SNAP - Steem Downtrend Mentality - Builder VS Loser

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Looking at the general activity on the blockchain in the last couple of months there is less and less users posting as days go by. Some even went to the extreme of powering down to sell their STEEM at this ridiculous price. While they are FUDding away I'm looking for sources of fiat income to invest in more STEEM.

Downtrends should be appreciated

Even more than bull runs because, when the prices are low we get the chance to accumulate more tokens easily and invest more fiat into our favorite coins. Also, not to mention there is much less competition going on as a lot of users stop interacting with the blockchain when the $ amount they are receiving doesn't match their expectations. All while not understanding that they can earn more tokens now than they would if the price of Steem was high.

▶️ DTube

So, did you find a job in this god-forsaken country? xD

I'm glad we have the same mentality because prior to breaking my leg few days ago, I was doing the same. Trying to find a job so that I can buy some STEEM and survive a bit in this world. Now, I'm a bit fcked up so I need to do a rehabilitation but that will not stop me from believing and putting my time into STEEM.

I'm a builder! Never powered down, never exchanged STEEM for fiat or any other crypto. As much as I need it, I am here for long terms so powering down is like pissing on my 1 year work on STEEM. NO WAY! :D

Have a great day man!

hahah what do you think?

Yeah, it's frustrating to see the price go so low and not to be able to invest..... Especially when you are so into Steem and know how valuable it truly is, like we do.

I know you are! I have seen you build up your account from the bottom up. Remember when @acidyo delegated you some SP to nudge you over the 500 SP limit for the slider? You have came a long way since then and I can only see you growing at a much faster pace in the future.

First couple thousand are hard to get but after you get over that, it just gets easier by the day.

Never powered down, never exchanged STEEM for fiat or any other crypto. As much as I need it, I am here for long terms so powering down is like pissing on my 1 year work on STEEM. NO WAY! :D

Exactly! The only time I plan to power down is in the next bull run to sell some steem for a stablecoin, only so that I can get back and buy more steem when the prices inevitably pull back again.

Thanks and likewise buddy!

I think I've never been so active as I am nowadays.
Fuck it. I couldn't care less about the price.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's the way to go! I had to take a break cuz of irl stuff and the desprate need for fiat to invest in more STEEM :D

Hells yea buddy I love to see it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Builder for sure, but a slow one. Changing fiat to crypto is sometimes a challenge in my current country (Thailand), did it once last year as my first investment (and only so far) into crypto and my bank wanted to speak to me about it. Definitely did their trick in trying to scare me from further investments. Hoping that will change and need to look into the UK system of transferring fiat to crypto without (eventually) getting my bank account suspended... That's happened before with my attempts in getting into the stock market.

Posted using Partiko Android

You know how they say: One step at a time! You will get to the top if you persist at it. With the right mindset you can get over any obstacle.

That's what the system is trying to do. Scare people away from investing in the future of money.

They don't want us to get rich through investing in crypto. They want all the profits!

Yes one step at a time. Don't want to act selfish, but hoping these prices stay low until I get some $$$ for Christmas, some relatives don't know what to give me and thus give cash, which is not bad this time around.

Just waiting for the day when it becomes easy to deposit fiat in exchange for crypto (especially Steem) 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

That's not selfish at all. Anyone who is into Steem wants these low prices to stick around for a while :D I'm the same. Would love to see them around for at least a couple more months.

Yes, we are currently definitely missing a way to change fiat directly to Steem/sbd. Hope someone makes it sooner than later. Or maybe, we get listed on Coinbase :D that would be great

Yes it's better to have a more stable currency and get the foundations of some applications on Steem in the right place before soaring!

If only Coinbase were so open to the idea. They are very selective and look in the Top 5... maybe Top 10 cryptocurrencies and Steem is just in the Top 50...

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, it's about time Coinbase stops looking at market cap and looks at usability/real value of a coin, for once.

Great plan my friend! Thanks for keeping us updated and for sharing your thoughts about the "building period". I'm buying also a lot of steem in the last days and today was pay-day soooo I will spend again some € in SP. And I never stopp posting because of some exchange facts...
I continue posting, engaging, building communities and services. So I am sure a builder.

