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RE: The witnesses are out to get me

in #steem5 years ago

HF21 is going to be a bad day for those who abuse bidbots, for people who only self-vote, for those who spam and those who plagerize.

fingers crossed.

I just hope no one starts flag wars over disagreements of opinion.

Unfortunately it happens now and will happen more (for a while at least) later but, it still has to be dealt with.

I'm not sure about the 10% reserved for rewarding developers. If you are developing something that doesn't produce value on its own and is not attracting upvotes, why are we paying you?

It is a strange area that I haven't touched on much but, if it funds decentralized development, some of those developments will pan out at least. It also gives a chance to those who can't "go it alone" to get some funding to try. Who knows what it will inspire.


As long SPS isn't a fixed and costant percentage I'm happy with it. It should be spent on a project by project basis up to 10%. We need constant referendums too so the budget isn't wasted. If no valuable projects are happening I'd like to see it go back to the rewards pool.

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