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RE: One more reason to upvote my comments.

in #steem7 years ago

I'm not scared of you, taking money from orphans is typical of a cowardly little chump like you. I won't come crying to you, I never have before and it's ridiculously imbecilic of you to think I might start now.

You are a ridiculous coward hiding behind a stolen identity. No one takes you seriously at ALL. You are a fucking joke to the platform, and we mock you and you can't stand it, because it reminds you of your painful childhood, doesn't it.


Typically insignificant playground bully, who is afraid to show his face.

You are a laughingstock of this platform, and probably of your family too.



Yo man what is happening ? It has been long time that I read a hate speech

In this case, we have an imposter, trying to impose his petty little arbitrary rules on the chain, and taking out a lot of innocent people along the way, in his tirade to hide his $1K a day self voting auto-eroticism.

He's a loser, plain and simple. And a cowardly one at that, who hides behind the least imaginative stolen identity ever.

I think I will avoid this one because I beleive everyone can act however they want on blockchain , Goodluck with your fight man

I believe that too, however, I also believe this one is a coward and a shitstain :)

steeminator you suck up to bernie harder than most bottom dwellers... you just realized that Sircork has a very valid point here and you now don't want to do your usual suck up of bernie because you too will be seen as the same.

Grumpy cat is bernie ? :D

Well now I don't know even who I am anymore!!

Some say he is and some say he isn't...

This is just out of control.

EOS getting ready to peg steemit so this debacle could lead to a real exodus!

I was just looking into making an EOS node yesterday to replace my steem one or at least run along side it in June with the advent of EOS.

Well see that's wise future thinking.
While just earlier you said this is home.. I respect that you are not cult-like and will have no issue with switching should it present a better alternative.

It would be a good thing to see some competition.
I must say that while I do see ned as a good leader here.

Dan... he's a fucken brainy motherfucker.... it would be interesting to see what he considers broken here and how he implements a better system. Watch shit get done real quick around here then...

SMTs.. oh our bad... here they are...
Communities ? blink.... ok un-blinck.... there you go..

Wise one mate,
This is a heated one and trying to even tote the middle will get you burnt hard by overly hyperbolic and extra triggered folks. They are animals on the blockchain.

Nothing, Just a random clarification!!!

I look up to you now man. I always wondered if here existed some with true interest in cleaning up the toxicity that some players bring.

You did well to shut up the clown!

Oh this clown hasn't shut up yet, but I will always be the one to draw fire from ass-chumps like this one, to keep their minds off the innocent minnows. I can withstand the likes of a moronic, unimaginative identity thief. But the minnows don't deserve to deal with this toxic and obnoxious little piece of feces.

Very well put. Well this is what I mean.. this level of passion from people of rank here was non existent. I only see it now through you and also in TheMarkyMark. All others NEVER even post a comment on one of those detrimental posts from that clown.

Anyway this was much needed.. that clown only wields power over those who fear the flags.. and unfortunately that's the minnows and the ones who can't fight back.. so again, well done to you Sircork!

They will write tales about you.. and your many victories...

"There once was a man who fought for folks, Sir cork was his alias..
He went to task and ran out them cucks, his work saw no failures..
He fought for rights of the lesser knowns, he stood tall.. and he saved us..."

Something like that!

Well I won against Noganoo and i've made others calm down, sometimes with raw conviction that makes some folks uncomfortable, but so far, I'm still standing and a lot of assholes have moved on and left as a result over the past year.

I'm not going anywhere, but bullies will find out I will haunt the living shit out of them to the point where it's not worth their time anymore to be assholes.

I consider this my home, my community, and my friends, family and strangers just not yet become friends. Walk into our town and act like an ass? I will haunt you, taunt you, and annoy you to no end. I have nothing better to do. No really, this it it. Bullies, listen up, I live to mock you. You make it SO EASY!

Hate speech is incitement to violence on a group or a single individual. It is still legal AFAIK to express hatred for stupidity, vile people, hypocrites, or misuse of words like hate speech. ;-)

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