Steemit For Business Pages

in #steem7 years ago

Steemit For Business

Recently I’ve been thinking about Steemit and how people have compared it to various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I’ve been thinking how Steemit can improve, what direction is it going in and the future of the platform.


Then it got me thinking to myself about businesses and if, as well as how, they can benefit from having their business setup on Steemit, because it’s important to have a presence on other social media platforms to showcase your previous and current work and more, so why not have a presence on Steemit?

Are there any plans on having a Steemit business profile setup or to even link a business profile to an already existing personal profile the way you can do with other social media platforms?


My business is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for various reasons which I’ll explain some of the reasons for each.


I know most people have a profile on Facebook and it’s one of the more popular platforms to browse through whenever someone is bored. It’s also handy to show previous work carried out and any existing projects which are being worked on at the moment. It allows me to update any news with regards to opening or closing times, as well as issues with say, the phone lines for example. It helps with Google rankings for my business as a whole and shows the business reputation in a star rating format. Plus, customers can leave reviews and a few other small things.
For me though it doesn’t bring in much business, but it’s linked to my website address and it helps with showing off the previous and current work being undertaken with just a click from my website.


Much the same as Facebook with updating and showing off previous and existing work being carried out. Not a lot to really say about Twitter but it’s easy to link Facebook and Twitter together so whenever I post something on either platform it updates on both, so I have a Twitter account setup also.


For my business, this is great for people to log onto my website and click onto the Instagram page where it shows people probably what they mostly want to see, and that’s images of previous work, to give them confidence in what we do and the types of customers that we have.
Other than that, it doesn’t offer much else to be honest.


We have a few videos of who we are, in an introduction type video, as well as which services that we offer. Again, it helps with Google rankings also.

So, they all offer the same benefits for the business in terms of Google rankings. It helps to help it hit higher up on page 1 of Google and some way of being able to allow customer engagement with comments, likes, shares etc, but they are all different in their own way.

They all offer certain things in different ways which is great and it helps that it’s all free to setup but I feel Steemit has an opportunity to gain many, many more users and I can see all of these features implemented on the Steemit platform already.
For example, it’s easy to link videos onto the site now, I can post blogs which show some before & after images of some of the work we have carried out, which also helps with Google rankings. Sure, there are things that Steemit can improve on but it’s early days and I’m optimistic that it will improve rapidly with the more users joining.

I would like to see a more business friendly Steemit section to entice businesses to setup a page for their customers to see updates, blogs and such on Steemit.
I’m no programmer or app creator so I don’t know how difficult it is to do but it’s just an idea I was thinking about and thought that I would share it with you guys.
I don’t always feel it’s a good idea to mix personal life with business and that’s why I think that it’s not the best idea to have people being able to know me personally by looking into my personal profile and seeing my thoughts on things like politics, religious beliefs and any other topics which are divisive. Reason being, divisive issues can push customers away which isn’t what a business owner wants obviously.
There are things in business that you don’t speak about with your customers because at the end of the day, you have your business face on and some of the touchier subjects that we all have our opinions on, can push customers away.
Some business owners don’t care about that but I like to keep business, strictly business.

So, it asks some questions, are there any plans for a business section for Steemit users who can setup a business page?

Are there any plans to try and take all of the benefits of the other social media platforms and create something useful and early enough for the advantage of both Steemit and businesses?

Or is this something that doesn’t suit the direction of Steemit?

As usual, let me know your thoughts about this and the future of Steemit.

I hope I got the brain juices flowing with this blog.

If you enjoyed this piece then upvote, and feel free to comment, resteem and follow me @sheeshkababage


Keep up the good business posts! I enjoy reading them and would like to see more business related things on this platform...

Thank you, again I appreciate the feedback and will try my best to create content that people enjoy to read.

Interesting. Upvoted!

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