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RE: Getting curation Right CSI and thinking about SEO - My Steem Journal October 2019

in #steem5 years ago

I think one thing to look at on the CSI line other than the score given is the number of votes, and the number of unique votes. As you say CSI score is affected by the amount of SP an account holds. For small accounts just starting, they are limited in the number of votes they can cast and still expect a return curation wise. Also they are getting their feet wet and learning the ropes, but even after all that, the fact remains they still have very little SP, and will tend to vote on people they have followed on their travels down Steemian Way. This does not make them a circlejerk voter expecting return votes for votes given. it is just a fact of life for the smaller SP accounts. Example this account of mine has just under 140 SP. Basically for the week it cast 80 votes, and 40 unique accounts, in the last 7 days. This equates to a CSI of 7.3.

Part of forming a network is trust. the only way to build SP and an account is to have quality people and things to vote on. Do I cast my vote on a known subject or individual, or do I throw my vote to the wind? There is a reason to follow people, there is a reason that people want to develop a following. If I say to myself that was a great read, but I voted on a post of theirs yesterday or earlier in the day so I can not vote for them again, am I doing anything to keep that individual on steem producing content that I enjoy reading or viewing?

There are people also that I vote on because they provide content opportunities for new users. Since I voted on their weekly post last week, does that mean I should not vote on them this week? Once again there is that situation where an individual providing an opportunity for a reason to post and a possible reward for the poster rethinking should they continue with their efforts if they have participation but no votes? It is a conundrum.

CSI is a good thing do not get me wrong, but there is a lot more to it than just that 7.3 rating number. I think a looking at the numbers is fine, but they may not tell the whole story, so a quick look at the out going vote wheel can put those numbers in perspective. If a voting CSI of 20 has 1/4 of the outgoing vote wheel in one color then that CSI score did you no good on it's own. If you are going to use a tool, (the CSI score), use the whole tool, a hammer has a claw foot for a reason, and that is to yank those bent nails out not just the hammer part to smash the bent bad nail into the wood.

Manually finding nice content to vote on is not an easy thing to do, and the more SP you have the longer it will take.

That being said, please inform me of people who need support and deserve it (if your CSI is below 15, no dice!)

I actually do not post with this account very often, it will one day become a curation account, or that is my hope, so in the meantime for things that I want to post but not on my primary account I have this one. This account of mine does not need the support, but when ruling accounts, (which is really people) out I just thought maybe a more full look would be possible.


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