Do NOT Force it When Blogging/Vlogging...If you Miss a Day or Two Don't Panic :)

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


Last week I missed a day that I planned to blog. Just got busy with family things and did not have time.Also I know sometimes in the past I have not Blogged for a day or so because I had nothing to blog about ( which quite frankly is rare for me lol).So I waited til I regained my natural flow of writing something of interest to Steemit and my audience !

My point is...

Don't force things when creating new Content. Some days it will just not be there and you need to take a break. It should be a natural process when creating a blog or vlog post.

Don't worry...

You're Followers will still be there if you take a little break. That's the magic of Steemit. We have a feed and you will instantly be in their Feed once you decide to come back and blog.


It is obvious to most seasoned readers and consumers of Content when you are putting out material just for the sake of putting out material. So spare yourself the humiliation by posting to your blog only when you have something of substance to talk about.

Cheers to great content,
Robert Andrew
Source of Image at Top



I just forced myself to write this comment because I know it's so easy for me to get lazy and just hit the upvote button or even easier to just delegate my steem power. So i think it's actually a good idea to force yourself to do things because just starting an act usually has a snowballing effect in a good direction.

There is some Truth in that Ed. Thanks for pointing that out :)

Good counsel quality over quantity. When there is no inspiration to write, i just relax and read from others. By reading from others i draw inspiration of things to write for the next few days.

So my dear friends, when there is nothing to write, you just have to relax.

Dont force it!

Amen to that , brother

What if someone doesn't post for a month? (Asking for a friend.) ;P

Well that;s fine @snowpea. It happens, Just tell the friend to jump back in and start plugging away :)

Great attitude! I'll let her know. ;)

Yes!!! I feel you back right there! Especially now it is the busiest month of the year.. but I do make sure that I get to post once or twice within a week.. ❤


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This hits pretty close to home for me as I used to really freak out when I didn't have something to write about. I think there is that fear that you are going to have a mass follower exodus if you don't post something every day and that could be devastating if you don't have a good base built. It doesn't drive me as crazy as it used to. There are some days I just don't have anything to write about, so I go over to musing and answer a few questions and I am still engaging on the blockchain even though I am not blogging.

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