[Steem: Down-Vote] About Down-Vote (on-Steem ad dClick attached. @SteamSteem Creativity)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

[Steem: Down-Vote] About Down-Vote (on-Steem ad dClick attached. @SteamSteem Creativity)
( https://steemit.com/steem/@steamsteem/steem-downvote-about-downvote-steamsteem-creativity-1540501163818 )
2018.10.26.Fri.05:49 (utc+9), by @SteamSteem,


(To Koreans only: This is written by Korean and will be translated into Korean, Please don't call the krThreatDog.
한국인이 적었고, 한국어로 번역될 것이니, 한국협박견 부르지 마세요.)

This is my comment made at the talk

and is upgraded to my post for later elaboration and maintenance.


[Steem: Down-Vote] About Down-Vote (on-Steem ad dClick attached. @SteamSteem Creativity)

( https://steemit.com/steem/@steamsteem/steem-downvote-about-downvote-steamsteem-creativity-1540501163818 )
2018.10.26.Fri.05:49 (utc+9), by @SteamSteem,

Thank you @grey580 for your letting me know your opinions.

I will tell you my opinions which are different from yours expecting your opinions on them.
My opinions may change later but the probability is quite low, I think.

If you don't want to read others' writings, you can mute them,
then you have the right implemented in Steem not to see others writings in Steem.
It's peaceful way of your not seeing others opinions.

But Down-voting others' writings is
(here I am not even saying about down-vote-hiding, just down-voting itself)
_1. depriving the authors' money rewarded for the authors' effort, time and the contents.
_2. depriving the curators' money which was being rewarded to the authors by the curators' will.
_3. and also robbing the contract money being transferred from the curator to the author.

I don't think that this can be justifiable unless the writings is illegal activities such as
(1) phishing others' password,
(2) illegal human/drug/weapons trafficking etc
(3) illegal copyright violations etc
which can cause the outside world's powers to down the blockchain.

You may say that you are reducing the authors' excessive reward to the the rewarding pool,
but it is the same as Robin Hood's robbery and donate to the poor
at your own self-justice against others.

You don't have the rights to deprive others' money from the others' contract.
The authors and the curators will feel that they are robbed by the down-voters
and it is start of wars to keep their money from robbery.

In addition to that,
the down-vote-hiding others writings is depriving
(here I am not even say about the down-vote-hide of all the writings from someone, just one writing)
_0. the authors and the curators money and their contract cancelling mentioned above,
_1. the authors' right to show their opinions
_2. others' right to see the others opinions
It is definately against Freedom of Write and the Right to show someone's opinions and the Right to see others' opinions.

The authors have the right to revive their writings
until their writings are seen and searched as easy as others writings
unless it is the cases of illegal activities mentioned above.

And firnally the down-vote-hiding of someone's all the writings
like @patrice=@mack-bot=@spaminator=etc
_0. robbery of the authors' and the curators' money by cancelling their contract as mentioned above,
_1. the authors' right to show their opinions
_2. others' right to see the others opinions
and in addition to it,
_3. mentally man-slaughtering others in Steem
_4. depriving others' right of existence in Steem
_5. expelling others and their investment from Steem
_6. thus raising the bad reputation that Steem is full of robbery and man-slaughtering
_7. and finally undermining the value of Steem and your and all Steemians asset.

It is the ignition of massive wars
for the Right of Human's existence in Steem,
and the Right to Show and See other's opinions
and the Freedom of Write/Curation,
and the right to keep contracts being processed safe from robbery
and the revenge from being defamed.

I am not sure but just guess
that Steemit inc is somewhat realted to the delegations to @patrice=@spaminator=@mack-bot=etc and other down-voters,
but the down-voting should be done very strictly
just for the cases of the above mentioned illegal cases.

And the brutal and evil man-slaughterer @patrice should be deprived of the delegation.

Hope to hear your opions.


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Good posting!

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