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RE: As the value of Steem continues to drop, should more focus be placed on the lack of Commercial Awareness in the Steem Community. With Steem heading for <$0.08 surely I must be taken more seriously now?

in #steem5 years ago

The financial system is a lie, the banking system is a lie, the dollar is a lie and is worthless. Until we make Cryptocurrency our main focus between the peasants it will just stay the same. Now for Steem, it wont go nowhere til the people at the top stop breaking it even more with the hardforks and wrong changes. People must earn and trade throughout the communities and make this thing happen. Sell our products but make sure were selling Steem ad well to people. Steem can literally be everything but yet everything is holding us back and mainly the greedy ones worrying about who and what's gets the rewards pool and what's shit posts and what's not.... We should stop worrying about plagiarism and that's it..... Also another million things I can go into of why Steem is at .13......

Posted using Partiko Android

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