If only I had 300 friends

in #steem5 years ago

I had a conversation with a colleague the other day about probabilities of things and how people worry over the chances of their plane crashing, getting murdered by a psychopath serial killer or the proverbial "I could get hit by a bus tomorrow" scenario.

But, the same people don't necessarily spend that much time thinking about the food they eat, the toxins they breathe or the lack of activity they do which is much more likely to not only kill them earlier than the expected average if poorly handled, but be a potential long path of misery and pain along the way.

People aren't very good at probabilities of events and in general, the more extreme examples get cherry-picked and overweighed in the mind, while the mundane points that have long-term cumulative effects with much better odds of happening - are simply ignored.

Today I claimed my 300th account for Steem, something that I think everyone who has enough Resource credits should be doing but, many aren't.

Another token to collect

Why do I think they are worth collecting? Because they are account tokens that can be used to create accounts in the future and even though there is definitely not much of a rush on them now, I do believe that there will be in the future f one or two of the Steem applications becomes successful.

There is something funny that I noticed for the BEOS airdrop and I am sure that others have also, it costs 500 BTS which is the current equivalent of $35+ to get an account on that blockchain... And people complained about 3 Steem if they needed it immediately here.

However, I do think that accounts are going to get harder to come by in the future and there will be various processes to reward those who have them available. What is likely to happen for the applications that need them is that they will offer a payment for them but instead of Steem, they will provide some amount of an SMT for the account. This way it not only gets them the account, it helps them with distribution and possibly attracting higher staked users to their platform.

I think currently one needs ~5000 SP to claim one account every 5 days so an account with 100k can claim 20 every 5 days or, 1460 accounts a year. That is not very many really is it? Of course, there are other ways to create accounts too but, I wonder how many are willing to pay the 3 Steem if Steem is 12 dollars each? Well, that makes it the same price as the BEOS wallet creation for the airdrop.

Account subscription model?

I also wonder if there are other ways for an application to use accounts too for example, recycling an account. Is it possible to create an account for one person and then 'flushing' it clear on their application for another? Sure, the Steem blockchain will keep account history data for all users but an application need not recognize the history of that account in its calculation and for all intents and purposes on their platform, it is a fresh account every time it changes hands. This would mean that an application could create thousands of generic Steem accounts in a series and use them for their customers on a lease or short-term requirement process - on a subscription model. That means it can leverage the blockchain but its interactions will still be account specific, kind of like a rental car doesn't care who drives it - the account details of the driver are unique regardless of the car they drive. Depending on use case, this would mean that fewer accounts could be required and also, it would also mean that account names could be reserved on a specific application, even if there is a Steem account with the same name somewhere else.

It can move fast

So why did I enter in with probabilities of death? Well this is the thing with all of Steem and the game theory behind just about every aspect of the platform - *no one really knows what is going to happen in the future of the blockchain or entire industry but if things do pick up the right marketing, it could move very fast indeed and if there is a high demand on something, the value of them goes up tremendously.

As I said in one of my other posts today, I also plan on getting my company involved on Steem in the not so near future when I feel that they and I are ready for it. Having these accounts in store means that I could (by then) potentially build an entire corporate community overnight and provide them with immediate access to the blockchain - Along with enough Resource Credits to interact, post, comment and build their various tech with. This will start happening more and more in my opinion and accounts are going to be a valuable commodity.

Pay me, get paid.

A lot of people don't like the idea of having to pay for an account on Steem but I see that in the future the SaaS model is one that is going to be leveraged heavily and, there will be so much value in being part of Steem that people would look at an account buy as a type of investment for their business model, the purchase of a piece of equipment or tool. I also think that while there are people that are parking accounts, in the future there will be a verification layer type of mask thing that could effectively circumvent that and allow large companies access to their own names, even if the blockchain has one previously recorded. This is part of the freedom that the applications will be able to implement through their own SMTs as I understand it.

The probability of this and that

There are many options coming to Steem and the blockchain industry and while people are looking at the largest events and over-weighing them like plane crashes and moon landings, there are thousands of things that are happening concurrently while flying under the radar that are mounting and compounding to come together to create the technological revolution. There are so many action points going on just on Steem that most people no longer are able to keep rack of even the largest announcements and project developments. Some people didn't know of the wallet split which was announced by @steemitblog yet, claim to know the future of Steem. No one knows.

Well, no one except me. ;D

Back into the kitchen

I can't say what will make or break Steem or what will take it mainstream, but I am optimistic that it is leading towards being part of a revolution in the way the world handles information, social interaction and of course economic collaboration. That is the thing people forget about economy, it doesn't work with only one.

