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RE: The birds and the bulls

in #steem5 years ago

Slowpoke was amusing XD

I otherwise didn't really follow the market talk coz I'm not good at stuff like that

If this is crypto life I don't mind it but I'm kind of ignoring the trading bit, maybe that's what everyone else wants to retire from and live off their winnings earnings? XD Picket fences seem like a pain in the system, I guess if one picket rots before all the others you can kind of replace it piecemeal but then you better hope they never run out of your style of picket or learn to make your own.

I would totally have different pickets in rainbow

Also I like having three entire children XD

Also have two dogs, not sure if I want a pornstar wife

But now I'm seriously considering redoing the front fence in mismatched rainbow pickets, though a limestone wall would be much, much safer and also not going to happen unless steem skyrockets

I'm definitely not cut out for early adoption, I was actually in observer mode when steem was having its first sets of major issues since I'd joined, and I ended up staying because it weathered them well. I'm observing the other two sites I'm currently on to see how they weather theirs and if I want to reanimate as I'm a bit thingi about the decisions one of them is making and have exactly no idea whatsoever what the other one is doing.

Sorry if I've told you that already, I know I've typed something similar into the comment box on one of your posts before but I don't always actually post the comments


but then you better hope they never run out of your style of picket or learn to make your own.

make stuff by myself?? how is this magic possible?

Also have two dogs, not sure if I want a pornstar wife

Never know til you try :P

I'm a bit thingi about the decisions one of them is making

What is it doing??

make stuff by myself?? how is this magic possible?

You need tools. Whatever does the job is fine but there's a number of folk that like using the excuse of inferior tools to not do the work and play the "if only" card ;D

Never know til you try :P

I'm barely managing the family relationships I do have, adding another one in isn't going to be fair on anyone XD

What is it doing??

Recently, they introduced canonical link fields. Then they decided to withhold post payouts from any post that had a canonical link.

I don't think it's a "bad" thing as such, just a thing I eventually decided I didn't like after initially attempting to be optiimstic about it; unlike the people that are protesting it I don't feel invested enough to make a fuss and if there's enough I don't like I can just slither away quietly :)

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