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RE: Steem is in trouble. Here's how to help.

in #steem4 years ago

I think you missed the point where they tried fuking him over first.
Instead they ended up having to bend over themselves.
Also last night in the 'community' meeting they eluded to that fact many a time but then ignore it.
If you read through the chat it was not unanimous about what happened and future moves.
But as usual these 'witnesses' just want whats best for themselves.
So what have these top 20 witnesses done.
Take this 'head of communications' other than posted pics of his cat wtf does he communicate.
So Justin outsmarted these morons
Do you wanna be led by morons?
Or a guy that can out play em?
Probably morons so get yourself a shit side chain.
Etc? Bcash? Exactly.
Now to justin himself i could not give a fuk about him. But why not give the guy a chance?
If he was called james white from new york and did exactly the same moves would you all feel the same? Would you fuk
As for the 'community' why is everyone been asked to go to facebook and twitter to make a point?
Coz nobody read the shit on here.
Whos fault is that?
Your previous fab 20.
Sorry i have written a whole post in your comments but if i wrote a post i would not get a single comment unless i was sucking off the fab 20. Which is precisely my point about this platform.
Its made by the whale for the whales and everyone is so bought into it your blinded.
Furthermore none of these comments are directed at yourself just a general comment about the whole system.


Actually Sun showed his hand by over riding TRON community voted witnesses using a ninja mine stake first. Our Steem witnesses had to take steps to preserve the status quo of the Steemit ninjamine stake not being used to vote.
I was a bit uncomfortable about it at first but it has flushed out Sun's authoritarian streak. He is the anti-Steem.

Hey @steemitcuration, don't worry about 'writing a whole post', we are all worried and involved and it's good to get the opinions out.

I think you missed the point where they tried fuking him over first.

I understand what you mean, and if we only look at what happened 'on the chain' then it might look like 'the witnesses' were the first one to 'attack'. But as I wrote in another comment below my post:

There's a lot of evidence suggesting he was planning something 'hostile' all along. Amongst others: 1) screenshots with announcements that Steem would be made worthless by adding a Steem token on Tron and adding that one to the exchanges instead of our own $STEEM, all these announcements have been removed from the twitter and medium pages, but the screenshots still exist, 2) him ignoring the pressing questions that he said he would give 'the highest priority' during the AMA, these were questions that would have been able to reassure us, but he chose to purposely ignore them, 3) him ignoring many requests to talk to him in calls - witnesses did have ideas on how we could keep the status quo without doing a soft fork, but he chose to ignore these invitations, 4) his recent voting in of Tron Super Representatives, showing he is willing to use his money to get a blockchain to do what he wants, instead of trusting the consensus.

If we take actions 'off the chain' into account as well I'm not so sure if 'we'/the witnesses were the first ones to attack.

But this is certainly not a black&white issue, keep reading and informing yourself, a lot has happened, and there's no easy way to generate an extensive timeline about all of it and find an objective 'truth'.


I am not disputing the fact he may not be trust worthy.
But it is still speculation.
On the other these have been here for years what have they done?
Everything has been in the interest of there own pockets.
I have no intention of going anywhere either way i have 3 accounts and have my own token and have invested at a much higher buyin than others.
But the whole thing was rigged for whales from the start.
There plan to seperate is poinless.
Which clone can you name that has worked none and thats what a new chain will be.
So why not work with the guy and build it as he has stated a few times.
If we dont wanna believe him fine but there is even less reason to believe the previuos ones

On the other these have been here for years what have they done?
Everything has been in the interest of there own pockets.

I think this is where we disagree which is okay :-)

There plan to seperate is poinless.
Which clone can you name that has worked none and thats what a new chain will be.

No fork has ever been able to 'take with them' all the Steemians. I 100% believe Steem will be where the Steemians are. Sun doesn't understand this - if he did he would've been more interested in talking with us. If the Steemians move all he bought was a company (of which now 3 people who are essential already resigned!) and a piece of code that's open source anyway. He'll have nothing if we all leave to another fork of our chain.

So why not work with the guy and build it as he has stated a few times.

This is what we wanted but I think it's too late now. Trust is broken.

Have to agree mainly, even I fully support a lot of the previous Top 20 witness. The Soft Work was made by good intentions but not thought very well. The revenge was to be expected. A sad week - I hardly had time to follow all happenings but not good mood for me on that, still a bit hope that all will turn back into good

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