We Got This - Why STEEM Must Win In The NETCOINs Listing Contest -

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

All of the posts and emails sent to NETCOINs pointing out the obvious abusers, were fruitful. They ackgnowledged the obvious botting by VERGE and PAC in an attempt to win and will remove the portion of their votes they deem to be invalid.

They have also replaced the basic captcha implemented yesterday, with a much harder one to solve, at least for their non-human voters. This will further diminish scammers chances of gaming the system by botting and increase our chances of reaching, and staying on the, well deserved first place.

Why STEEM Must Win

The amount of activity, interaction and participation is unprecedented. We've never done something this big, so passionately and in such high numbers.

Together we have written more than a thousand posts about this contest in just four days!

This includes most of the whales and other high SP, highly reputable members of the community which have a big following here, and hundreds of smaller accounts. But its those small accounts that win the battle in the end. One vote at a time.

Even the CEO of Steemit @ned wrote an article about it.

NOTE: how he wrote STEEM needs you, not Steemit. This is crucial for some yet unaware to the fact that Steemit is not STEEM. Let's take a second to ackgnowledge this fact. Ok, now we can move on.

At least 10 users were

And some still are giving out rewards for screen caps of the vote for STEEM, some of which go up to 2$ per vote! We have never seen anything like this happen before yet, this is something this blockchain was designed to do. Incentivise certain desireable activity through appropreate rewards. It was just a matter of will the word about it spread far enough and will the "big shots" pull the triger and contribute to the goal. They did. In fact, most of them did. Including the countless other small accounts who were eager to help out because they realized that in the end, this could potentially increase the price of STEEM and thus their stake, considerably.

Take in consideration that this is something you can't do with any other traditional investment. Thus, when users/stakeholders realize this unique potential of their seemingly meaningful actions increasing their stake, they will grab and squezee any chance they get to do their part of the job that when combined with those of thousands of other users, equals to a very powerful force. One that can shift tides, in our favour.

It is exactly this notion of passively increasing our stake through activities that benefit the growth of our blockchain, that we need to instill into the community to assure future exponential growth and considerable price increases.

Such high activity, passion and gathering of the community over a shared cause was never before seen on the Steem blockchain.

None of this would be possible without the @oracle-d

They were the ones who first initiated this avalanche of activity. A 2m SP account announcing they will reward each and every vote for Steem with 1$ and articles up to 10$ was a huge success. In a matter of a day, some users dropped everything they were working on in order to do their part of the job and to contribute to a greater cause.

Soon, Steem was flooded by posts about the contest and people frantically began voting and asking their friends and family to vote. It resulted in unprecedented activity and engagement on the shared subject. This quciky turned into a battle as we realized that we are being cheated on by a couple of Shitcoins. Thankfully, NETCOINs received our messages and recognized the issue. Quickly combating further malicious activity with captcha and reviewing past votes.

Now in final days of the battle, I'm more sure than ever that Steem will win. We will win. We must.

For this I would like to thank @oracle-d because without them initiating the activity and incentivizing it through rewards. None of this would be possible. In fact, I would like to thank @oracle-d for existing in the first place.

It's a project that is destined to be a major positive influence on the future of the Steem blockchain.

Thank you all for your support. This is all on you, the Steem community

This is a proof of what we can do when the right goal is set accompanied by the right incentives. I hope to see much more of such initiatives in the future that will positively influence the currency we are using.



Done voted today @runicar image

Nice to see the community get behind something and focus on a positive rather than all the negative HF20 talk.

Exactly! Way too many people are upset about problems that came to be because of the HF which will soon be solved with RC faucets and delegates.

Yep. The outrage is actually a good sign as to how personally people are attached to the platform.

STEEM is first atm, even thoug NETCOINs still didn't rule out the fake votes. We already won if you ask me :D

They have removed the basic captcha??? No wonder I tried and tried to vote but to no avail.

Anyways am happy steem is on top now with about 100+ votes.

Cheers we will win this!

yes we will! Cya on the top :D

We are now on first place, have created a large gap to verge coin.. I can see the steem winning. Thanks to all of you guys to make it on one.

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