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RE: Cooking the books -- the real story of whales and dilution.

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Authors note: when calculating the amount of new vests created through the rewards process, i mistakenly used 34% of 212101 Mvests.

I should have used 34% of 452,623 (the total supply of MV) not the number which i used (which does not include steemit).

This would have made all of my additions in the sections detailing the distributions of rewards about twice as large. The final effect of this would have been slightly more dilution than predicted here . A decrease down to about 78%., as opposed to 80 as stated.

Authors further note: astute observers might notice that initially I said the control of the 1% would be concentrated, then i edited.

I made a rather silly error when i initially posted. I should h ave added 1%er vests to both the numerator and the denominator. Instead i added them only to the numerator. That is to say i counted them in the 1% total but did not add them to the total number of vests.

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