Many people might not know but the etymology of the word "economy" means household management and blockchains and crypto are making this a reality again by empowering individuals to manage their own finances down to the granular level. It is far from ready and we are far from ready to take all of the responsibility at once but, it is moving in that direction and eventually, perhaps we can return some balance between all of the households in which we live as a global community.

I don't think it will be an easy or a fast process but, it will take people who are willing and able to develop for it and on Steem, they are going to need an account. I will keep collecting them as I can.

[ a Steem original ]


Another month or two and I will have 5000 SP hopefully and will do it via Steemworld as I was wondering what that was for. It gives you the option of using your RC's so one a week should still give you plenty to still work with.

I can see how there might be a rush for accounts in the future. Respect the foresight and love the enthusiasm as always

The foresight is conjecture of course but I enjoy looking long. it is all on the blockchain if anyone wants to look back later to see how wrong I was too. Part of the fun.

I think I am gaining more enthusiasm :D

@barbara-orenya this is some great info for you....

Thank you my dear, you are always far ahead on the great infos...LoL

Sharing the good stuff with friends! ❤️🚀

Where do you find out how to claim the account.
If I claim an account do I have to name the account ? Or is it a credit for an account.
It would also use all my RC and 4 days to rebuild it
I still have questions on it

You can do it several ways but the easiest is either steeminvite.com [@pharesim and trusted] or Steemworld.org (option down the bottom of the lists on the left and many use). Even if it uses all of your RCs and leaves you at zero, you will get them back fast enough to not slow you down much.

RC Status 12.11 %|1,127,522,097,722 RC

Ok its a credit for an account not an actual account yet. I get it, makes sense

You can also use the steemconnect link.

I am so glad I read your posts! (especially since you are the only one who knows what is going on!) 😏😃
I have not claimed any accounts. Now I must see if I can figure out how to do that!

Have a look at the comment to @wolfhart and it gives some options :)

I just did it in Steemworld! Easy enough! Now I have 1 account ticket! And only 40% RC!

Just look at @wolfhart and get all the answers and options. Its like a crystal ball. Just ask any question and I will ask Taraz and get back to you when I get an answer. No problem , thank you whhhahahahahaha

I went down to 12.11 % we will see how that effects me

Best crystal ball I've ever used. Or is it more like a Magic 8 Ball? "Reply hazy-try again" 😂

I am really sucking when it comes to all this. Crypto stuff.
You gather small amounts of information here and there and try and put it teoghter before it all changes again.

We are having fun

You are NOT sucking! You have helped me with a lot of information that you have gathered and shared. I'm stumbling along right beside you, my friend! And each day we learn one more thing. And we have smart friends who don't seem to mind helping us along! We can do this.... Together.

We do have some smart friends. And they have smart friends. So we will be good because we are not alone as you have stated.

40% RCs is plenty, means you can claim every 3 days

Good to know! I'll do it. Thanks!

I just got over 65 claimed and have a whole process in my head where I quit Facebook with an awesome post and invite them all to Steem with my claimed accounts! I cannot wait until we are ready for that!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I claim about 1 every 4 to 5 days. It takes 60% of my rc so just slowly building them up for the day my friends turn around and ask me,

"You've been on about rhat steem for ages. How do I get started."

And I can just go it's easy. Here is an account and this is what to do.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well accounts will be worth less than 3 steem in the future but the tickets are probably worth collecting

Posted using Partiko Android

flying under the radar that are mounting and compounding to come together to create the technological revolution.

It started with the microchip and is plateauing with block chain, with smaller and smaller incremental builds on the already designed structure (microchip and digital).
Revolution in tech has already happened - we are now just building on it.

A possible declining trend for worldwide innovationJonathan HuebnerTReceived 10 September 2004; received in revised form 3 January 2005; accepted 18 January 2005AbstractA comparison is made between a model of technology in which the level of technology advances exponentially without limit and a model with an economic limit. .
..... We are at an estimated 85% of the economic limit of technology, and it is projected that we will reach 90% in 2018 and 95% in 2038.....
.....There is a general consensus that technology is advancing exponentially, and that this advance will continue into the distant future. The basic assumption behind this view is that either there is no limit to technological advance, or if there is a limit, then we are far from reaching it.

....The history of technological innovation from the end of the Dark Ages to the present time is examined, and evidence is provided that we are closer to a technological limit than many people realize.


I generally don't like paying for accounts either XD

Need to build up a bit more before I can start claiming account tokens aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.

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