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RE: The recent controversy between Steemit Inc and the community - the premine, control, and where it leads this blockchain

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I agree with everything in this post, except for the characterisation of Ned’s interpretation of the “fork as theft”, as “spin”. It is not spin - it is correct. The underlying intention may have been about holding Steemit.Inc to account, but intentions do not justify evil acts. That’s not to say that theft is ‘always’ evil, but it nearly always is. The real questions are, as I see it, is “would the Steem blockchain fail if Steemit just packed up their bat and ball and went home, and would the drastic step of threatening to take their funds make them stay and contribute in good faith?”

The answer to both, osit is, “No.”

Basically, the community is trying to force Ned and Steemit not to make life hard for them by ‘abandoning ship’, and Ned is too self-absorbed to respond to such a reasonable request rationally, thus we have the ridiculous farce that is this whole pathetic episode being blown out of all proportion.

At this point, I am starting to wonder if it would be beneficial for Steemit’s power down to fully complete so this entire community can go ‘cold turkey’ on Ned and Steemit.Inc, and then get down to the hard work of rebuilding the chain into a much less gameable system. The fundamentals are there.

Or y’all could come across to the Telos blockchain where all these inflation-gaming mechanisms were properly addressed since before launch. 😁


How is freezing a balance on Steem "theft" where as freezing a balance on EOS/Telos "governance"? I don't see the difference, except that on Steem something like that requires a hardfork where as on EOSIO it's just a line they add to their config file.

I don't disagree with most what what you've said though, just figured I'd dive into that one point.

We (@greymass) have been considering Telos as a potential chain to expand our BP/Infrastructure into, but haven't made a decision yet. Our wallet already supports it and Sqrl is largely based off our efforts :)

@jesta, if I may add something here.

Telos seems a very worthy project as you know of anyone I could contact at OpenLedger to encourage to recognize the Telos airdrop. It seems PowerPics said in Discord it is up to OL to do it, he has given them the option. I have sent OL a support ticket, no answer yet.

Another query, is greymass on ios mobile?

Thank you for your kind reply in these many comments.


Telos is definitely something we (@greymass) are looking at closely. We've been actively adding features to ensure we've got a basic level of support, have an API node running, and are talking about expanding into it more deeply. It's just a matter of time until a decision actually is made.

Another query, is greymass on ios mobile?

Not at the moment, we have been talking about mobile options, but haven't committed to anything yet. In terms of wallet tech, we're trying to do one thing and do it well, and right now that one thing is desktop focused. We'd either need to expand the team or shift focus from desktop to focus on mobile at the moment.

Thank you @jesta for your kind, informative reply.

Here's wishing you all the best.

We are fortunate to have you at Steem and Greymass.


Ah, so you’re the same Jesta that does greymass - cheers! Sqrl is an awesome wallet; thanks for laying the foundations! 👍

Based on what you said, I think I misread the situation slightly. The impression I got was that Steemit.Inc’s coins were to be confiscated, not frozen. There is a case that separating anyone from their funds by force unwillingly, even if temporarily, is theft regardless of what you call it, because it would be depriving someone of the time they save using those funds to make their lives more efficient during that time. I would even go as far as to say that your comparison of “theft” and “governance” in that context is quite apt. 😄

There are times when ‘centralised governance’ must be wielded however, whether by hardfork or config file and one can only hope the methods are appropriate to the situation, otherwise a less than harmonious result can occur. Personally, I don’t think the situation called for that type of action, and thus Ned was justified in his appraisal, but he should also have considered that the actual risk of that eventuating was very low, and not inflamed the situation with a massive knee-jerk reaction. Still, as others have pointed out, communication doesn’t seem to be his strong suit..

Re: Telos, I would highly recommend you check it out closely, as I reckon you’ll be pleased with the foresight and planning of that chain. The more I interact with the community there, the more impressed I am with their unified vision and commitment. We haven’t faced some of the challenges Steem has yet, but I think the launch group has given the platform the best possible chance of making it the premium EOSIO chain for DApp development. 👍

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