We are STEEMITRI - Request your own Steemitri The Mannequin’s mask

in #steem5 years ago


Dear Steemians!

How do you find this family portrait with our beautiful masks of Steemitri The Mannequin?!?!?

I would like to start this post thanking @amico and @armandosodano who gave me this fantastic idea!!!
@armandosodano & @amico in Terracina (Italy )- Photo by @amico

As soon as I saw the post from @amico, I’ve decided to create these masks!

Moreover many ideas have been born thanks to the interaction with the STEEM community ;-)

  • Do you want to feel like Steemitri, a bit mannequin and in a plastic body?!?!?
  • You don’t know what to post?!?!? You’ll see how creative you’ll get by wearing this mask!
  • Do you want to stay anonymous?!?!? Use Steemitri’s mask!!!
  • Are you a SELFIE lover?!?!? With this mask you’ll make the best shots ever!!!
  • Do you want to pick up somebody at a party?!? Use Steemitri’s mask!!!
  • Do you want to become a superhero for a day?!?... Steemitri’s mask is for you!!!

Request Steemitri The Mannequin’s mask!!! It’s totally free… you can leave an upvote and resteem this post as a gesture of gratitude, but it’s not compulsory.

At the moment there are only 10, but depending on the request I might provide some more.

The only assignment you have to do is:
Wear the mask and take some creative pictures… around the world, at work, at the supermarket, at a concert, in the bathroom, etc. etc. use your imagination. Let your friends, family, animals, pets, mannequins put on Steemitri’s mask and document everything with a brief post! Use following tag: #steemitrimask

Here are a few examples:
Steemitri with his own mask:

Babies love Steemitri!

… dolls too!!!

Your posts will be resteemed and upvoted!
Prizes in STEEM and MANNEQOIN to the most creative ones!
Priority is given to MANNEQOIN holders… but you can easily receive some by RESTEEMING this post (10 MANNEQOIN as a giveaway) or buying them on STEEM ENGINE.

Leave a comment and send your address:

  • Discord: steemitri#9828
  • E-mail: steemitri(at)gmail(dot)com

I can’t wait to see Steemitri appear on the entire planet!!!


Steemitri The Mannequin

Creative Commons License
This work (text and photos) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Mi era sfuggito questo post, veramente degno della tua grande produzione di contenuti umoristici e fantasiosi, se avessi avuto ancora il negozio me ne sarei fatta mandare una senz'altro, arrivando a casa "quell'altra" farebbe mille domande, "Cos'è?!?" "Chi è?!?" "Perché?!?" ecc. ecc., e la risposta giusta sarebbe "stocc....!!!"

A parte la battutaccia finale, grandi a tutti i presenti in questo post, e complimenti ancora al nostro MANNEQOIN!!!! 🤩🤩🤩

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Hahahaaaaa, effettivamente si farebbe mille domande!!!
"Ma hai un manichino come amico?!??"
Buona domenica!!!

Hai presente la Gestapo?!? 😆😆

Uguale!! 😁😁

Non a caso è una donna, per niente stupida, e dopo aver detto peste e corna (questo sarei io..) sui social e su Facebook in particolare (festeggio ormai un anno praticamente senza accesso), dirle "Sai, sto postando su un social che paga in criptovalute e molto più stimolante e gradevole di Facebook", mi farebbe il quarto grado, senza parlare del fatto che agli uomini potrei dire di tutto, alle donne al massimo un ciao!! 😅😅😅

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Haha ! I think you already got my adress...don't you ? Send me one and I will be your Steemitri gnome my friend 😄

Did the gnome enjoy a fresh !BEER 🍻 token❓

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Well, thank you much @amico, I always enjoy a fresh beer ! 😃

Of course I'm gonna send you a mask and a postcard ;-)
Oh yeah, a gnome with a huge mask!!!

To view or trade BEER go to steem-engine.com.

Hey @luigi-the-gnome, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Che meravigliosa realizzazione: sei stato davvero velocissimo a passare dall'idea al prodotto finito! 😍

Siccome vorrei provare l'esperienza di vivere in un corpo di plastica assieme a tutta la famiglia, avrei bisogno di tre maschere... ti contatto in MP per definire il business! 🤭

Un forte abbraccio! 🤗

Ogni tanto mi viene qualche idea strana, hahaha.
Adoro STEEM per queste interazioni e perché ci rende creativi... e ci si diverte parecchio :-)
Ti ho risposto in privato ;-)

!BEER alla salute della "Casa di Plastica"!

To view or trade BEER go to steem-engine.com.

Hey @steemitri, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

ah ah che razza di idee fichissime LOLLLLLLL un abbraccio di nascosto senza viso da Terracina.

Grazie a voi!!! Fammi poi sapere se ne vuoi una ;-)

Io ne vorrei una di maschera steemitri!

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Sarà fatto! Mandami l'indirizzo in privato ;-)

Mannaggia a te ed al tuo genio assoluto!!
Grandi Armando & amico per l'ispirazione!!
Bellissima la maschera!! Tutti la amano e tutti la vorranno e indosseranno!!😃✌️

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Te ne mando una ;-)
Ti voglio in posa alla Steemitri :-)

Ciao mitico!
😆 Spettacolo!! Grande!! Contaci!!!
Ci vado anche al lavoro quasi quasi...😂
Buona domenica!🤗😉✌️

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Ha! You're so much fun :D Spreading the Mannequin Virus all over the word! :D

Curated for creativecoin.xyz

Oh yeah!!! Send me your address, and you will have your Mask ;-)
Big Hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

Haha, if you make them all a bit different you can create highly valuable non-fungible Steemitri tokens!! 😄

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Hahaha yeah, great idea! NFST :-)
I have to think about it ;-)
Do you want a mask?
Big Hug

Ha, no thank you, I will just watch from afar! 😄

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