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RE: Why Steemit is so important: in one picture

in #steem7 years ago

Absolutely don’t understand why the American population can’t see how we’re being controlled by the few outlets. In fact it’s interesting because I logged into #instagram for the first time in a while and noticed every third post was an ad! How much I’ve been spoiled with being on #steemit without the clutter which I don’t care to see.

Every industry has its top level control and yet now with decentralized networking it gives the opportunity for people to be less censored 🤬 although it does happen here as well.

I saw one post earlier today that was flagged because it made fun of least qualified President in American history.

To changing the world 🌍 one Steemian at a time ⏱


I had to smile about the ads on Instagram- back over christmas I realized that every third or forth post on facebook was an ad... and I finally blew a gasket and spent two hours going through my feed and deleting every ad and clicking on "not relevant to me"... poor facebook bots now are very confused as to whether ANYTHING is "relevant" to me :D

This is why the day I discovered Steemit was the last day I opened Fakebook.

I'm almost there my friend.... just cleaning up loose strings...


I'm almost there yet still #steemit doesn't provide localized content which is the only reason the need for the other platforms still exist with children in the house.

If you really want to confuse it, reset your advertisement ID and then it’ll have to start from scratch. I reset mine every couple of months and now almost everything that pops up is useless which makes it easier for me to spot.

Can you turn off facebook , twitter, gab, Television, ........... and program yourself? Remember it is the World Wide Web, a web catches things and never sets them free!

  • Yes, of course, that is true, it's caught yet that doesn't mean you need to SEE IT... Therefore resetting the advertising ID on your phone will prevent the garbage from displaying in your face.

  • You can also spend most of your browsing time in incognito mode and do your searching on

  • Or you can fall victim to the endless marketing (which I'm a part of) in your face.

@rockmandown I agree I use Blur and Ublock orgin and I don't see adds anywhere. So I am in control. I have used duckduckgo since they came online.
I keep my cell phone in a metal box behind my desk when I am not driving. I turn it off unless I am expecting a call. I only pay 40 dollars a year for my cell phone service. here
I have a land line for most of my calls.
I use Ubuntu on a computer I built. No windows or spyware inside. Its AMD.

"Absolutely don’t understand why the American population can’t see how we’re being controlled by the few outlets. "

I reckon they do understand. A significant portion of the population is relieved that they are being controlled. That control is what they desire. A tiny minority is aware of it - and participating in the control. The majority has been subjected to indoctrination via public school and wholly owned media their entire lives. Some of them are brainwashed to believe that this propaganda is in their best interest. Some believe other media is just as controlled by equally venal sources, such as Russian Hackers. Others that 'conspiracy theorists' are vain puffing against a hurricane, or misguided.

The rest of us actively seek out media sources that aren't nothing more than propaganda.

Totally agree!


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