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RE: [Mission: Agua-Possible] wants to bring running water back to a Steemian in need, and you can help!

in #steem5 years ago

Glad to help, and glad to see some heavy weights coming in to support this to. Maybe we'll have to run it through again in a few days to help gather some more pump drivin' STEEM.
I think there is renewed interest in banding together in support of these types of projects, so please keep doing your thing, We Will Support!


Thank you for the encouragement. Some weeks have been quite disheartening around here. It's not that we don't have several great people doing their best to resteem and toss in donations, it's the constantly-falling purchasing power of our STEEM holdings. If it would just stop crashing so rapidly, we'd make headway and actually complete the project. As is, it feels like it could drag out another 2 years, with people piling in a lot of money, but never enough all at once to buy the pump. Really tragic and frustrating. So your support means a lot.

Looks like the STEEM price has bottomed out and is now holding steady with a possible climb up. The Steem Dollar has been climbing hard the last few days, so let's hope it helps Steem along the way up.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58679.35
ETH 3155.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44