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RE: Some more thoughts on steemit.

in #steem7 years ago

Are you sure the more people use this site the more it will grow? There is no advertising in this website, so how can you quantify more#=more$$$? I'm not an economist, but it isn't always like this, otherwise there is no explanation in such high fluctuation of steem.
Of course we are early adopters, this is just the beginning and I am excited to see new technology coming up. Is there anybody that is working on what will come up after the Beta version of Steemit?

Sort: brings up some excellent points here. The bar to entry is a bit high, but in addition to what she said previously, I think a lot of that has to do with the rather limited options for finding content you might be interested in, differentiating between popular posts vs high quality content, and understanding the mechanics of whales vs the rest of us.

Even the search function is exceedingly limited. On a site where we only have 7 days to vote for a post and compensate the author, it's imperative I can see the most recent options of what I'm looking for.

So while I love me some Steemit, it's tough to get people outside the realm of "crypto" and "hot new shit" to adopt anything more difficult than what they're already using even if it might pay them for their diligence.

You should download the steemit extension

With this extension there is one more research bar that allows you to search inside steemit and it is usually the most recent and upvoted post, according to the tag word that you insert

I'm hesitant to say I'm 100% about much of anything outside of moral issues, but.. To me it makes a good amount of sense. That's how all these digital coins and money works in general, because of two major reasons.. One is they believe in it and two is they use it.

SO get enough people to believe in steemit and use it.. And I think the value will come.
That's how Facebook and YouTube started, they just never shared any of it back with the users and kept it all themselves and their investors.

In regards to there being no advertising, that's a good point, but not necessary at this stage of the game I don't think, also that could possibly change in the future, who knows.. Though I think the steem tokens have value without a need for external advertising.. I think it's sort of up to the people to decide how much steem is worth.. That's sort of how money works, it's just that most people seem to be so conditioned, controlled and brainwashed they never really think about how money works or how we could create our own money to replace the corrupt government moneys of the world.

I could be wrong about all this stuff, I don't know much.. But I feel optimistic and positive about what I do know about it all.

And.. I can't answer your last question cause I just don't know but I assume there probably is.

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