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RE: Why is Steem never represented at any real crypto conferences?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

All of the above.

The nonexistent representation at notable crypto conferences such as Consensus is perhaps indicative of a lack of willingness by Steemit Inc to stand up to thorough scrutiny from the brightest minds and deepest pockets in this growing market.

The months long silence from the CEO of this platform demonstrates negligible engagement with its users. The failure to meaningfully update on the developmental status of SMTs further attests to this.

The continued governance issues that remain unaddressed, coupled with the inordinate control that Steemit Inc has over the Steem supply, will continue to constrain mass adoption and thus the market valuation of the blockchain.


You mean conferences like CoinDesk's Consensus 2018, where Ned will be speaking?

Thanks for pointing that out. This nonetheless ties to comments regarding the need for improved direct engagement with the user base: for example, there's no mention of the participation in the conference anywhere on the Steemitblog page. As such, the marketing of these events is simply lacking.

And the referenced session is structured as a forty-minute group panel. What many are really asking for is a stand alone presentation akin to what the CEO of Twitter is scheduled to do for forty-five minutes. One that thoroughly conveys the value proposition of the Steem blockchain versus others and offers substantive answers to recurring questions like: what are the lessons learned over the two years since its inception, what changes are being made to address long standing governance and UI/UX issues, what is the developmental status of SMTs besides reference to an eight month old white paper, are there plans for the Steem supply to be less centrally controlled, what is the status of corporate partnerships that have been alluded to in the past, etc.

Never again will I challenge myself to a game of where's @ned

is ctrl+f so difficult?

No, but where's the fun in that?
I wasn't being serious

It's E and it's a great shame.

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