I have been looking at the creators payouts and especially Dtube and a lot has changed for creators

in #steem5 years ago

Today @lordbutterfly left a comment on a post where a Dtuber looked at their payouts now. I read the post and looked at the payout. I also looked at the payout of one of my posts i have pending.

It has been a really busy summer for me so i havent had time to post consistently and i have been out of the loop a bit. But i was really interested to see what is going on (especially since LB likes to talk about it so much :) ).

The dtuber looked at the payouts and it seems that she is getting only 22% of the total payout amount. I also looked at the one post i have and it says im getting 34%.
Can it be that Steemworld is not correct? How can these numbers be so different?

I already said that i would probably stop posting music videos consistently. It just wasnt worth the time and effort and what is written here it is correct, even if it is too dramatized. :)

Screenshot (4).png

It just takes too much time to do videos consistently especially when it is music. The videos i created people mostly never watched here and i would get most views on facebook. I do not think even the Dtube curators that would upvote my content watched it at all.
My last video that i made that we put in a lot of money in, that was shot professionally, that had professionally done audio got exactly the same vote as any video i have ever made that took 1/100 of time and effort.
Dtube upvoted me consistently so i would assume they like what i do but i dont think anyone ever really watched what i make. Just voted because they expected it to be ok.

So what is really the point of working hard on something if the result is always the same.

  1. No one really watches what you do
  2. Now the rewards are much lower

So if i create another video that takes a lot of effort what is the point of it? I know what i will get in votes and it will do better then average and no one will really watch the content.
I cant find something else to do that takes much less effort that i can do to make it worth the time.

I used to create "for Steem" and from now i will probably create for youtube and repost here. The video there always stays relevant and people are actually interested in what you do.

Maybe it is the ability to earn money here that everyone is focused on that? And i dont want to spend my time engaging with people, even pretend that its good what they do just so they can pretend back at me so i get some attention. Is any of that real or is it just everyone trying to get attention by giving attention.
That means that my content really isnt important. I have creators i like and will say hi and great job but i dont want that to be the only thing that is important. And it seems that it is.

I like making Steem also, but when the prices are so low then the only thing that makes it worth it is people actually consuming that content and that is not happening here unless i write about Steem or HF.

I know that i am not really relevant anymore here since im not that active and that is fine, but if i dont create consistently i will very likely stop being relevant all together and when you yourself as a person arent relevant, your content is no longer relevant.

I just wanted to share a few thoughts of mine and i will see you. Ill try and post what i make here, but the better content Youtube requires will take more time.
I hope everyone has a nice day. :)


I don't see anything wrong with posting to Youtube and then making a short post to share it on Steem. When you say, it "isn't worth it"- It only takes a few minutes to share a video on Steemit or Dtube or whatever you use. While I can understand, it could no longer be worth it to make videos specifically for Steem in hopes that the value in Steem will "be worth" the production of the video, I would hope that you still take a few minutes- repost your Youtube video on Steem and collect some crypto- with no expectations for how much. Would just hate to see you go.

Hello fellow @minnerz22

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the reach of people was something i had a problem for a while, and i feel it is a problem for people that "make something" because we want people to see it and appreciate it :D
I don't comment all the time because sometimes (well most of times) i don't have anything smart to say, and "nice video" most of the times feels like what you said "even pretend that its good what they do just so they can pretend back at me so i get some attention." and i think that is not my intention.
I started posting here because of a way to share with people what i do and to earn some crypto. i feel i will continue to do so, with no pressure of i have to do something to post on steem.
I do get more views on instagram/youtube/facebook but most of the times i feel likes and hearts are given without to much of thinking and watching, just like here. So if 2 people really enjoyed what i did, well 2 people enjoyed what i did :)

"even pretend that its good what they do just so they can pretend back at me so i get some attention."

I did not mean that if you view the video etc. My point was that many people leave a comment and they never view the video. And im not talking about the spammers. Im talking about legit community members that are respected here. That leave meaningful comments.
Then i look at the statistics of the video and the views arent there. I have posted a huge number of videos and the thing i saw is that on videos that i would post here first and wait a couple days to share on facebook, the views were less then the comments on the post.
I can track most statistics and third party views on youtube.

Da ti iskreno kažem ljudi se čine falši ovdje. Lažni. Pretvaraju se da ih zanima nesto jer misle da trebaju dat svoj komentar na to da budu viđeni i da ih se gleda kao nekoga tko cijeni kvalitetu ili što god.

kapiram sta kazes, mozda sam ja lose napisao. cesto ne pisem te kratke komentare bas zbog toga sto ne zelim da deluje kao da sam komentarisao samo da bi komentarisao. ima dosta ljudi koji pisu komentare da bi bili vidjeni. ja nisam nesto mnogo delio vida sa youtuba pa nisam bas pratio statistiku, ali sam video na 3speaku da su pregledi otprilike 2-8 komada, sad su neki uveli autoplay pa deluje vise.
al osecaj mi je da je vrlo slicno i na drugim mrezama al je mnogo vise ljudi pa zaleti neki pregled vise od ljudi koji su stvarno odgledali. fb bas i ne racunam, tu gledaju uglavnom ljudi koje znam, a realno zivim na selu pa "znam" dosta ljudi (ili ti svako svakog zna :) )
meni je samo fora sto vecinu onog sto delim nije pravljeno ciljano za steem vec sam to radio pa i da podelim. trenutno snimati striktno za steem je prilicno nezahvalno.

Just have to create for all platforms including places like daily motion bitchute etc. Are you able to monetise organically on youtube?

Posted using Partiko Android

No. Im only monetized here online and in regular life so to say. I am a professional musician. Thats how i make a living. Im a concert master violinist in Croatian National theatre, i record back vocals for mainstream musicians, play concerts, play gigs, etc.

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