
No, The internet and crypt is full of thieves and scammers. Steem is actually full of more honest people than dishonest people. The scammers are a small minority, and you KNOW its unfair to hold steem to some standard no oneels eis held to. reddit, facebook, instagram all have scammers too, yet people still buy facebook stock, google supports scammers accidentally and yet people still buy google stock

Drugwars is just a game, and they are NOT about to open themselve sup to lawsuits from greedy spoiled entitled steem users who think this game OWES them something for a virtual crackhouse investment

seriously man, anyone who spends money on this game should view it as a donation made to teh developers to help create steem bbased games. Anyone trying to hold tem up tpo some unrealistic scrutiny is just being a dick on purpose. This is steem and people are free to spend their money, and if i was a game developer here i would NOT risk my ass for the sake of some Incel with a couple thousand steempower who thinks the game developers should answer to them and abide by Better business bureau standards

drugwars is a freakin beta release, or is it an alpha? Its an EARLy release, its NOT the full game and thats why I believe all the game items are such low amounts of steem.. AND you dont HAVE to spend money you canjust upgrade fpor free, so anyoen who actually has been expecting a fucking ROI on this game, come on , get overyourselves..... its a fucking game and its AMAZINg that theyve been able to atcually achieve what they have been ablke to build here!

You should focus on helping promote drugwars instead of actively trying to HURT the TOP Dapp across ALL blockchains now, but instead you just wanna talk shit about this flagship of steem based Dapps....

You know people spent thousands of dollars on steemmonsters cards too but does that make steemmonsters a scam?

How about @drugwars introduces a new element of being BUSTED by the DEA and ATF so they randomly erase accounts of users who dont buy enough STEALTH points or something, because hey it IS a game right? Why should we be allowing people to slide without having an element of being BUSTED???

A screen shows up once in every ten thousand logins saying YOU GOT BUSTED and shows a stylized Copp and Feds, but you caqn be busted on different levels, where they can either arrest you and you make bail,or youre worker sget busted but you escape and so maybe half your assets are taken away, maybe burned by the game, or maybe they take your steem payouts and BURN gthem, just like the Feds BURN drugs in real life

There's a lot of ways to handle this and you would not be able to complain... I mean this is a game and you can just let everyone win.... we need to randomly bust users and also give the ability to help avoid these busts

Wow man, your English sucks bad!

Start ya powerdown then , and we have email contact :P

I did 2 weeks ago. :-)

lol :)

I have the funny feeling that we might see a change to the powerdown system, just because everyone will benefit from it! And if it could happen when prices are low then I doubt if the whales will just sell it all off anyways :)

I think you may be correct.

its manifesting! Oh yeh, your going to have to send some TPY after I'm done with this next post and I'll get it onto trending also, just for a good laugh with a very serious meaning :P

How many TPY does sir require?

Ill let you be the judge of that, the post is up and im loading up on steem to get it to trending lol

edit: Must battle through all them gaming and gambling dapp's there first,spreading shit at the top lol
Posted using Partiko Android

Hey man lets have a truce, no reason to be arguing over the blockchain

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