I Praised Steemit in an Impromptu Toastmaster's Speech and Won Best Speaker

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


I have been a member of Toastmaster's for over a year. It is an organization that promotes leadership skills through the conduit of helping polish its member's public speaking ability.

Toastmaster's are taught about the art of speaking. They learn how to be eloquent and graceful with words, and how not to use filler sounds like "uh" and "ah." I worked my way up in the organization. I recently received a competent communicators certificate, which means I successfully performed 10 speeches and was graded in several categories.

When I arrived at my Toastmaster's meeting last Thursday, I was glad I had this previous experience under my belt. One of the speaker's did not make it to the meeting, so I decided to volunteer for an impromptu 5 to 7 minute talk. It was my first off the cuff speech.

Off the Cuff Speech Praising Steemit

Since I recently started posting on Steemit again, I excitedly decided to inform my audience about the platform. I wanted to woo them with how wonderful Steemit is, how it can radically change society for the better, and how it has helped me personally enhance my financial acumen.

I started the talk by reminding everyone about the state of technology, how humankind is developing innovative new cyber applications on a daily basis. I told them this is just the begging. I provided background on cryptography, blockchains, and bitcoin. I felt like this was necessary. I educated my fellow Toastmasters on the technologies that bestowed Dan Larimer and Ned Scott with the knowledge that allowed them to construct the Steemit blockchain.

Leaders are made

The Elegance and Beauty of Steemit

After catching everyone up on blockchain technology, I dove into Steemit and how it works. I talked about delegated proof of stake and the three native tokens that each user can leverage: Steem, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars. I briefly explained each one in as clear of language as I could muster. I detailed the intricacies of each one. I elaborated on how rewards work, how tokens can be transferred, and how the system is censorship and tamper resistant.

I blew their mind when I explained Steemit is not an organization that pays me with company money. I said the computer pays me; I am paid by an algorithm. It is the first protocol that divvies out value based on what user's like, determined by their voting stake.

My comments were met with suspicious eyes, but also with shock. The audience could not believe such a thing was possible, granted many of them are still new to the fascinating realm of financial technology.


Aftermath of the Talk: What is a Blog?

I was slightly disappointed at the end of my speech, but not because I believed I performed poorly. I knew my speech went well. I didn't have many — if any — filler words. I also paced myself and spoke fluently, trying to enunciate every utterance. I even walked around the room and made eye contact with as many people as I could.

However, when I received my critique, the evaluator said my language was a bit too lofty and jargon-laden. Some of the words I used were lost on them. Other Toastmaster's chimed in and said they did not know what an "algorithm" or "consensus model" was. They said I need to go back to basics..

What took the cake was someone said they did not know what a "blog" was, and that I should elaborate more during another talk. I was flabbergasted. I thought a "blog" was firmly embedded in the cultural lexicon — A staple of modern society. Apparently, there are people who do not have experience with common, everyday online activities.

Besides the few people getting lost in my language, everyone loved the speech, especially since it was not planned or prepared. The evaluator said it was great. She mentioned she might want to learn more...even though she views bitcoin and other cryptocurrency as "funny money" or "video game" cash. If only she knew.

Best Speech of the Day; Dumb it Down!

Needless to say, I won the ribbon for best speaker of the day. Unfortunately, I was unable to record the talk because it was impromptu.

Nonetheless, I spurred more interest in the platform, and several people approached me afterwards wanting more information. I really look forward to doing some public (recorded) presentations on Steem in the future. This is exciting stuff, and it is one of my most cherished platforms on the internet.

I just need to "dumb it down," apparently.

best speaker Steemit

Sterlin Luxan is a visionary thinker, cryptocurrency junkie, connoisseur of psychology, an MDMA high priest, and the Mr. Rogers of Anarchism. He writes for bitcoin.com, runs a consultancy business in the crypto space, and public speaker. He created the doctrine of relational anarchism and contributes to many causes in the thriving liberty ecosystem.

sterlin good


Thanks for this! This Toastmasters thing sounds really interesting.

Toastmaster's has been one of the best things I ever did for myself. I recommend joining a club. It's likely you have one near you. It is international.

I left a link to the main page above.

Thank you!

thanks much your info is a helping hand to the new ones here keep it up looking forward to reading more

The good thing about toastmasters is that they really listen to you and give you real feedback unlike some people here. :) anyway congrats, great post.

Love Toastmasters!! Congrats on winning the ribbon for the best speaker! Toastmasters helped me a lot with 'dumbing' it down and simplifying my speech. I used to have a hard time translating my thoughts to speech until I joined Toastmasters.

Great recommendation @sterlinluxan !!

Absolutely. Not a problem. Toastmasters has helped me in so many ways. I can't even count them all!

True that!!

Steemit will soon be taking over from Facebook as the number on social media network. But before that happens, lets take a look at how much Facebook should have paid you so far, and should be paying you right now. My understanding of the Steemit model is that users own a part of the market cap and are paid out of the company's earnings in proportion to their engagement and Steem investment. I made some calculations with very significant results.

Yeah, indeed. I should have been paid a ton by Facebook for everything I have posted. It kind of makes me angry in retrospect.

I do want to clarify something, though. Technically the founders of Steemit are not paying you. Nor is any company. Steem is distributed to you via an algorithm based on up votes. Whenever a new block is created, rewards are divvied out to the individuals based on those up vote calculations. For instance, in bitcoin rewards go to the miners. On steem, rewards go to the bloggers based on up votes. This is what is referred to as delegated proof of stake. It is literally the computer paying you. :)

Thanks for that upvoted and resteemed, already following. But where does the computer get the money to pay you?

It is generated by an algorithm; similar to the way bitcoins are generated, except it is done mostly by "delegated proof of stake," although "proof of work" is also involved in the creation of new blocks.

This is really interesting. What is delegated proof of stake?

That's the power of this platform and people like you!

Imagine 'revisiting' this speech 3 years later on the same platform when Steemit would join the likes of Facebook! Thrilling times!

I love Toastmasters! I used to have fear of speaking in public (which I still do have to some extent), and joined Toastmasters at my district. Helped me a ton!!
I need to join it again....Thank you for suggesting and reminding @sterlinluxan :)

Wow congratulations on achieving the title of Best Speaker you deserve it we have seen it here on steemit too you are awesome keep inspiring.

wow excelente hermano, felicitaciones!!! asi se hace, steemit va para adelante ;)

Hi, my friend @sterlinluxan , great post, congratulations, keep it up.

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