steem dollar

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Steem Dollars (CURRENCY:SBD) exchanged 12% higher against the dollar amid the twenty-four hour time frame finishing at 21:00 PM Eastern on March 27th. Steem Dollars has an aggregate market top of $36.15 million and roughly $24.16 million worth of Steem Dollars was exchanged on trades over the most recent 24 hours. In the most recent week, Steem Dollars has exchanged up 54.4% against the dollar. One Steem Dollars coin can right now be acquired for roughly $3.05 or 0.00037455 BTC on real trades including OpenLedger DEX, Bittrex, Tidex and HitBTC.

Here is the means by which related digital currencies have performed over the most recent 24 hours:

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Bitcoin (BTC) exchanged 2.6% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $8,143.29 or 1.00000000 BTC.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) exchanged up 16.1% against the dollar and now exchanges at $884.98 or 0.10870400 BTC.

(STEEM) exchanged 9.2% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $3.06 or 0.00037543 BTC.

Emercoin (EMC) exchanged up 25.1% against the dollar and now exchanges at $3.59 or 0.00044141 BTC.

BitcoinDark (BTCD) exchanged up 7.4% against the dollar and now exchanges at $65.30 or 0.00802102 BTC.

BitBean (BITB) exchanged 1.5% lower against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0255 or 0.00000172 BTC.

Peercoin (PPC) exchanged up 4.9% against the dollar and now exchanges at $2.01 or 0.00024666 BTC.

Counterparty (XCP) exchanged up 2.5% against the dollar and now exchanges at $16.68 or 0.00204914 BTC.

Experience Points (XP) exchanged down 2.3% against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0002 or 0.00000002 BTC.

Crown (CRW) exchanged up 17.7% against the dollar and now exchanges at $1.65 or 0.00020274 BTC.

Steem Dollars Coin Profile

SBD is a coin. Its dispatch date was June fourth, 2016. Steem Dollars' aggregate supply is 11,856,599 coins. Steem Dollars' authentic Twitter account is @steemit and its Facebook page is available here. Steem Dollars' legitimate site is The Reddit people group for Steem Dollars is/r/steemit and the money's Github record can be seen here. Steem Dollars' authentic message board is

As indicated by CryptoCompare, "Steem Backed Dollars or just Steem Dollars are steady esteem pegged resources issued in the stage. SBD are pegged to the estimation of the USD and can be recovered on the stage for around one dollar worth of Steem. At the point when Content makers get remunerates on the stage they are made accessible in half Steem Power, which can be recovered persistently finished a time of 104 weeks, and half SBD which can be completely reclaimed for Steem in a 5 day term. SBD can likewise be transfered on the Steem Platform and can be traded outside of the Platform. "

Purchasing and Selling Steem Dollars

Steem Dollars can be bought on these cryptographic money trades: Bittrex, OpenLedger DEX, Tidex, HitBTC and Poloniex. It isn't conceivable to purchase Steem Dollars straightforwardly utilizing U.S. dollars. Financial specialists trying to gain Steem Dollars should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum utilizing a trade that arrangements in U.S. dollars, for example, Changelly, Coinbase or Gemini. Speculators would then be able to utilize their recently obtained Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase Steem Dollars utilizing one of the previously mentioned trades.unnamed (1).jpg

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62964.22
ETH 2595.61
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74