
Really enjoyable read. You've certainly captured many of the possibilities and sense of optimism that I share.

As a homeschooling/unschooling mom, writer and internet entrepreneur, I have found Steemit a fascinating introduction into the world of cryptocurrencies. The whole subject is sooo foreign to me, yet fascinating.

Steemit has the opportunity to bridge the gap between the whole field of crypto and ordinary people for whom the topic is fairly daunting. Combining it with the incredible leverage of social media could be a WINNING combination.

I invite you and yours to participate in my interactive cryptography class that begins with an introduction to group theory. This will be a class that builds up the mathematical background of cryptocurrencies, including some basic notions from game theory.

Thanks, Matthew! I just followed you.

Awesome, thanks for sharing this!

I was contemplating yesterday how Game Theory might apply to Steem and thought it'd make a great piece to share. However, I really don't know anything about it beyond the little bit that was shared in "A Beautiful Mind." Cool to see that you've provided the next step in learning about it (and especially how it may apply here). :-)

No problem. Although, I would be happy with some more discussion / questions from people who would like to learn, what's unclear, etc.

I think the game theory aspects are quite interesting. The language is a bit troublesome, sometimes, but it's not so bad at the end of the day. Or maybe it is to those who are allergic to math!

Hi @complexring, it looks like you and I should collaborate. I'm working on a series on the game theory of Steem; I'd covet any discussions or input you have to offer.

Your enthusiasm shines through in your writing, and is contagious. ;)

thanks Victor.

I seem to have either developed or naturally have an ability to tap into the vision & potential of others, and sometimes articulate it well. as such, I'm not even sure if I can really claim it as my own enthusiasm - as much as I tend to pick it up from others and simply serve in helping amplify/spread their visions from a slightly different perspective in slightly different language, that may be more accessible to a wider range of audiences...

and hopefully, that IS contagious and passes on - because once somebody else (such as you, for example) gets a glimpse of the vision cracked open through my words, they/you can also pass it on with your own unique insight and perspectives, allowing that initial vision and enthusiasm to reach even further to more people whom might not have resonated with the way I or the people before me put it...

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