
GOOD job powering up over 500 steempowe that's a great achivemenet

$1000 worth of steem man I just did 1500 few days ago and got in at 1.60 or so so good job gettingin this low!

OK I am gona resteem this I need to make an alliance with u so I get you are upvotes in the future lol

strategery man, strategery

It is interesting seeing you guys investing in steemit in this red market. It shows the confidence in the whole project and an indicator that the future will be bright. Though I don't have the cash power to do as yours, I am more than ever encouraged and motivated to keep contributing (writing, commenting) so as to increase my reputation and give the little I have to the steemit community.

Welcome to Steemit :)
It's hard to earn here, but it seems like you are a normal person with something to contribute with. Just keep grinding and you'll eventually earn (at least a little bit) :)

Giving you a little welcome bonus upvote!

Man I freakin powered up 3 times what you just powred up, and I got like $40 lo what a rip off

lol just kidding, I see you or someone used steembottracker post promoting bots

yeah man we are CONFIDENT in our steempower promise !

We need more scandies like you are self. To mke videos, and do it up like pewdiepie

come on you need to become the pewdiepie of steem or fyrtsikken does he needsto do daily vlogs, he probly just needs someone to encoruage him to do the daily vlogs

you should call him out in you are own vlogs and ask him to do videos lol break him out of his shell!!

I need hi to be out tere promoting steem on his youtube everydya so my steem will go up in vaue!

If fyrtsikken doesn't promoet steem we may not ever become as popular as we could be if he goes around promoting it in VOGS

you and fyrtsikken ned to do vlogs and become danish and norweigan pewdiepies


steem is really good. i hope to also inject in some liquid cash to as an investment on my steemit. With steem you will always win because it uses compound intrest which is the 8th wonder of the world.

ahahha L:D lol

Damn I would love to buy more steem, but with this bearish market all my money is stuck, and I don't want to sell anything. And you know, there are bills IRL... Hahaha, I'll try something. :)

Great for both of you.
Its great to buy now.good luck

Good job! Congrats :)

please follow and vote me I do also

Good job :) tipuvote!

Sweet. Appreciate that!

Congrats for such a big powering up @scandinavianlife

Every power up decreses steem supply, increases steem price and makes us all a little richer :D

Great investments either way. Steem has a bright future ahead and right now any amount of SP goes a long way in boosting your upvotes earning. Insane how voting power earnings have dropped so much since steem went from upwards of $10 to below $2. I too hope we get back to $10 soon :) Thanks.

Yeah..I was over $2 full voting power..Now I'm like $0,7..

Yeah..I was $0.01 at the start and now you see what I am haha - $0.00

Haha. Better than minus!

Wow!!!! You were 10 before, you must have been big.

sorry I think you misunderstood me. I meant steem getting back to $10. If my upvote was worth $10 that would be a dream come true. Not likely lol.

I agree with this one about steem.

well done dude hope the price will recover to 3$

It feels like everything is crypto. We live and breathe cryptos. But outside this bubble, almost no one knows what the hell is going on". So true!!!

Thanks for thoughts and insight, always.

I think Steemit needs to become a bit more "mainstream" or at least find a large niche if we are really going to be able to make money owning it longterm.

Which of course, I think we all want to do.

That said, I think it's time that management was a little more engaged to make this all happen at a better pace.

I disagree with you does not have to be mainstream just a nichemarket.

that's a great perspective; however, if you want the value of your "shares" to increase, you need a LOT of people interested and taking part.

Yes, some niches are big enough, but we need big numbers of people taking part.

Steemit does need to go more mainstream. There are a couple of things stopping that. 1 is the slow registration process. 2 is all the reward wars going on. It turns people off. 3 no one can really explain the economic model in depth how it is a sustainable platform. So many will write it off as a mlm/ponzi type of system.

But I wouldnt worry too much. Steemit doesnt spend any money on ads. Its all organic. And we're only 2 years in. In the next bullrun it will gain a lot more traction.

Regardless of its issues and shortcomings, I think it could have a fantastic future. Of course, it depends on two things, competition and or if it kills itself from the inside by communists trying to make things "fair" by destroying even more than they fix...
Trying to "even" things out, or target the "bad men" always just ends up with the "good" people turning into nazis..and no one dares to speak up, free speech is shut down, people turn their back and flee, and it ends up as a rotten hellhole. Thats what I fear..

The steem price will follow bitcoin's price, so if BTC goes down, so will steem.

However, you could make up the loss depending on how much curating income you earn.

Good choice! Ethereum is at risk of losing releavance. Steem hopefuly has some better potential.

You have the power

gonna wait a few more days and get some moar!! yum yum. Have a nice day @scandanavianlife

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