I hope you have some technical skills and you do not need to sell your body :P And if, you had some fun doing it :D

I like the thumbnail haha. Lisa showing the L ?! Never seen this before^^


I knew you were a builder @tibfox! Congratz on the investment! I still won't be able to make one of my own for at least a month but I'm pretty confident that I'll get at least a couple thousand very soon :D

Hmm.. not technical but, I guess you could call them skills 🤣

Ye, I haven't seen that one before either, but it was one of the first results for " Loser "

Thanks for stopping by!

Your comments are always appreciated brother.

Well said! I find baffling the negativity in the posts regarding price. If you think Steem has a future, then it's a great opportunity to power up! Even if it was "only" to go back to the last ATH, that's still about 3000% of profit. A few months of a similar low price, and becoming a dolphin might be possible, which makes me quite glad.

I value my free time very much, despite that I've been working all the overtime lately, to power-up as much as possible, and buy Steem Monsters card ^^

Posted using Partiko Android

I figure those who fud are only in it for the money. Us, who understand the potential are glad to see the prices tank as our beliefs aren't fueled by current prices but our vision of this chain of blocks and where it will be in a couple of years.

It's great that you recognized that and that you are powering up. GL with that goal to become a dolphin! I found it that as soon as you get to somewhere around that point, earning more Steem becomes easier with each new Steem powered up.

Don't think it's a good time to buy SM cards. Especially with crypto. Think about how much it takes, in STEEM to buy a 1$ card. Now is the time to sell all of your monsters that you don't use (cuz they will yield a lot of STEEM) and then just buy back in when the bulls com, as it will take much less steem to buy the same exact cards.

That way, you will have all of your cards and a lot of STEEM profit.

Indeed, it's the difference between long-term users and short-term speculators.

Thanks for the encouragement!

That's a fair point about Steem Monsters, but I disagree because their value is tied to USD, not Steem. Booster packs are 2$, and now we can buy a legendary dragon for 2.50$, which seems very underpriced because statistically one would need to buy 20 booster packs to get a legendary. Also, Steem may take months to recover a good price, while SM will probably see a significant rise in value as soon as tournaments are open.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ye, I've noticed their price reduced a bit but the only point I wanted to make is that last time when I was buying booster packs (during the bull run) I was getting at least one pack per STEEM, usually more :D Now it takes how much? like 6 Steem per pack.

That's why I see no point in spending Steem/SBD on them right now.

But if you have fiat to invest in, then yes, it's definitely a good time to buy some monsters as they are less costly than usual.

Btw, do you know why Alpha cards corst more than Beta?

Wow >1 pack per Steem ^^
Indeed probably a bad idea to purchase cards with Steem which was bought at that price.

Alpha cards costs more mainly because you need to combine less alpha cards than beta to level up. Also there may be alpha-exclusive tournaments. Personally I'd rather buy beta cards to level-up those I got from packs (I am a late-comer).

Yeah, I bought like 150 packs at a ridiculously low price (Steem-wise) when the game was first announced, a long time ago :D

I had no idea they are easier to lvl up. It's quite hard , tbh :D
Alpha-oonly tournaments? Nice, I only have alpha cards, except a couple which I got from season rewards.

I’ve been scraping for the paper to invest, too! I hope these prices stay low for a while. I’m gonna invest more if I have anymore money after the holidays! Keep posting!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The struggle is real hahaha nowadays it's easier to earn crypto then fiat hahah

To me it is more interesting what happens to SMTs. Right now I am in the versy bad situation to pay back all investors of the 1UP project because we basically cannot provide anymore. I will probably have to power down my SP for that. Thank you, Steemit!

I hate to be negative but I think of Stinc as very incompetent and useless. They should hand over the job of writing the code for the blockchain to a community of devs like Utopian. They obviously can't keep up.

A community of devs would get it done much faster than a team of devs, imo.

Also, having a centralized entity in charge of this makes no sense to me.

At 0:42 the bee (i think) photo bomb!! Good idea with the price low and great attitude. I guess I'm a builder. Best of luck to you. Cheers.

hahaha had to rewatch to see it cuz I didn't notice at first. Glad you appreciate my thoughts and to hear that you are a builder!

Best of luck on your way up!

