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RE: Steem Whale's Voting Perspective

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

But Dan, what if you could use your whale power to grow the community horizontally, incentivising investors to build their own interfaces and applications, instead of locking investors to giving every odd user a winning lottery ticket?

Me and clains propose proxy voting, and believe we are making a good case for it. I don't see how it would only benefit a handful of people. Horizontal scaling would certainly benefit the Steem community as a whole. The success of Steem hinges on being able to be flexible and evolve into something better before a competitor does just that. Asking passive whales "not to vote" is not a viable solution. It is like asking them not to get the most of their investment, and could certainly drive passive investors away. The right incentives must be in place, and there is a very specific way to open up for it, namely Proxy Voting.

Please read the case we make in this post:


I understand where you are coming from. My perspective comes from creating website that sell stuff : Always assume that the person that use it has an IQ of 85. Everytime I violate that rule, the user gets lost and doesnt buy.

Complexity will kill adoption and Steemit is already way too complex to attract "normal people". Development at this point should focus on how to make it more simple(or intuitive)...not more complex.

Maybe a third party service could provide that but keep this feauture away from

I think I must be one of those 85's. I couldn't even figure out how to comment directly to the post. It seems that the 'tell your story' button is what I'm looking for. Oh well, I just like this content cause of the awesome steampunk whale-ship painting. PS- I still don't get where the money comes from :/

Hey, I'm not even considering anything to do with, I'm talking about STEEM. The whole point is to incentivise "third party services", i.e. horizontal scaling

I think a smoother user interface will reduce the practical complexities considerably. The average mouth breather doesn't use betas very often anyway. Not that 85 is a mouth breather, I hope that didn't sound too demeaning. But I get what you're saying. As a full time writer, my job is half simplifying my text to make sure its attracting the widest possible audience, without losing the "readers" among them.

I will put some more thoughts into what make sense here.

Thank you. Keep in mind, we're approaching that point now where we must decide if we can invest time and resources into third party services to the platform. If we could bring a proposal to an investor involving such an opportunity as outlined in our post, that could significantly increase our chances, and in turn benefit the platform.

It's not difficult to install the sort of proxying you are asking for. It requires a vote bot for whales that up votes what an ambassador up votes - effectively making you an ambassador for Norway that votes with a portion of Steemit's stake. It is very difficult to install protocol level proxy voting to maximize investor returns on curation as was argued in the post. It's also counter to the idea that people matter more than rewards. Protocol changes should also be avoided.

That doesn't really solve the most important problem with e.g. starting up in Norway.

Edit: Yes, it might actually do that...

The point is that an investor should be able to distribute her voting power to her user base. Not all votes for one user, but distribute e.g. 100k STEEM voting power between all its users based on a formula that the investor chooses. The formula could for example incorporate reputation and/or identity on an application level, without the need to touch the protocol.

The effect of proxy voting would be horizontal scaling, giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to lower the entry threshold for its new users.

So is the problem that users wouldn't get rewarded for writing things specific to Norway or that users from Norway wouldn't be able to meaningfully up vote each other's content about Norway?

I apologize. I didn't really explore the potential of a voting bot, which may be huge. A lot can be achieved with voting power distributed evenly across a large group of users. It goes a long way towards the ideal that we are looking for, for a company to be able to distribute its voting power among its "verified" users. It is definitely something we will look into.

There was a conversation about this in slack between your brother and a few of us last night ..

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