Titan's face-off!!! - @kryptik vs @acidyo

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

As a warm-up for the upcoming chess tournament organized by this account chess has become a quite popular entertainment at the chatroom.

Among several things ongoing at steemit.chat, community members always find a way to entertain themselves in a healthy way other than hitting on @thepinkbyhamann. This is, they challenge each other at the best of sports: Chess.

In this match we can see @kryptik (white) vs @acidyo (black) in a bloody battle for the amazing prize of 1 SBD!

The Match

He can observe a standard development of the opening in both sides under a Kadas opening (h4) that characterizes for giving no advantages to white, while giving away the momentum to the black side.

1. h4 b6
2. e4 e6
3. Ne2 d5
4. d3 g6

From here, things go wild!
We can see kryptik's aggressive gameplay, despite his loss of momentum, forcing and disrupting acidyo's lines of defense, something that in the end of the game will pay off

5. Bg5 f6 (white attacks)
6. Bc1 Kc6
7. Nf4 g5 (white attacking, again)
8. Ne2 dxe4

At this point we can see how white's h4 lossing of momentum is repaid, black takes the initiative he had all along, breaking the center open and gaining control over it.

9. dxe4 f5 (oh, black likes to put pressure!)
10. Qxd8+ Kxd8 (queen trading, not a big deal)

Some may say "oh! That move made him lose his potential castling!
Well, let me tell you, black with that HUGE gap on his pawnline in the king's side and the open b7 with no queen to support the flanks... Would've won nothing by taking with the Knight in c6, and he would've lost the center control the knight is currently holding. Taking with the King: would've been my choice too!

11. gxh7 fxe4 (keep the center!)
12. Nec3 h5
13. gxh6 Rxh6 (check how black is still holding onto that momentum that was given to him)
14. Rh3 Nf6 (more pieces arriving to control the center... but, losing the rook!)
15. Bxh6 Bxh6
16. Rxh6 Ng4

A panic move, black still controls the center, but losing a piece and the initiative demoralized the wielder of the banhammer. The Knight there does support the center while forces a move from white, yet it has no long term effect on the balance of the board. Since the Castling was already sacrificed for the sake of center control, aiming for a "Capablanca style" move would've been better: Ke7.
That would've kept the King out of any potential threat while reinforcing the center squares, white still has unused pieces that are not counting, not being used in the game, making that lost piece an "acceptable loss", considering that 80% of the battlefield is still under black's control.

17. Rh4 e5 (indirect defense, more center control)
18. f3 exf3
19. gxf3 Ne3

Here's where things get spicy!
The pawn at c2 is compromised, while a potential Knight for Bishop trade may also happen (where black has more active pieces in the match, white losing one of his 3 would put him in serious defensive mode). Defending with Bd3 would force black to bring his other calvary into the center (Nd4), threatening with another fork at f3 while reinforcing the pressure in c2. White has no choice but to drop his defensive stance.

20. Bb5 Nc2+
21. Kd2 Na1 (greed, took one of black's pieces out of the game for a piece that posed no threat during the whole game)
22. Bc6 Bf5 (I'll keep the comments to myself, but that rook looked very yummy)
23. Rh8+ Ke7

The rook at A1 is as good as dead, now that it "may" come into gameplay, it wont be forgiven a second time. In a couple of moves the quest for a couple of pieces as advantage traded a qualitative position for a quantitative one. Losing the control of the board altogether.

24. Ba8 e4 (As the general's morale levels drop, the troops in the battlefield run startled: with nowhere to go) 25. fxe4 Bg4
26. Rh7+ Kf7
27. Rh6+ Ke5 (TAKE THAT c7 PAWN DAMMIT!)
28. Ne2 c5
29. Bc3 c4
30. Ng1 (black forfeits)

Excellent performance on both sides, one by controlling the board and center with a variety of resources, the other one couter-striking at the right moment exploiting his opponent's greed!

Next time:




I did it Mom. I really did it.

Congrats, son! We've been waiting for this moment our whole lives, I kept telling your dad you are not a complete failure!

PS. Where did you find a photo of me cosplaying?

It was published at Cosmopilitan
There's also a couple of naked pictures in there.

Oh cool, I ran out of pics to send randoms on snapchat!

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