The Most Boring Article About Crypto You'll Ever Read

in #steem4 years ago

I rarely write for Steem these days, though I am a frequent lurker and try to keep up with the groundbreaking events in the community... well, I guess I should say communities now.

I rarely write for Steem these days, though I am a frequent lurker and try to keep up with the groundbreaking events in the community... well, I guess I should say communities now.

With Hive fragmenting Steem, we now have two distinct communities to accompany and double the tokens.

But this article isn't about Steem, it's about Crypto in general and why it's so boring.


Remember When You Couldn't Leave Steem for 1 Hour?

So, do you remember those days in which you were heavily invested into Steem and the blockchain?

The time in which I was heavily invested may have been different from the time YOU were heavily invested in this - but most of us were 100% invested one time or the other.

Well, some may be experiencing that as of now, but this is still relevant for those.

So, what do I mean by Crypto is boring?


The Obvious, and the Underlying Problem:

The obvious is that Crypto promises a lot, but doesn't deliver... and I'm waiting for some serious developments for about 11 years now, so I'm used to waiting.

This is the obvious part, but the underlying problem is what I'm going to mention now - what makes Crypto so boring.

Let's head back to the time in which you were 100% invested in Steem or Crypto in general.

Remember back in those days you were so excited and experiencing game-changing news every single day?

You felt like if you skip a day you'd lose out on too much, and that the world could change overnight, at least for you.

Well, most of us discovered a fundamental problem.

This problem resides in the fact that all of those game-changing news was just the carrot being waved in front of our donkey eyes.

Why do I say that?

The minute you step out of that enthusiasm and daily dedication, weeks pass - months pass - years pass.

When you go back, nothing has changed, nothing at all.

Sure, prices change, coins change names, one or two tech developments, or new gimmicks, but the core is the same.

Those in the enthusiasm wheel keep the game-changing news rolling and those who distance themselves see through it.

I became less and less invested in crypto as time went by. First I had to pay for my marriage, so I dedicated myself to work, then I started Politics, and I had to participate in more events than I ever wanted, then... you know how life goes right?

Well, I've been researching heavily on what changed and... not much.

And that's the problem.

When you have an industry in which only those heavily invested in it on a daily basis see the improvements, is that real tangible improvement or just a vision.

  • But I can hear you: But, Max, don't you believe in crypto?

Well, I'm still here am I not?

Just don't expect me to post daily... after all, it's boring

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