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RE: Steemit Virtual Government: Declaration of Independence

in #steem7 years ago

I like that you guys are thinking about all this, I am too new to know what is really going on about the distribution of power, and the judicial system of the Steemit. It sounds righteous to take power away from the people with the most dough.
About judgements of the content. Other than plagiarism, which should be a mortal sin, I don't see how anyone should have power to judge according to the N word or the P word, or whatever word or representation you see. There should be no censorship on the Artists, if you like it, great, look at it, read it, enjoy it. If you don't like the content, unless it is some kind of way to scam people, or a marketing work, I don't think anyone should have power to vote it down.
All the revolutionaries have been voted down in the history of the Humankind, if not killed.
Anyhow... my 1 cent for you guys, I am going to keep the second one for later. I am poor.
Oh yeah... stop talking about revolution please, we are supposed to evolve. Blockchain is supposed to be an evolution. When you revolve you just put another ass as your tyrant. Decentralization could be a great part of the evolution.
And again, putting any kind of people on top, let it be artists, the investors, the curators, will always create hierarchy, and at the end serve only certain people. If you are going to do diagrams that are just, please think about circles and spheres, instead of the fucking triangle!!! :D
PS: I hope you guys don't mind my language. It is the bittersweet salt in my art :P


Another PS: If you guys can't feed the whole world in 20 years, I think I am in the wrong fucking site.

lol right? 10 Years. that line and your photo say you're an interesting person. You on discord?

How about Type R-Evolution. Some hybrid between. Or just Faster Evolution? There is some battle though between the idea of EVIL-UTION, and REVOL-LUTION though. Some absolutely want to acquire huge quantities of the DMS digital money supply, and through prescient "Bets", to influence disproportionately.

As the American Revolution, all revolutions has been hijacked, including sexual revolution. Evolution is part of the mother nature, and even though it might be manipulated, I don't think it can be stopped. It will happen no matter what, with us or without us, there is no stopping it. It is constant. Can there be a devolution?? I guess in concept, but I haven't seen it in nature. Once you know the truth, you can't go back can you? But that truth may evolve into other truths.
I agree, they are trying to hijack the DMS for their own gains again, but the beautiful part might be the decentralized technology itself. The facts are, if we were to free all the regular currency in the Cayman Islands and other secret places, we could already feed the people, and be able to create environments that are for the betterment of the whole globe. You, and I are not the only ones who are aware of the human potential for change, and it is changing. All these prefabricated wars are not going to stop it. :P

People aren't going to seriously devolve, but society, certainly. Survival of the fittest is actually something that barely exists as it did throughout the universes history. There are great advantages to much of our society, but it also rewards all sorts of behavior that would get one exterminated in mother nature

The shape of my diagram was the last thing I thought I'd get a complaint about, lol. Way to keep me on my toes.

The post was already so long to begin with that I didn't talk much about Steemit law. The more objective flags are, the better. It would be nice to have defined rules agreed on by the community through voting.

As for using the word revolution instead of evolution, that just seems like semantics. I could use the phrase chicken pot pie and get my message across as long as you know what I'm talking about.

yeah ive been sitting in the minnow project foundation for a while.
Haven't even talked to anyone but listened to a radio show once.

what's your name and #?


Shape of the diagram puts the artists on top. I guess you couln't understand the concept of a circle or a sphere where there is no one on top. In a Circle there is no beginning, nor end, it distributes equally.