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RE: Guardian of the steem universe: A different perspective on the role of whales within steem ecosystem.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

A lot of Steemians are under the impression Steemit is like Anarchy. Which it's not really, maybe a little only because of the chaos factor, it's actually more like a Corporation.

Sounds like you want it to be more like Communism.

I've pointed out before the system is not working in a way that attracts big investors. I'm powering down as I have learned my SP is worthless. Like you said unless I put in thousands of dollars I am worthless as a voter.

I have high school students here in China that carry at least 3,000RMB cash on them at all times, not including their bank account. I teach some pretty rich kids. They would throw lots of money at Steemit if they could sign up.

Imagine the kind of money their parents and their parents friends have to toss around. The idea that buying $10,000US of SP is expensive is not true for many people in the world, it's less than their monthly food bill.

I have access to hundreds of wealthy business peoples attention. they pay my to do presentations in English to the executives once a week. I seriously make over $150US for 1.5 hour PPT on any topic I want. They just want my western opinion on everything.

Without a doubt they have millions invested in the Markets around the world. They could easily drop $20,000US on SP and just use a curation trail to do the voting for them.

I had written a post about how I nearly doubled my money using Steemit and Poloniex, as a rookie. I had hoped it would be a hit, and should have been, to brag to some potential investors. But the post failed due the powers here not wanting to it to be a success.
It could not be used to attract new investors because it proved that the system was rigged rather than fair.

Not sure why they don't.


What @snowflake has proposed is nothing like communism. He is merely suggesting that more users should hold influence, not that every piece of content should be rewarded equally regardless of quality.

The best content would still get the highest payouts, more so than under the current system of rewards.

Based on your closing paragraph, it sounds like you could really benefit from @snowflake's proposal.

Hey I really could. Im not knocking it. Just seems like an impossible task. It is a good a idea.

any input on my comment? :)

I'm going to sleep will make a post with posts :D and maybe about the 0.17 (still not implemented right :) )

Those topics are important

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