Pay me for my words

in #steem6 years ago

I would like to report that my declining of comment rewards has not only made a significant impact on the level of engagement on my posts and pushed rewards to other comments but, the example it has set has convinced several high SP users to stop self voting their comments and when they o it for visibility, they don't take from the pool.

I would like to report that but, it just isn't true. As far I can tell has happened over the last two weeks or so is that I have had to answer a to of questions as to why I am declining payouts, annoyed some people who wanted to upvote, confused @whatsup (score!) and had no significant effects whatsoever on @mattclarke who I think just likes to waste his VP and throw it back into the pool. Bloody Australians. Oh, and I got a nice vote from @berniesanders on a comment but because it went back in the pool, haejin probably sucked it up with one of his 70 posts a week and bought McDonald's or Nike stocks with it.

So, other than costing me probably 10-20 SBD in potential rewards... yeah, no effect. I love being the ripple that starts a groundswell of ... yeah, no effect. As predicted.

The problem with any kind of social movement here is that unless that movement is going to put more money into people's pockets, no one is going to jump on the bandwagon. This is why despite the warnings, pay-to-play is here to stay and there isn't likely to be an increase of SP roaming the waters searching for content gems. It feels good to have so much positive effects on the way the platform operates.

Power to the people!!

We actually do have the power to make changes here if you haven't noticed but, it requires a community working together to make them. And since the community will only ever work like mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, I don't have the Steem power to raise an army and those that do, likely don't care at this point. Don't worry though, communities will solve some of these problems and perhaps then, all of the small accounts that have been struggling will finally benefit from the communities they have been diligently building in preparation for Hivemind's arrival. You have been building communities... right?

You see, despite all the nonsense that goes on here, I personally am still bullish on Steem since I actually hold some. Which means, as long as Steem's price increases I will benefit, whether there is a community or not. My risk is holding but, I am pretty confident there will be gains to come. I always find it funny when people talk about wanting Steem to got to the moon! yet, they hold 3.345 Steem. Maybe they mean one of Jupiter's moons.

Higher the price, harder to get remember and that is exponentially so on Steem as it attracts competition to earn for free and hopefully investors who will push the price even higher still. People seem to think the work here is difficult for the return yet, how would they get other coins of they can't buy Steem?

How many people who are relying on Steem for an income are able to mine Bitcoin instead? It is a pretty amazing opportunity to be able to actually work directly for Steem. I'd think people would work harder for it as those in places where work is scarce aren't likely to have the chance to buy into other coins. Golden, golden, golden opportunity.

Of course, it would be nice to have a significant number of people benefit from holding on to some Steem and developing the community by spreading their value outward as well as inward but, for those who do hold now, it isn't really necessary. The hard part is just being patient enough to hodl until it is more mainstream and SMTs and communities get to work.

So, even though I am still wanting the community to grow and make the changes that will reshape the way people are able to earn and live their lives by creating what they enjoy, it doesn't matter too much since, I will likely be able to do just that. Sure, it won't be as sweet as if I was part of a movement to change the world but, it will likely change my world. Perhaps I should just settle for that?

Kind of a rant, some thoughts and what not... oh yeah, I will resume taking payment for my comments now and chalk the experiment up to 'Useless.'


[ a Steem original ]

Btw, I quite like writing these kinds of posts. Perhaps I should concentrate on being more snarky and sarcastic?


It just takes a few good people to lead the way and show others that by building a genuine community, we encourage good content, better retention and therefore our ecosystem grows. This means the value of STEEM goes up for everyone.

Totally agree with your points regarding rewards on steem and comparing it to mining bitcoin. I remember trying to mine lots of coins on my laptop... Didn't end well 😂😂

I remember trying to mine lots of coins on my laptop... Didn't end well

lol. I know near nothing about mining but.. I don't think this is a recipe for success

Haha, yes. Found that out quite quickly. It's a shame I didn't mine some bitcoin back in 2011 when I first started reading about it!

No voting power, I had to buy you a vote. Might be a while. :)

I really did enjoy this post, but the occasional rant is fun. Those who never stop ranting, not as much. :) Enjoy your evening/night whatever it is for you.

You are definitely in the community of the future I am building... Average Sarcasm Servants.

Let's make upvoting @tarazkp's comments great again

Lol when I read this post my first thought was 'oh asher will be glad he can upvote @tarazkps comments gain'.

@tarazkp we can only but try, steemit is full of experiments. And I believe some of these movements and communities are forming and steemit will be a different place in years to come :-)

@abh12345 is my biggest fan :P

It is going to take a lot of playing around to get things right for the platform and individual. I have avoided trying a lot of things out of discomfort but I think I am going to get more adventurous and live a little on the edge. People might not like some of the things however, I know I am here long-term, I am engaged and there is a lot of potential in the future to help many more than what is happening currently.

sound exciting, I look forward to following what you do and try. I too have experimented a little. Sure I'm just a very small drop in the ocean so don't have much to lose, but I reckon I can still make a big splash. Its awesome how steemit enables experimentation and living adventurously. So far there are no right or wrongs...hmmmm....well there are loads of wrongs but lets not get into that :-)

It's possible :P

I am getting hats made ;)

Felt a cold chill hearing those words


I get to upvote your comments, this is a win, but I'm out of beer. Go figure.

