
I had to sell off 400 steam (luckily at its high) - which was 80% of my rewards at that point - and then received moral indignation ' you should have done...blah blah blah...'

Always count on socialist mentality to turn on you and get nasty. Always, sooner or later..

freedom of choice- as long as you do as I say..

Honey! Are u home? Ye yes I m 😜😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

You haven't brought Tarzan with you , then?

Who’s THAT 😜

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some dude who promised vines or something...and has incontinence problems.

No worries! Stories take time

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Your Steem is your Steem, I can't imagine anyone giving anyone grief for doing what they need to do with their own Steem. I know some people get a little bent out of shape when others start to power down, but we really can't know the circumstances that anyone else is in. Far be it from us to judge them.

So in your opinion, from that perspective:

Do you feel it’d be best for me to confront this user directly to call him out on his parasitic conduct, or let it slide and find peace with this little vermin stealing his crumbs for coffee money...?

Maybe it would be “incorrect” of me to judge. Though at the same time...

(I did it anyway. And it feels fucking great. )

At the end of the day you have to do what is best for you. Now you have me scared that it is me. 😃 I can't ever remember telling you what to do with your Steem though. If it's not me, in the grand scheme of things do you think it will make a difference? Beyond the initial gratification. I react to a lot of things right away when really I should just ignore it for a while then come back to it. I'd never fault anyone for doing what they want with their stake to pay bills though. If I have in the past, I admit that was wrong of me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Now you have me scared that it is me

Oh, there’d be no wondering if it was. Ha! (And remember: everything is public on the blockchain. ;-) )

in the grand scheme of things do you think it will make a difference?

Perhaps not. Though that isn’t really consolation for the fact that some cunt who judgementally infringes upon my free right of choice how to exercise the voting power over what I’ve earned is parasitically leeching rewards off the value I create.

I react to a lot of things right away when really I should just ignore it for a while then come back to it

I’ve sat on this one for a while. and it probably woulda eaten me up had I swallowed it and said nothing. I’m not expecting this parasite to go away just like that, but at least I’ve said my peace and honoured myself through voicing it out.

Well, you are right then, probably best not to swallow it. That can be more toxic than airing it all out. If it makes you feel better everyone kind of leeches off of everyone here... Not everyone tells each other how to manage their affairs though...

I hope you get it all sorted out. Sounds like it has been festering for a while.

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SMH react! Your stake is your stake, and your liquid currency is your liquid currency! Isn’t that the point of this place?

One would assume.

Though its seems everyone has their own ideals here at times...

I am still wishing one day where my steem power will be more than enough to pay my daily bills

Wishing is a far less effective means of bringing about such a desired outcome than putting in the action to create such an outcome. (Not to blindly imply that anyone could do it just based on desire and action alone.)

Looks like you’re off to a decent start with consistently posting reasonably-quality content, though... :-)

Yes. And thank you for that comment. I hope one day my wish comes true. But please also if i may ask. What is the though... Is there anything wrong i am also doing that you feel is not bad. You can also advise me on that

Is there anything wrong i am also doing that you feel is not bad

Guessing you what you mean could have the “not” removed, as this doesn’t make sense.


What is the though

This doesn’t make sense either.


Clear questions lead to clearer answers...



We have a lot of them walking the world the world today and they are found everywhere. The funny thing is people outta ignorance thinks they are the ones doing the right thing. To all (altruistic-narcissist) in my life I say middle finger to them all.

IMO: Only a fool feeds other people when he’s very hungry , that doesn’t make him a hero but a dumb ass who would die of hunger ( my proverb )


While you may be correct, the first antisemitic GIF is totally inappropriate.

I ask you to remove it.

Educate me, how is it antisemitic

glad I'm not the only one confused...

the idea of a homeless guy giving thumbs up "anti-semetic...?"

I seriously thought he was joking.

but apparently we are the retards that need this explained... **which this "stereotypes of Jews" wikipedia page does not clarify.

so yes, @nomad-magus, please do educate us like we're braindead four year olds:

what it you find so offensive?

that the guy is white?
wearing trousers?
giving thumbs up?

is one thumbs up okay, but two is "anti-semetic?"

would blue trouser-straps be okay, but its his striped ones that are politically-incorrect?

Please do enlighten us intellectual-peasants.

He may have meant "anti-memetic" or something ..

Posted using Partiko Android

Then why post a link to Jewish stereotypes...?

Joking. The guy is obviously off his rocker or just having a very bad day.

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I am also very confused

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Yeah, I'm still missing it. Anyways,...

Meeee tooooo

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A bald homeless giving two thumbs up...?

You gotta be fucking joking me.

A beggar with that look on his face giving two thumbs up - a sign of approval, the equivalent of a vote - is perfectly appropriate for the subject matter, hence the reason it was chosen.

If you disagree, you have blatantly failed to understand the meaning of my post.

Any “anti-semetism” you see is the consequence of your own perceptive filters, cognitive bias, and projection.

Any “anti-semetism” you see is the consequence of your own perceptive filters, cognitive bias, and projection.

Actually you are right. I took a closer second look at the GIF. For me, and i may not be the only one, that beggar looks like the archetype Jew. But, your comments clearly clarity that it was not your intention. I am taking my initial comment back although not deleting it for the sake of other readers who might have the same bias that I had.

I appreciate and respect your acknowledgment. 👊🙏

Meee toooo

Posted using Partiko iOS


well, the beauty of Steem is you can create your own dapp... and then censor any users you choose to. (Re: Musing.)

Already did.
Still, i expected otherwise from you.

You are joking, right...?

extraordinary works.
i have to learn a lot from you,i resteem @rok-sivante


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