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RE: What Type of Friend Are YOU?

in #steem7 years ago

Great post, I liked the categories of friends, I can relate to having a couple of each as well as probably being each type at some point in time.

A little off topic but on the topic of friendships I've found that it's tough to find genuine friends that are are reliable, people you can count on, or even people you can talk to about serious topics.

I don't know if it's a millenial thing or just people today or maybe just me but it seems like so many "friendships" of today are much more so acquantanceships than friendships. I used to have a big group of friends and after some time I kind of began to realize they may be fun people to go to the bar with but when it really comes down to it few if any would be willing to do me a favor or go out of their way for me in anyway. This was kind of disapointing to me as I tend to put a lot of effort into friendships and would do almost anything for my friends. A couple years back I finally decided to kind of cut people out of my life if they weren't contributing to it or if they werent "down ass" people for lack of a better word. I figure why waste my limited time and energy on people who wouldn't do hte same for me.

Just curious if any others find it difficult to find real friends these days.

My grandpa has a couple buddies he meets for coffee or breakfast once a month or so who he's known for ages. I remember he always told me if you find one good friend who your friends with your whole life, and who's a true friend etc consider yourself lucky.


You are absolutely right. People are a lot less loyal and much more fickle so we tend to lose more friends than we can even make and we push people away after they've made one mistake without looking inward at our imperfect selves. I currently have found teens of be friends that have actually become "real" friends. We hang out, have dinner, sleep over, and play all the time. It's like i stepped into an alternate universe. The one thing that i can say worked was changing my perspective of who i thought I'd be good friends with and just allowed myself to be vulnerable. I hope that works for you. Everyone needs a good group of friends like i am fortunate have.

I have one buddy who I rarely hangout with, were both pretty busy and have girlfriends and stuff but whom I can pickup the phone and would drop what he was doign to come help me with something and vice versa. I can talk to him about serious stuff, ask him for advice, etc. The rest of my "friends" are more casual acquantances who would break plans last minute the second something better came up to do. I find a lot of people are like that these days but like you said if you find a good friend keep them around.

Ugh. There's nothing I can't stand more than flakes. I have no tolerance for them. I just kick those so-called "friends" to the curb. They ruin plans, cost money and can't be counted on. Good friends are like a good barber. You hold on to them until they literally die. lmao

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