LOL, Sorry, @whatsup! I just reduced that vote to a mere 26% payout after curation, I dropped nearly 36 SBD in Fyrst's Whale MAW (booster jaw) for a foodie post I just made...

😆 Please don't slay me in Discord!

I did not look at the "details" until after I bought the vote :P

You closed the dang window and I just got a refund. LOL, now I am going to have to start over!

This post is pretty funny. Looking through your comment and post history you rarely reply back to anyone on your posts or in other people posts either. You seem to be doing exactly what you are talking about in your first couple paragraphs.

This post makes it sound like you are some community engagement specialist yet you rarely engage in your posts...

Sure your content is ok depending on personal taste. But this community should celebrate and embrace the comment section on posts. If we don't steemit won't compete with other platforms.

Maybe I am missing something, but this post seems a little hypocritical...

WTF flag?
I have done nothing wrong. Was offering an opinion/thought... Not cool.

I see a lot where they engage the first few post, on some articles I think they operate sock puppets. If you look at a lot of experienced bloggers they start the engagement of comments by operating different socks of themselves. One side will pro for the article and the other side will play the con side, it often works, works rather well for stroking up a conversation. Here though basically there's a tremendous lack of spontaneous interaction like you see on some of the major blog sites like Disqus or Reddit therefore to be successful it's a necessity to invent socks...I just haven't done it yet because I already do to much talking to myself. lol.

You have to be realistic. This platform has only existed for 2 years. That is like Facebook in 2006.

lol.. really? Been drinking a little?

Taraz is one of the most engaged Steemit users from what I have seen in the comment section and in giving back.

No.I have fun with you. don't mind please

I don't mind, hence the upvote :)

thanks @tarazkp . have a nice day.

I love being the ripple that starts a groundswell of ... yeah, no effect. As predicted.

I have no doubt you are kind of an old elderly gypsy with clairvoyant super powers to read the future. LoL

Btw, I quite like writing these kinds of posts. Perhaps I should concentrate on being more snarky and sarcastic?

I told you mate, I've told you this ten times before. ¡Jump onto my irony & sarcasm bandwagon! You'll enjoy a ball and part of your other two doing it with your splendid and sophisticated sense of humor. };)

I should have listened to you. I think you are kind of an old elderly gypsy with clairvoyant super powers to read the future. :D

Hahaha Take my 0.04 cents!! In your face my dear young clairvoyant. :o)

I stopped voting for my posts and just ended up feeling like an asshole, so I stopped doing that. People were more than happy to take my extra votes, but that's about it. So whatever. Can't beat em, join em.

It definitely seems that there is very little chance of affecting community through humanity here.

Givers give, takers take. I can still do both, and I'll keep it all to myself.

Of course you can be more sarcastic, but still the fact that a good idea came to your mind means that others will soon come up with the same idea and maybe you can build a community together...

The Average Sarcasm Servants. I like it.

I was rather puzzled as to why you'd turned to declining comments. I didn't think it would be of much benefit to you or anyone else, but I guess it's useful to have it confirmed. I'm still trying to find a foolproof way where doing the right thing can result in earning more than doing the wrong thing. I already know you can earn from it, but it's never as lucrative as being a selfish, greedy *#@/.

yeah, it would be ice if there was at least some middle ground somewhere where one can earn without being a complete ass. I think there is always a loss though.

You are wrong. Develop real trust and relationships is more lucrative. Do you think you will be on a yacht outside south of France by being selfish? Please. Selfish people do not win in life. They are fucking themselves over every second. Be a good boy pays off.

How about snarky, sarcastic, and short? This post seems to fit the bill.

Short in comparison to my normal? yeah.. it feels weird but I think it is about 5000 words today so.. forgive me :P

Hey, I like it! I was able to get through the whole post before my ADD kicked in....

The whales staying away is an opportunity for Minnows to gain marketshare by being active and build up networks. Doesn't take many people to build up a massive successful network.

Just takes a bit of a mindset shift. As Jeff Bezos have said Your Margins is My Opportunity. If a person can remove the idea of profit and instead only invest in other humans that is when we can see magic start to happen.

To realize people is now power and we can use humans as generators to produce massive value. Clearly the Internet is not something that is going away so it's important that people have a long term mindset.

Whoever can take 0 profit for years will end up on top of this! Because it's just a simple strategy of outlast the herd that is looking for quick profits.

Doesn't take many people to build up a massive successful network.

Nope and those that can build a network of people who are powering up a little will be in a very good position later.

Whoever can take 0 profit for years will end up on top of this! Because it's just a simple strategy of outlast the herd that is looking for quick profits.

This is what I am trying to manage. so far so good.

Enjoyed your post @tarazkp ! Sometimes rants are awesome!upped and resteemed!👍👍👍✌

Thank you very much. Struggling to get to comments now but trying my best to catch up.

Your welcome! i have the same problem.👍

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