what you find important? maybe not but most people in this world don't care about anonymity. Pseudonimity possibly.


anyone with a bank account

That's exactly why it can't operate in such a way. The cryptosphere gives the most benefit to the people who aren't even banked in the first place. It is a network that deals in trust in places where corruption is the highest. It is an escape for hyperinflation.

The last thing anyone is going to do is identify themselves as their fiat currency is being printed into the dirt and the men with guns are looking for citizens trying to escape the clutches of central banking. These things are happening right now, today. India, Iran, and Venezuela are not pleased by the exit that crypto provides.

It doesn't matter what I think. The implementation of KYC is digitally incompatible with the most valuable crypto applications. The only customer worth knowing is the digital reputation of the "anonymous" account in question.

One doesn't build reputation in the cryptoshpere by linking a fiat bank account. There will be an @edicted reputation and a @tarazkp reputation. Our reputations will take years to cultivate and, in all likelihood, we aren't going to sacrifice our account's reputation for some paltry short-term gains.

Centralization continues to melt away over time as decentralized features are put in place. Consolidated power structures can not be built on these shifting sands and expect to stand the test of time.

The bank verification was used as an example but it is about proof of human not identity. This is getting more and more difficult these days.

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