Can We Do Something Real With Our Upvotes, Like Feed a Child? Come on STEEM [community] [blockchain]

in #steem5 years ago


The Power of STEEM LOVE

This is the kind of power I have dreamed of STEEM having, the power to feed a hungry child or a family in need somewhere, anywhere in the World.

The time has come to test this idea and turn it into reality.

The Steem community is used by many different Crypto Projects, some not even having anything to do with the Steem Blockchain, and yet here they are posting about their projects here on the Steem Blockchain. I wonder Why???

The undervalued price of Steem is not a reason to get discouraged, not when this Blockchain has one of the strongest crypto-communities in the crypto-verse(proof in the paragraph above). Let us show other cryptos how it is done. Let us demonstrate that even at $0.40 cents, STEEM can go a long Way!!



Show the rest of the Crypto-Verse what you got STEEMIANS!

+++ @streetstyle

Re-Steem this in support.


Children are the future of the world, in Venezuela and many countries its growth is greatly affected by the lack of food.

I have a teenage daughter, she is my priority, I do the impossible so that she does not lack food, study, and personal things, that's why I'm still in steemit because it is a strong platform and with people of beautiful feelings like @streetstyle , many blessings for you and your family.


My daughter and her cousins.

Their smiles brighten our lives even in the darkest moments

Receive an upvote! Such treasures have to be valued at all times :)

Thank you very much for the comment, the smiles of the children deserve a better future and full of many foods

Thank you @jennimorillo for your kind words. And congrats on a beautiful family.

I hope to do more......

I always thank those who support me in steemit, here we are not just to make money, the idea is to get more involved and give our big or small support.

You are a great friend, God blessed you with kindness in your heart!

Yes @jennimorillo I see the Steem Blockchain as a tool to be able help ourselves as well as others. I especially believe in helping those of less fortunate means. I believe that we are deserve to be happy and healthy, and together and through tools such as Steem, we can achieve that reality.

I so like your projects

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @mrme1984 I am just trying to do my part.

I feel what you're saying @streetstyle

The time has come to test this idea and turn it into reality.

It has been tested by quite a few people in the past. I and a few other steemians, with the help of @sndbox, set up a steem Blockchain charity around 8 months ago called @projectgiving, check out the page.

Unfortunately, it didn't keep going as the founder had to leave but we raised enough to fund the start up costs of an environmental project that helped people out of poverty in Africa.

From settings up that charity I learned one key thing about a lot of whales on steem. They don't give a flying fck about helping people. They see it as a bleed of value leaving the Blockchain.... despite my attempts to show the huge value 'good press' would bring if one of the many charity endeavours actually made a national newspaper.

Fundition still do good, helping charity on the Blockchain, and they are who I would recommend approaching if you're serious about starting a charity. I wish I could help, but I don't have the time at the moment.

All in all there is a very greedy, cynical mindset among high stake. I'm talking in generalities here. This isn't aimed at anyone specific, although I could name names of all the whales who ignored my extremely well formulated marketing drive for @projectgiving. We even had a full accountability structure to show that all projects were legit, and that funds were reaching their destination. It was cast iron tight... I used to work in a national charity and I developed that accountability structure to be in line with various UK regulations so that if steem had have taken off, we would have been ready to partner with mainstream charities. The lack of interest from anyone other than fundition knocked me for six, and was the first instance of my dissatisfaction with the status quo here on steem.


I applaud what you're doing. 100% vote given m8 🙂👍

Hello @raj808 Sorry to hear that your charity org here on Steemit didn't work out as planned.

I am not looking to start a specific charity, but rather just supporting Steem users in need on an individual basis. I applaud your efforts in attempting to make Steem and the World a better place.

Hopefully we can continue to receive your support for these types of initiatives as they come along.

Take care and Full Steem Ahead!

Sorry Sir @streetstyle I can only do 99% upvote power ;)
It is a very good thing that steem is really making a far more difference in the lives of many particularly in Venezuela as it is suffering from a failed financial system.

Thanks for supporting this and helping this family out. This Steem Love is why I love the Steem Blockchain.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent initiative, I fully support this initiative, helping us to grow both human and within the platform, greetings streetstyle friend!

Thank you @edmundocentenor I am hoping that through the help of the Steem community we can do more for each other.

Sorry I had already voted before I read the post, but instead, I will give a !tip which is worth more than my 100% upvote :)

No worries my friend, all support is truly appreciated and thank you for the !TIP I am sure it will go to great use.

Glad to help in My little way and lets double up the !tip :)

Thanks @tattoodjay I am sure they will truly appreciate it.

My Pleasure ;)

🎁 Hi @streetstyle! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @tattoodjay!

@tattoodjay wrote lately about: Market Friday - Getting Items From Or To The Market Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Given you an upvote on my account & on behalf of @gtg.. I truly believe STEEM has potential to feed thousands of people. Great Initiative. xoxo

Thank you for supporting @elsiekjay It will go a long way for this family. And thank you for also supporting through @gtg much appreciated.

<3 <3

great great thoughts!
100% support and resteem!

well, i can definitely get behind this idea!

Thank you for supporting and giving a helping hand @gooddream

Together we can for sure !!!!

Thank you for supporting @blazing

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