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RE: When payout goes 50-50

in #steem6 years ago

You can look at it like this:

The economics for a bot-vote is now atm (pay 1usd, gets you 1.333usd upvote *75% = 1usd returned). When it is changed to 50% we get the following (pay 1usd, gets you 2.000usd upvote *50% = 1usd returned)


Now factor in SP and voting mana. Will they have enough to meet demand if they're having to up the amount of resources required per transaction? That could lead to less votes sold combined with not much appeal to the consumer, at least in the sense where they can't squeak out a tiny profit.

These things all count ofcourse and make the output go up or down!

But there is certainly more reason under a 50/50 to give that vote away instead of selling it.

What will change is this:

  • there is less profit to be made for votebots (see math above --> they need more volume/sales for same absolute profit) and
  • higher (flag) risk of buying a vote --> a vote-buyer puts more money 'on the line'

Hm, so still input = output? Meaning getting to 'trending', or becoming 'hot' still can attract more voters, who are looking for those kind of posts. Creating a gain.

While the vote bidding bots get a 100% higher return, so these services could lower their asking price? While gaining more SP faster than with 75-25.

Okay, now the numbers are all twisted in my brain again. Have to sit down for it and work it out on paper, to see possible cause and effects.

But for now I will give it a rest.

Yes input = output

While the vote bidding bots get a 100% higher return

-->I think these remain the same (they get less volume)

so these services could lower their asking price?

--> they would have to double the price

While gaining more SP faster than with 75-25

--> Yes (in theory) and no (they do less volume be cuase of vote buying costs)

There is certainly more reason under a 50/50 to give that vote away instead of selling it.

What will change is this:

  • there is less profit to be made for votebots (see math above --> they need more volume/sales for same absolute profit) and
  • higher (flag) risk of buying a vote --> a vote-buyer puts more money 'on the line'.

(I replied this earlier today under this post comments):

I even imagine content creators having a slidebar to set the content-curation-reward however they like!
The 'content creators market' will figure the best ratio out by try and error! Some take more % from less votes, others take less % from more votes to get better or worse results!

Thank you for doing the math.

Bidding bots do pump liquid Steem around. Usage gives value to a token. It is a part of Steem where 'advertising' benefits every Steemian. Whether I like this or not personally is unimportant. But I can publish about it.

Bidding bots will be around also when payout division goes from 75-25 to 50-50. Their post payout share will go up a 100%. Meaning they can, at least, half their asking price.

In the worst case scenario, from their point of view, their SP growth rate will stay the same. But, being cheaper, at least half the price, will make it easier for publishers to use these services. As their direct rewards have been lowered from 75 to 50, their incentive might be to use bidding bots even more often.

Your idea for a slider where you can choose yourself is a better idea. Then I would also add one for the actual payout too. A choice how your payout will be done: from full liquid Steem to full SP, or Zero.

Now the point where the individual has a free choice, using sliders for instance for division and payout, that would be interesting to watch evolve.

Yet, locking 50-50 in, would just mainly be an extra, 100% growth, reward for large SP holders. Self enriching for them is okay, when publishers selfupvote it is wrong.

And I simply do not buy it. Steem is about competition, more members means tougher competition. Less payout for publishers, on average. This measurement, if enforced, will just make the huge SP holders richer, faster.

While less rewards are being shared with more publishers. And that is where things will start to proof that investments do nothing by themselves. Meaning Steem will drop in price in the market, as publishers move their SP out and sell.

Then the overall publishing quality drops. Yeah, those greedy needy publishers who needs them.

Then there will be posts about how publishers are egotistic bastards and how Steem needs to go back up. Because not even half a cent per Steem is just crazy. It will be stakeholders posting about Steem. Hoping more will come to look at posts about investing in Steem.

In the meanwhile others will have found rewarding new places for their publications.

Just to balance things out a bit.

Started on another post about this. For tomorrow I think. Will dive into some thoughts that came to mind. Also about how upvote bidding bots services still could profit.

Or would these services crash and burn, so far I still think they would profit. Maybe even grow more SP faster.

Have to get back on this later...

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