Yes buy the dip. I'm keen to be part of the next wave of builders. Just joined last month or so. Keen to find out how to attract more Steem tokens and upvotes if you have any ideas to share for a noob. Many thanks

If only I had the funds QQ

I'm glad you ask because it made me go through your content to see what you post about. Must say that I really clicked with what you are doing on here but definitely see a lot of points where you can improve upon to get better results.

This is such a broad topic I could write an entire article about it which I won't do now but I'll give you some pointers:


  • Seprate text into smaller, easily readable blocks
  • Use images in your posts, depending on the length and context a couple images make a post look better than without, also -> thumbnails are very important, make them stand out
  • Make your post look pretty with markdown (titles, quotations, lists, divs, etc)


  • Post more often
  • Meaningfully engage with others - > Crucial, key for success
  • Use dapps like @dlike, @dtube, @actifit, @musing, etc (they reward their users with upvotes)

There is a lot more to earning more on STEEM but, these are some basics.

I would like to go in depth about this with you. As mentioned, I really enjoyed your content and woud love to share everything I know about this place with you. I know quite a lot that could potentionally help you on your Steem journey. I see a lot of potential in you.

Please contact me on discord It would be a shame for your talent to be underappreciated.

My nick is runicar#1726

Or on SteemChat as Runicar

Hey great to hear from you @runicar. Many thanks for your inspiring words of advice. I will implement what you suggest.

The dapps sound very helpful. I will contact you on the chat.

Always glad to help. Dapps are currently the best way to earn some Steem and gather an audience. First 1k SP is hard to reach but after that, it just starts raining Steem!

Think it took me around half a year to get to 1k. Then I got to 4k in like 3 months. Rest is history :D

Definitely hit me up. You deserve to be getting much more than you currently are, and I think I know how to get you there.

Interesting, so dapps are the way to go. I will look them up and join in. I sent you a Discord friend request. Wow climbing the SP ladder sounds exciting, your experience is much appreciated.

I'm still getting to understand the different currencies, three of them it seems, Steem dollars, pegged to the $; Steem, the actual cryptocurrency, and Steem power. SP allows for more curator influence and a higher monetary value that one gives with each upvote I presume. What is the value of "powering down"? Or is it preferable to simply keep accumulating one's SP? I guess it's a juggle of values, trading some of one's SP for crypto or accumulating it for influence on the Steemit platform here, as a curator.

I have refrained from using photos but should probably just take my own photos and upload them.

Yep, it's much easier to get a vote from a dapp then by a whale, or anyone else for that matter :D

Yeah, SBD is supposed to be a stablecoin but as we see it's far from it currently.

Yes, more Steem, powered up into SP gives users more influence (upvote value). I delegated you 50 SP because not having it can greatly restrict your activity on the blockchain. SP is bandwidth for the blockchain. Without it, one can't do much here. At 0 SP, user can post something like 1 article or 3 comments and then he/she needs to wait for it to recharge.

If you run into the restriction even with my delegation, tell me and I'll delegate another 50 SP.

Powering down is just a way to get SP out and into STEEM. It takes 13 weeks and each week users get 1/13 of the total SP in form of STEEM. It's best to, as yo usaid, just accumulate more tokens as SP. Not only do you get more influence, thus curation rewards but, you also get 2% APR for each and every one of your SP.

Accepted you on discord, hit me up when you wanna talk. I hate writing much, and there is so much to talk about so, better to just voice chat when you are free.

Hey there, very kind of you @runicar. I never realized but your donation is probably keeping me able to post and comment. You are setting a good example. I will keep using the SP to write and comment on the platform, let's see how far it goes.
Discord is the place to chat further then.
Here at my home in Africa I don't always have full access to the internet. It depends where I am on the day, as I move around for work. Will look you up on Discord to chat further. Thanks again.

Hey Julian! Np, I always like to support new Steemians. Especially when I run into someone who I think has great potential to make it on this platform.

I'll get in touch with you on discord very soon. Looking forward to letting you know about all the ins and outs of this place!

Chat to you soon!

This is a DtubeSnapQ haha. Damn straight bro, make that FIAT to get more! I'm dropping another $100 today!

Didn't plan it to be a Q but I guess that's what it turned out to be. Congratz! One step at a time.

Cya on the top!

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