Steemitri The Mannequin: after the crypto’s bloodbath, I have a new job as babysitter

in #steem6 years ago

Dear Steemians,

The value of the crypto has fallen in a crazy way! Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem… everything down!
This doesn’t scare me so much anymore, rather, I am getting used to this rollercoaster.

I only regret to have promised everything and more to my roommates Lou and Dee!
A few months ago I even went to check out some Lamborghini!!!
Nowadays I am afraid they will kick me out from their apartment!

Going back to work in a shop window is completely out of question… I want to stay away from the Matrix!

I therefore offered my help as babysitter for their little and lovely baby daughter!
I try to entertain her and play with her!

Here you can see her while she is playing with my hand!

Now I gotta go… I have to go change diapers!!!

… and you, how are you living this critical situation?!?!?

Let me know in the comments below :-)

Big plastic hug!!!

Steemitri The Mannequin


Creative Commons License
This work (text and photos) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.



It's really nice to meet you. Here, have this.

Oh I should apply as a mannequin-actor ;-)
BTW... I love The Twilight Zone!

Aww :)

Hey Lucas, is the little girl yours? Sorry I didn't see any posts on this if you announced it!

Hey Asher!!! Yes... She's my daughter :-))))
We are super happy and having a lot of fun with her... and with Steemitri, haha.
I never announced it ;-)

Che bel nuovo lavoro!!!! Sicuro piú soddisfacente che la crypto al momento ;-D.... Ovviamente ho vissuto anch' io la situazione del NOOOOO, ma sono sicura che si riprenderá prima o poi.... una ripresa sarebbe ideale come regalo di Natale :-)))

Un bellissimo lavoro, ma bello impegnativo!
Ora aspettiamo la risalita!!!
Un abbraccio!

Sei un talento naturale con i bambini, farai strada nel settore, anche se dovrai abbandonare la Lambo per una station wagon saranno grandi soddisfazioni

Hahaha grazie! Già una station wagon di quarta mano :-(
Sono ancora senza patente, ma potrei fare scuola guida con te ;-)

scuola guida con me? perchè no, quando avremo finito avrai le giuste competenze per essere assunto come manichino per i crash test :-D

I don't look the market, so I live easy like everyday!
A big hug to you, Dee, Lou and their lovely daughter!!
I know for sure that you will do a great job!😉✌️

Posted using Partiko Android

After the bloodbath, my new job is the babysitter cats...mio simpatico friend.

Haha!!! Buon divertimento coi gatti!!!

That's a nice solution ;-) I will contact you once things are getting better :-)
Big hug!!!

I sold also my bananeem and I have bought a big bathtub full of tomatoe juice (to simulate blood).

Posted using Partiko Android

I need some tomatoe juice too!!! Haha!
Big hug hombre!!!

Un abrazo hermano de plastico!

Posted using Partiko Android

Going back to work in a shop window is completely out of question… I want to stay away from the Matrix!


Mannequins in a box... in the Matrix, haha ;-)

you're a great mannequin and you'll be a perfect baby-sitter

Haha, thanks @giornalista! Trying to do my best ;-)

What a kindly mannequin! My granddaughter wants you to play.....

So, I think I should organize a visit to Japan ;-)
Have a great day @shibasaki!

Sei davvero incredibile: ti sei vestito in tinta con il bagno di sangue, LOL! ;)

Complimenti per la tua nuova attività: ti vedo molto portato a lavorare con i più piccini!
Sento che la vita è un gioco, dove ciò che dai ricevi... pertanto tu sicuramente riceverai un sacco di felicità e affetto!

Un forte abbraccio da @amico!

Grazie mille per il tuo commento! Bellissime parole @amico!
Vedremo dove ci porterà questa vita :-)

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